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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MDPV/200 mg) Euphoria, dysphoria and incredible horniness

just coming down from high with Eight Ballz

sold in 5g bag - should have used half now and half at a different time but did not listen to store clerk. First half was great, second half (about 1 hour later) not as good. Can't get erection but really horny. Should have taken smaller amounts over time. Snorted only.
Still feeling effects of mdpv

It is now almost 24 hours after I snorted my first mdpv. Did not sleep at all last night. Muscle coordination is bad, Hard to walk and write. I think I overdid it yesteray. Hope this goes away soon.
I insufflated a 200mg pack over the course of twelve hours. It's much more powerful than I had expected and I probably should have been more cautious with it being my first time and all.

Anyway, I'm pretty experienced with abusing amphetamines (adderall) and I'd say this is a decent substitute. The crash isn't as bad as most of the reviews led me to believe it would be. The initial high comes kind of slow, so don't just keep doing bumps (definitely don't do lines!) until you're fucked up. My only real complaint is that it is a very "greedy" drug, you just keep doing it until it's gone...kinda like cocaine.

I won't use it too often, but I'd recommend it to someone experienced with uppers who is looking to get speeded out. It made me play guitar 10x better and just really focus on things in general. If you've done coke, the comedown is nothing that a few beers won't fix.

As much as I enjoyed it, it should definitely be banned though. It is very powerful and things/people get really weird if you're up for a few days doing hard drugs. Moderation is key, but some people don't have the control to use moderation...especially with something that makes you want more and more. Be careful and don't expect to sleep!
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Hi there,

I wanted to post a trip report for this fairly new legal product partly as a warning to those thinking of indulging.

Moderators - I hope this is allowed - in no way am I discussing sources but I think important to warn/inform people about this product as it is a new one and starting to emerge on the market.

Firstly, I understand that everyone reacts differently to substances and in some respects I could be considered pretty reckless in this instance. However I am sure that there is a lot more room for recklessness with this one and so think it is important for people to be aware of the strength of this product (by some standards we were sensible and with less research we would have done ALOT more to start!).
In summary the whole experience was not necessarily negative (IMO there is no such thing as a bad experience, just experience) but I could see how it could have got a great deal worse.

I have not posted this to be lectured on being irresponsible (me and my girlfriend will compartmentalise this experience to help shape our future behaviour, if anything it was needed to be frank).

Secondly, apologies if this is a little long winded – I fancy myself as a novelist (which clearly I am not), and am also at work trying to put off working.

Finally please note that doses are very rough in this report (and also I think that, if this product does contain MDPV diluted with filler, then how can you even know how much MDPV you are taking? if in powder could you just be unlucky and get all the MDPV in one go? Answers on a postcard)

So, some background info etc. Am mid 20’s with a wealth of drug experience; relating to this report am fairly experienced with stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine, crystal meth etc.).

Purchased 200mg of this product “Ivory Wave” (bought from a headshop and I was hoping it would be 3-FMC/ Flephedrone which I greatly enjoy).

My girlfriend and I had been out all day at an art exhibition with a friend and once we got home I looked up this substance on the internet. As with all these new legal highs (bath salts...) you can never really know what is in them unless an analysis has been done. However with this one there is little to no information I could find from a Google search at this stage, other than potentially it could contain MDPV. Hmmm – a little worrying for me.

Following this I was a little bit disappointed, as was hoping it would be Fleph or Meph (which I like). SO I put it in the cupboard (well left it on the desk) with the view that I would not touch it, given I did not know what on earth was in it......
(OK, so that should be the end of the trip report but clearly not, otherwise the title would be a bit misleading)...........

So, fast forward, after a couple of drinks and meeting some friends at the pub we go back to theirs and embark on a little coke session. Had a real good night (Me and GF had about 0.75g of good quality coke between us and quite a few beers). Lots of good conversation etc. and had a lovely evening. Fantastico. Marvellistic.

Me and my girl rocked back home at about 4am or so, a little high and generally in good spirits. By this time we had already decided that we would try a little of this (brown) substance just to see - we are curious cats.
You know what happens to that cat though; curiosity got the better of it, RIP.

So, from the 200mg I made a couple of tiny lines (N.B. all doses in this report are eyeballed and so I know I can’t be accurate) – they were VERY small anyhow (about 10mg?). (NOTE ALSO THAT PACKET SAID 200mg - COULD HAVE BEEN MORE OR LESS).

Did them, waited 15 – 20 minutes – nothing bad happened (and nothing good happened, perhaps a little lift).

We are being responsible here (or are we?)....

Right, OK. Let’s make some slightly bigger ones, this time about 30-50mg (again all guesswork but they were small, compared to lines of other substances I take, I reckon 40mg, probably less).

Hardly any sting from this.

The effects of this little line were definitely felt. A very Adrenal rush, quite clear headed at this stage. We were very talkative and the body rush was more physical IMO.
I mean this in the sense there was a real push, fast heart rate, pumping body that I would consider not a Euphoric rush but a physical one if that makes sense. However I would still consider this ‘Euphoric’ (in the sense I felt good). We were thinking pretty fast and conversation flowed.

Also I am now feeling FUCKING horny. More so than any other drug I have ever taken (even meth!). Me and my girlfriend look up some more information on this drug on the net. I actually posted something on bluelight and dictated what I wanted to type to her which makes us both EVEN hornier...

Now I don’t want to turn this trip report into a graphic sex novel but we were loving this stuff. My girlfriend started doing some creative writing and to cut a long story short a huge sex session ensued (which continued in various guises for the rest of the report and until we went to bed the following evening).

So why the warning at the top??!

We were both feeling REALLY good.

Great; I chopped up some even bigger lines (this seemed like a good idea because clearly I was pretty high and feeling really good and wanted more of the same, unfortunately when charged like this you feel a little invincible).

These were the biggest and final lines we did (I would estimate +50mg).

So, are we still being responsible?

Note this was about 1-2 hours after the first dose and I had already had some slightly peripheral dysphoria (I thought more would just get me back to that good place).
I was also feeling a little weird already, as although was enjoying this substance I did find it very pushy and there was a massive physical load (a sicky kinda rush, you know the feeling).

Snorted this next line (well most of it)....

To get to the point ended up feeling really fucking scattered. I think I enjoyed it less than my girlfriend (perhaps I had metabolised it faster and hit my comedown first but she is also alot more experienced with stimulants in general). Note that my girlfriend was sick at some point - I have an iron stomach and generally, as a rule, never sick.

I felt majorly dysphoric. Funny how we loved the small dose but that second dose just killed it and sent us into a bad space.

We both felt like our hearts were in our mouths (not in a romantic way) and I felt more scattered than I ever have (even from crystal meth or amphetamine which leaves me really scattered!). I was really spun. My heart was racing clearly way too fast and couldn’t focus on anything. I think this was the ‘up’ of this if that makes sense – like being on an amphetamine comedown but that was the actual high itself!

So for me a dysphoric high, my girlfriend claimed she was in her element at one point but later got this same dysphoria.

So the high was just a scatter! It is a really pushy adrenal rush from this drug and I have heard people use the phrase ‘jumping out of my skin’ but never really felt like this – this is a very good analogy for how I felt. I was Mr. King of Tension, the tension lord. Felt very tripped out (not in a nice trip way just a messy horrible way).

I would like to point out that we did not really panic at any point or start thinking we better call an ambulance etc. But I noticed (later that morning/day) a red rash on both our chests and while I was high, at times I actually found it hard to catch my breath.

I was close to being very worried (I think this wasn’t helped by the fact that I have been reading alot about 4-MMC and blue knee syndrome etc.

Please note though that these physical side effects were REAL! Never have a physical problem with any other stims even at high dosages.

The night/morning/day went on and despite feeling SPUN we still had fun and continued the most amazing sex session I have ever had - it was fantastic. Even though we were scattered this was more than possible.

At points we were thinking of finishing the tiny bit left (so hard to give you guys accurate doses but this packet was labelled 200mg and there was maybe 25-50mg left?). I am very glad we didn’t and dissuaded my girlfriend from doing so (only because I had hit the comedown and felt that more would just make it worse in the long run and just put off the inevitable horrible dysphoria).

By about 4pm (we had been up all night) we were feeling majorly scattered. I would like to point out that we are both fairly experienced with stimulants (my GF ex IV amphetamine/meth user) but this stuff made us rush really hard and scattered us more than any other stimulant experience. My GF reckon this was a stronger rush (not necessarily better but more physical) and 'ping' than IV meth!

I had already called my bro at about 11am hoping they could drop off some Nitrazapam to calm me down (I had been feeling nasty and dysphoric since the second dose at circa 8/9am, first dose was at 6ish am, second dose was 8ish/9ish am). Annoyingly they couldn’t drop these round - they left me to die!
At my worst point of panic I was thinking I really needed them - I was mega jumpy/jerky and sketchy. Mmmm.

So the sex session continued interdispersed with talk about how scattered and spun we felt!
We also had a lot of good discussions about our relationship, how we felt and all that jazz. So in many respects the drugs affects (both good and bad) provided a good therapeutic outlet and channel to bring us closer.

So at about 4pm/5pm we decided to get our shit together, eat a little and go pick up those Nitrazpams.
I was immensely Spun and paranoid but this was helped by a little food/fuel for my body and some orange juice.

I rarely get paranoid on drugs/drug comedowns (weed makes me paranoid hence I don’t smoke it anymore) but I really did not want to leave the house and face ‘society’/public or any mass murderers that might be waiting around the corner. I was real para and delicate!

By this time our bodies felt pretty fucked (although this is probably due to being up all night, little food and lots of sex + Ivory Wave).

We made it to the Nitrazapam though (and felt better once we got some fresh air and sunshine) and necked 12.5mg. We got home and had a good feed and began to feel alot better, the panic dissipated and I think we were just both thankful to have made it through the experience unscathed.

To be honest I think we were still rushing a little at 8pm so about 13 hours after first dose and the Nitrazepam took the edge off. Thank fuck for jellies! I just passed out on the bed at some point and had a good nights sleep.

I woke up today feeling OK but just a little tired, my girlfriend is fine and the rashes on our chests have all but gone and we are going to have a chilled evening tonight.

In summary this was a very difficult experience. I think we were a little irresponsible to ourselves because we had already done lots of coke and had been up all night. To be honest I think if we had not re dosed we would have been fine.

The high is very physical and pushy – real adrenal and for me I could see it becoming potentially psychotic with more, and possibly very hard (to the point of being damaging perhaps) on the body. This is not psychosomatic but a real thing. You have been warned.

I don’t know if I have conveyed how dodgy and sketchy some points of this night were – we didn’t panic but were very concerned about our physical well being and we are just so glad that the adverse affects subsided. We can normally handle our drugs but this was a tough one because it was just so physical, not much you can really do to stop that apart from taking some more drugs (downers) to remedy that.

It is funny because the rush cranked down perhaps 5-8 hours from dosing and reminded me of Fear and Loathing when he talks about the ‘adrenachrome’ and how it moves down from 240 volts to 120 volts! Classic!

Please be very careful with this substance.

The reason we thought it important to put a warning on here because we read on one forum that someone had consumed 0.75g to themselves in one night (that made us feel better about our own predicament and lowered the panicking!). Go easy.

We did get some good things from this and some bad things also and it has bought us closer together (as traumatic episodes do!).

To me this would be used merely as a sex drug and I think that dosage is very important which seems hard to do as god knows what or how much active compound is in this.

I think that it is best to avoid re-dosing if you are ‘high’ (even if you think it is wearing off), as it will most likely last longer than you think, that was the mistake we made and deeply regretted it! Although regrets are pointless.

I am frustrated and angry at these legal high people because they do not give any real information on what is in these products – this is only based on their own greed and making more money. However the real choice does lie with us, the consumers so can't really blame anyone!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would not consider us lightweights but this shit is strong.

I think we are interested in trying MDPV but most likely in pure form and carefully dosed. From reading reports I think perhaps there could be some other active ingredients in this but who knows.

Thanks for reading and please please please be careful, we were lucky here in my opinion and things could have been a lot worse! Make sure if you know someone who is going to take this that you have told them to go easy!

Right, back to work =D


Note that despite all the above just been on the phone to the girlfriend and thinking how that tiny bit could provide the energy for another wonderful sex ssession - now you can definitely call me irresponsible!

We will see...

I am addicted to pleasure!

Just one humble advice for you future novelist "the donkey goes last" (My gril friend and I)
Anyway it is very stimulant to read reviews like these, well written.
Hope you ´re out of this ivory shit