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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MDPPP) - 58mg (total) insufflated - nice stim way more useful than MDPV


Jun 11, 2006
3',4'-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone aka MDPPP.

t+0:00 - Sniffed 27mg. Looks, smells and tastes very similar to MDPV, but more mild. First effects felt in ~10 mins. Feels a little jittery. Feel a bit of euphoria come on after ~20 mins. No hornyness felt like with MDPV. At 35 minutes its reached a plateau, but i'm overall not impressed. I am someone who vastly prefers amphetamines/releasers, so this isn't really unexpected.

There is some physical jitters, holding my arms out my hands shake more than when sober. Mental jitters are there, but not as bad as with MDPV, and I don't feel any paranoia or anxiety as with MDPV. Its more like the feeling methylphenidate gives me, that internal jittery feeling that d-amphetamine totally lacks.

I also notice the stoning effect others talk about, just that feeling I sorta want to stare off into space, not that motivated to do anything. Reminds me of buphedrone, which has a very strong stoning effect which takes away from the good stuff, the reason I like stimulants, the drive to get interested in things and get stuff done. Its not that strong though, just there in the background.

t+0:50 - Sniffed another ~11mg.

t+1:05 - Sniffed another ~9mg. Feeling pretty good.

t+1:15 - Much better than earlier :). I like this stuff. I strangely feel less jittery than earlier with the added doses, more euphoric and stimulated in good ways, am chatting like mad on AIM right now. No sense of anxiety or paranoia. The background euphoria seems to counteract the mental/physical jitteryness noticed earlier at the lower dose. It reminds me of cocaine, a similar background feeling, but its been many years since i've had coke so who knows.. more cok-ey than MDPV I guess.

t+1:35 - Sniffed another ~11mg. I measured out 33mg and split off a third. Feeling pretty fantastic, although not as good as some d-meth or d-amphetamine. Surprisingly calm.. but the 11mg more hasn't kicked in yet - I doubt its gonna tilt me towards anything uncomfortable though. Surprisingly I like this stuff, for a NDRI/DARI (whichever it would be classified as) its pretty good, better than methylphenidate, definitely. I'm typing that as i'm feeling good though, i'll know more later/tomorrow after i've completely come down and can analyze the experience sober.

t+2:00 - Eeek.. Starting to feel a little over stimulated mentally and physically, similar but not as bad as doing a bit too much MDPV. Hints of paranoia and sensitivity to sounds. I'm definitely done with the redosing (still got 22mg laid out since the last 11mg bump).

t+3:00 - Calmed down a bit. Feeling good, the paranoia/overstimulated stuff went away.. Been chatting on IM, and working on this neighbor's mp3 player (downloading music and trying to figure out a file error problem). Nicely motivated. Still on an even plateau with no urges to re-dose (unlike MDPV).

t+4:10 - Coming down softly.. slowly wearing off, no real urge to re-dose.


Overall not a bad stimulant. Smoother come up/down compared to methylphenidate (IR). I started dosing around 2pm, and by 2am that night I was able to fall asleep pretty easily. I think i'd rather have methylphenidate though, this stuff has hints of the bad parts of MDPV as soon as you pass a certain dose level, which methylphenidate doesn't have. Its waaay better than MDPV for most reasons, except MDPV would be a way better sex drug.
Of the three pyrrolidinophenones I have worked with, MDPPP was by far best. Far superior to MDPV and aPVP
Is this available in the UK? i would of thought that with PV illegal this would follow due to structural similarity. but then again i'm no chemist.
sounds exactly like what mdpv was like for me before it went out of control.....
Cheers for the report. Nice and concise.

Have a fresh 500mg I will be looking to experiment with in the near future.
Sounds like an excellent alternate to MDPV. I def enjoy PV but I end up surfing porn for hours on end and time just seems to slip by. The end result equates to me getting absolutely nothing done (especially at work) which probably sounds odd since its a stimulant. It does however offset the Opana enduced nod (Prescibed) I get in the mornings at work (9AM-11:30PM) so I have to pick the lesser of two evils.
Peevee has been VERY handy for me at work!

Good report on PDPPP... I too assume this compound to be controlled in the uk but if I came across it, I'd give it a whirl!
So like improved MDPV without the sex... Why on Earth would anyone take MDPV (or alts) if NOT for the sex? In that case, I'd just get some adderall.
Hey, I liked the post. I've done pretty much all the hard drugs out there. I've shot coke, dope, etc. However, I have never used a research chemical, outside of Zombie Matter brand spice on two consecutive occasions. So I love reading trip reports about research chemicals, because to me they seem just as dirty Heroin did why I was maybe 15 years old, ha. Anyway, well written thanks

You said you're more into "amphetamines/releasers"... what's a releaser?
^ he is referring to the aspect of amps that involves dopamine release into the synapse. Whereas cocaine/pv/mph are all dopamine reuptake inhibitors which forces dopamine to stay in the synapse but doesn't cause 'release' per say. I'm no scientist so perhaps someone else can correct me.