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MDMA only once: why does it not wear off?

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Sep 29, 2014
Hey all, im new to BL. I went to a rave 2 weekends ago and met up with a friend who was selling pills like hot cakes. He told me I needed to get high and proceeded to place a capsule on my tongue. I let it sit for a while but then took it out. My body instantly went into a state of dehydration and I collapsed (I drank 2 beers prior). I was shaking profusely and thought I was dying. My head was spinning and I was drifting out of reality. My friend quickly rushed to get me water. I drank it instantly and was fine from that point on. That night I couldnt sleep and suffered from brain zaps. Woke up the next day and I went to a few parties, drank a bit, got some exercise and managed to get 5 hours of sleep. I woke up the following morning with floaters. Since then, i have suffered from insomnia, lack of appetite, sexual dysfunction, chills, shakes and tremors. After nearly a week of no sleep, I went to my parents place for the weekend. I fell asleep on Saturday and woke up in the middle of the night with Tinnitus. I am still having trouble sleeping, eating, and getting aroused. I dont know whats wrong with me. I really hope I did not give myself neurotoxicity. Any help would be much appreciated.
sounds like you had some garbage. just continue to eat healthy, exercise and get sunlight. sunlight will help a lot with getting you back to normal.
You say capsule, and that you removed it from your mouth without swallowing it - was the capsule in your mouth long enough to dissolve (and therefore the contents escape into your mouth)? Or did you remove it before this point?

Just sounds odd that you'd have such adverse reactions to something you didn't even end up fully ingesting....not to mention the reaction you've had sounds a little bit outside the realm of "bunk drugs" and more towards allergic reaction or possible interaction with something else.

In any case, you're in the recovery phase. Healthy eating, get normal sleep (where you can), and some regular exercise should see you feeling better in no time :)
First off all, never take anything when you're not entirely sure you want it or know what it is! It will mess up your mindset. Was it a pill or a capsule with small crystals or powder in it? If you were able to take it out of your mouth in one piece, you shouldn't have felt any effect related to the pill. Was it dissolved somewhat? If anything, I believe it's some psychosomatic effect of you thinking you took something. The mind is powerful...
Def not MDMA...check out the rbc website (rolling balls crew) and nurse yerself back to good health.
You took the capsule out of your mouth - you did not ingest the substance that it contained.

Even if the capsule dissolved a bit and the substance sat on your tongue for a few moment - you will not have ingested that much of the product to cause the reaction your talking about.
You took the capsule out of your mouth - you did not ingest the substance that it contained.

Even if the capsule dissolved a bit and the substance sat on your tongue for a few moment - you will not have ingested that much of the product to cause the reaction your talking about.

thb, it sounds like the op is trolling....
Story is definitely fake, but I can't see any points where the OP looks to trigger a reaction haha....oh well, troll or not - they've received the appropriate responses.
Story is definitely fake, but I can't see any points where the OP looks to trigger a reaction haha....oh well, troll or not - they've received the appropriate responses.

Let me just say Im definitely not trolling. If you dont want to believe me thats fine. Its been almost 3 weeks now since my ordeal and Ive only managed to get on average 4 hours of sleep per night. I suffered from depression back in February when I tried edibles. I just hope this goes away.
Go to the doctor. This is not normal you may have underlying ailments
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