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MDMA not working for some people?


Oct 28, 2013
Have any of you encountered this weird phenomenom that mdma simply doesnt cause the desired effects for some people? Meaning they dont get the super euphoric 'everyone loves me and i love everyone' feeling that many find therapeutic. They do get the jaw clenching and eye wiggles etc but not these strong sensations that everything in the world is just as it should be.

I have this friend who has tried mdma over dozen times and it just doesnt do what it should, even large doses. And thats tested MDMA

He says that it takes LSD trip to the next level but thats about it. He is pretty sure that he got add/adhd but it isnt diagnosed. Could this be the reason?

Anyone heard anything like this or could ADD diagnosed share how mdma affects them?
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But you got the euphoria and empathy once? That's interesting. In what kind of situation that happened? Set & settings and dose?

I've heard that some people like that have got that out of the blue sometimes like after they've dosed 20 times before with no effect, and then one time BOOM its there.
There are non-responders to MDMA, who report the speedy effects but none of MDMA's unique entactogenic effects. Then again, that's not to say that the non-responders were non-responders because the MDMA didn't work, but instead the set/setting could've been wrong for them. Set/setting is a big deal. My own theory is that some people try to fight against the effects, as perhaps some sort of defense mechanism. There underlying circuitry is hardwired against what MDMA tries to produce. They do not want to/ cannot open up like MDMA is trying to force them to.

The ADHD could play a role. ADHD and autism are similar disorders, from which I remember one autism study reported a non-responder to the MDMA. They felt stimulated, but none of the entactogenic effects. However, the rest of the sample experienced a full MDMA experience. However, perhaps those with psychiatric disorders might be more prone to not responding to MDMA. Considering that the population of non-responders is small, yet a small sample found one.

Another consideration is whether he is on any medication. Anti-depressants are known to heavily mute the MDMA experience.

Could all be absolute BS, who knows. All that is sure is that some people don't respond to MDMA in a typical fashion. Maybe your friend is one of them.
I have ADD but do not take anything prescription for it since it's not that bad. I can roll just like everyone else. However, I've heard that adderall kills rolls, so that could be the case for someone with ADD taking this. Best thing to do would be to stay off any scrips for a few weeks before rolling.
I have ADHD(moderately severe case), am medicated with methylphenidate and sometimes self-medicate it with amphetamines. Yet despite all this I roll my face off and have textbook MDMA experiences with no comedown every time from the acceptable 125-150mg dose range, so I doubt that's the reason your friend doesn't respond as expected.

I think it's a set and setting thing like others have mentioned, maybe your friend needs to try taking it in a quiet and a private setting with 1-2 very close people. That way he'll be as comfortable as possible to let go and let the empathic feelings wash over him.
I think it's a set and setting thing like others have mentioned, maybe your friend needs to try taking it in a quiet and a private setting with 1-2 very close people. That way he'll be as comfortable as possible to let go and let the empathic feelings wash over him.

Nahh, as I said he's done it over dozen times in variation of different settings. I think he tried doing it alone also. Hell I did it with him alone for the first time I ever did MDMA. He is very experienced psychonaut and "letting go" isnt the problem. Also he doesnt have any medications.
Nahh, as I said he's done it over dozen times in variation of different settings. I think he tried doing it alone also. Hell I did it with him alone for the first time I ever did MDMA. He is very experienced psychonaut and "letting go" isnt the problem. Also he doesnt have any medications.

Sounds just like an unfortunate non-responder. Some people just seem to not respond and nobody knows why exactly.
I have a similar experience. This spring I started suspecting that my long time symptoms were related to ADD. This was strongly confirmed this fall, when I started seeing a team of psychiatrists. As of yet they have not classified the ADD, but I believe I'm not super hyperactive, more inattentive.

Anyways, this spring I tried MDMD for the first time. This was checked stuff. I started with 125 but felt nothing and upped with another 250. I felt some of the experience, but very weak effect. Then four days later something very strange happened. I started becoming all calm and my thinking vastly improved. I felt less anxious and even my speech and self confidence improved. This effect increased for 3 more days then it went away. At first I thought it couldn't be the MDMA, and I tried all summer to replicate this effect. A month ago I was put on methylphenidate and was been upped to 40mg. The medication had no effect positive or negative, so I have started another experiment: Eating keto.

So far it seems to be working to calm my mind, but not as much as in the spring. I don't know what this is, but I am thinking it could be linked to having to much or too little of some neurotransmitter. I know carbs make serotonin cross the blood-brain barrier, so I have a hypothesis that I 've had excessive amounts of serotonin, which has caused the strong restlessness, fogged brain and sleepiness. Maybe this could also be why MDMA has less effect, if my brain is used to having a lot of it around. It could also be linked to another neurotransmitter. Anyways, it would be interesting to hear if others with ADD/no effect from MDMA also gets a good effect from a keto diet.