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MDMA & Methadone


Oct 17, 2014
I was inquiring about taking MDMA being on Methadone. I am on 95mls of methadone and I tried MDMA. I took about 100mg or maybe a little more. I really didn't experience anything but my face sweating. Maybe my eyes felt a little buggie. I wouldn't say this would be a drug for me. Maybe the methadone takes away the effects of the MDMA, not sure. When I go for my pee test I might be in some trouble by the doc for taking this. Just my opinion.
I would say that any opiate would reduce the effects of MDMA a little bit. You're from NS, cool me too.
But the MDMA in my area isn't that great and probably isn't even always MDMA. Best to get a test kit and see.
IM IN TREATMENT AN AV ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY REALLY BAD ive been addicted to MDMA from 2001-2011 id take it at least every weekend from friday til sunday in large amounts while clubbing but for a few tyms during that tym in diff years av ad ooccassions of everyday use for weeks n months ging through quaters and half oz's a week, then speed habit now im om ethadon from a heroin habit 65mls a day holds me ok i suppose n from a veteran of most uppers n downers 2 id say save your MDMA experience for when you come off methadoneor down to about 30 mls coz high doses might not make us nod been addicts but we r still under the influence if u get me n u will have the best most happy euphoric time of your lufe just be careful nott to replace one drug for the other its soooooo easily dun n b4 u know it one habits gone out of your life n your new hanits lached on2 u :/ stay safe PEACE
According to this article methadone has some affinity to serotonin transporter. It's not high but I can imagine with a long-term dose of 95mg/day this action has some effect. Methadone is also a potent NMDA antagonist (source) and with long-term use it may matter too. I was on methadone for over 2.5 years mostly at 30-40mg a day and I'm sure the reason why it negatively changed me like no other opioid did was its NMDA antagonism. It may be a good thing when you need a strong painkiller other than classic opioids but I doubt it helps to recover from opioid addiction in any way. I feel so much better on buprenorphine now.