MDMA, low testosterone, and LTC


Jul 25, 2016
Hey--was referred here by Cotcha in regards to asking about the role of Testosterone in the MDMA long term comedown (LTC). And what role Testosterone plays in depression/anxiety that is part of this LTC. My LTC is basically depression and anxiety, obsessive thoughts, low libido/ED, head pressure, and some visual stuff (but that may not be related to this)

So here are some labs from like November
TT: 430 (348-1197)
FT: 12.2 (9.3-26.5)
SHBG: 25 (16.5-55.9)
E2: 15 (7.6-42.6)
LH: 2.5 (1.7-8.6)

All my symptoms started shortly after MDMA usage.

My doctor tells me this is kinda low but normal and just wants to track it but not do anything...

I dont know whether MDMA caused it or whether the MDMA caused anxiety and depression which caused Test to drop.

Any tips on what to do to raise it naturally? Im only in my 20s
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What are your thyroid levels like?

Without knowing your bloods before MDMA, it would be difficult to state with certainty whether it's the cause of your symptoms or not. Obviously MDMA and depression are notoriously common though, so you could speculate it's had an effect on neurotransmitter levels and depression via that mechanism.

However your TT/FT/LH levels, though within normal range, aren't exactly vibrant for your age. Few doctors or endocrinologists will do anything about it, as you're discovering.

Do you do much exercise? That can have a significant impact on mood and accelerate recovery. And have you ever tried supplementing with pregnenolone and/or (preferably) DHEA (neurohormones and precursors to eg T/E2 etc)?
Generally you would not expect LTC from MDMA to still present since November, the term "suicide Tuesdays" springs to mind, by Wednesday afternoon things start to revert to normality..
I remember a discussion several years ago on LTC lasting for as long as 3-6 months from BZP MDMA combo, I think the only advice there was exercise eat healthy and let it run its course..
Well the LTC itself has been going on about a year. I only tested blood latest in November. I am trying to explore potential treatments for the LTC maybe via TRT as a last resort. I read about people using Clomid on here though to get a restart after anabolic steroid shutdown and I wonder if similar stuff works with something that is induced by either MDMA/anxiety/etc

for thyroid doc said its all good

TSH: 2.0
Free T3: 3.2 (2.0-4.4)
Free T4: 1.4 (0.82-1.77)

I never had Testosterone checked before MDMA so you are right I don't know whether I always had a small problem there which was unnoticed and not tested due to no symptoms and it got worse due to this.

Haven't tried DHEA but I did try a low dose of Pregnenolone which seemed to take the edge off a bit for me.
I've done ecstasy more than 50 times in my life, and the depression only lasted a couple of days following.

Also, your hormone levels are almost identical to mine before I ever got on gear(my SHBG was a little higher though). I was 19 at that time. So I naturally had low levels, even after a year or so of working out. I still made great gains those 3-4 years before getting on gear though, considering what my hormone levels were at.

Do you lift weights? it can work wonders on mood and well being.
There's some rodent research linking MDMA to hypothalamus damage and low 5-HT could affect function, but little research has been done studying humans.

You could try a SERM like clomid and it may raise gonadotrophins and testosterone temporarily, but probably only while you're using it. It is a potential option though.
Well the LTC itself has been going on about a year. I only tested blood latest in November. I am trying to explore potential treatments for the LTC maybe via TRT as a last resort. I read about people using Clomid on here though to get a restart after anabolic steroid shutdown and I wonder if similar stuff works with something that is induced by either MDMA/anxiety/etc

I have used (and am using) Clomid after prolonged opiate use sent my hormone levels to low levels. Hormone levels are critically important in everything from energy level to sex drive to weight gain.

I was thinking to start a separate thread on the topic, but briefly, there have been some 8 studies so far, and all show that Clomid 25mg enhances testosterone levels. Higher doses produce an even greater surge, and everyone is different. Side effects can include blurred vision (< 1% - could be an anomoly), prostate cancer (this is also suspect - only showed up in two studies and the conclusions do not add up) and reported "hot temper" symptoms, quick to anger, etc.

Note that Clomid is NOT approved by the FDA for this use. It is currently a drug used to enhance female fertility. But it is being prescribed in large numbers off-label to boost male testosterone levels.

I personally saw an incredible difference at 50mg. Testosterone levels went up sharply and I had more energy, but still not the sex drive. I then went to 100mg - which was only ever used in one study, and it was really incredible. I felt like I was 18 - hormone levels popped, tons of energy, feel great - it's amazing. It also erased all my belly fat in 30 days without a change in either my diet or exercise routines (though I already was eating very healthy)

I have since scaled back. We just do not know the long term effects are, but I do bump my 50 up to 100 on days when I want to get in a really good workout.

This is not medical advice, obviously YMMV.