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MDMA Frequency Question


Nov 17, 2013
Hey, so I'm going to an EDM concert this Friday and am looking to roll with about .13-.15 of very pure molly. I've only rolled about three times in my life, but the first time was about eight weeks ago (only about .11), the second time was a month ago (about .145) and the third time was last weekend (about .12). I know that these aren't incredibly high doses and they're pretty well spaced-out, with the exception of me rolling this weekend. After this weekend, I'm definitely going to give myself at least a two month break or so. I'll probably roll about the same amount as the .145, if not a bit less. Given the general spacing and the doses, would this be fairly safe in terms of not an excessive amount of neurotoxicity? I haven't really noticed any long-term negative consequences yet with the exception of feeling a bit burnt out the day after. I know there's no way to be certain and it varies, but are there any good precautions I could take this week (lots of Vitamin C, exercise, etc.) for harm reduction?
Since you haven't used MDMA many times the potential for long term effects(e.g. neurotoxicity) is very low. With that said, you might feel a little tolerance from the week before so don't be tempted to take more and compensate - take your normal dose.

As far as using to supplements to mitigate the after effects - that's always a good idea. A combination of Vitamin C, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin E(proper form) and 5-HTP will go a long way towards making you feel much better the morning after and bounce back much faster.
Definitely take supplements to help healthwise. Here's what I always do to ensure the safest, most fulfilling roll possible:

-Eat a high carb meal the day before to spike insulin levels
-Eat chocolate 1 hour prior to dropping to help receptors in the brain become a bit more active
-Eat lots of Bananas! They help supply tryptophan and the potassium will combat any cramps you might get dancing

-Take anywhere between 500mg-2000mg of Vitamin C about an hour before dropping and the day after to elevate your antioxidant levels
Note: Vitamin C is acidic, and more acidity will absorb more of the mdma, so consider taking some tums or another antacid to combat the effects of acidity
-Take between 200-400Iu Vitamin E as well, which can be found in foods such as eggs and some nuts
-Magnesium will help LOADS if you get bad jaw clenching, take 500mg-1000mg and make sure it is NOT magnesium oxide, but instead read the details on the pill bottle and look for angstrom magnesium, magnesium citrate, or chelated magnesium (any supplements labeled just magnesium are most likely just magnesium oxide)
-And ofcourse how could we forget about 5-HTP. Some people think preloading with 5-HTP increases the effects because it allows more seratonin to be released upon the activation of mdma; however I find that it might also increase the risk of seratonin syndrome, so I usually steer away from preloading with it and take it the night after (once im home) and then once a day as needed until any negative effects are gone.
-Some people also advise the preloading of L-tyrosine to increase effects and help with dopamine; I myself have never used this but if you wish to try it, take anywhere between 500mg-1500mg

Here are a few sites with additional information if you wish to read about it: