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MDMA Effects


Oct 8, 2014
I'm really just looking for a second opinion to be honest. I've dropped more than a few times but wouldn't say i do so regularly, and have never done so while drunk or even having had more than say one beer. Last weekend I was out and had had quite a bit to drink. I was talking (with a friend outside in the smoking area) about how I'd love to get hold of some MD, in the company of a few strangers who we made freidns with - this was about 11.45pm. Suddenly it was 3.30am and I realise gradually that I had little to no memory of the past few hours, and I felt shaky with a sore stomach and aching jaw. My opinion is that the guy we were chatting with outside dropped something into our drinks. We had had a lot of alcohol (probably 5-6n double vodkas) at this point but in my mind, instant memory loss doesnt happen with alcohol - i.e. when you have memory loss from drinking you realise when you wake up sober that you dont rememeber getting home, you don't suddenly realise that you've lost a few hours. I usually have a bit of memory loss when I drop, and sometimes a lot depending on the situation (i.e. where I've been, how much I've taken etc). I also arrived home feeling nervous, sick and energetic in a kind of exhausted, unpleasant way. In my mind, my body was in shock from experiencing a sudden high and memorable come-down, without having expected either. I'm just wondering whether others who may be more experienced agree with me or just think I was more drunk than I though - it's the instant memory loss that gets me. also, as I started to realise what was happening, a friend asked me what i was on - though i told him several times nothing, and i Noticed that my pupils were more dilated than usual - though the dark club environment could explain this. I remember being sick in the toilets and also lying on a sofa in the club st one point, that is about it. I haven't been sick from alcohol in about a year. I'm wondering if people agree with my conclusion or think I'm being hasty, and just drank more than I had realised/had a lower tolerance than I presumed...all input welcome. Thanks.
Occam's razor says you just got really drunk, but in the end there's no way of knowing. Maybe take it easy with the alcohol from now on and/or keep a close eye on your drink.