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MDMA Comedown, are mine normal?

There's been times where I was perfectly fine the next day. Other times the comedown. lasted a week, and even more. Some of it is setting, say your around cute girls interacting with them , and people, and that doesn't normally happen, this can cause a high to come down from. Can also be something negative happens like you accidentally trash a relationship or a fwb doesnt call you, blocks you, after am amazing time together. It can be you found a blood condom in the house of someone you see from time to time . It can cause negative or positive highs to come down from and or both. Put an effort in to make it positive And don't say things to people you may regret, unless you have to get it off your chest. If you need to vent , take them aside, saving face, and not doing it socially in front of people, where you get loud and call out their faults.

Op, to me ,it appears you can take this stuff and not have harsh comedowns, but thats still no reason to not space it out, because tolerance does build, and I did lose the magic after about 20 -25-for sure 30 rolls, probably by twenty, in six months, back well over twenty years ago.

From previous experience it's been mixed for me. Furthermore, uve even contemplated stoping empathogen all together . II seem to enjoy sub 4 typtamines and dissociatives similar to ketamine any comedown at all. I hope I'm wrong but could be genetics, why else can some use a lot and be fine and others once every three months isnt enough time. That said, I do think mesacline or similar derivatives may effect the same empathogen receptors, so its best to keep this infrequent. Some people can roll many times and are fine, some have difficulty and even massive difficulties for a week or so afterwards. I think for own genetics I did too many phenethylamines in a year, did mal over five times, then empathogen twice . But I don't know. All I know the comedown can be so not worth the comeup, on some previous rolls.
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If you do only a small dose, well better said sufficient dose, maybe flowed with only one small redose. If you exercises, eat healthy and are generally of a good health. If you space your experiences by months. If you have fire stuff. If you take proper supplements and hydrate properly.
If you do all of that MDMA causes after-glow instead comedown and residual depression. It's very easy, extremely easy to fuck up that and permanently join group of people having harsh comedowns and negative side-effects following MDMA experience.
I never had bad comedowns, the bad comes a couple days later with bad sleeping nights, brain zaps, sleep paralysis, insomnia... Almost a full week to regulate the brain back to nominal parameters.
also, bad comedowns are caused by MDA, pure MDMA has a mellow comedown, you feel good the next day. MDA fucks you , worst hangover ever.
I'll try too stop this becoming long-winded, I just want your opinions and comments on your own experiences of the comedowm experienced with MDMA.

When I roll I normally have around 150-250mg for the whole night, I am 5'10" and 65kg. Ive never had a mad night whilst the effects are still there (taken it 6 times in total), however if I roll at a club around 11:30pm it will last until 4-5am. This is where im asking for opinions, around this time I am hit hard with a skyrocketing heart rate, I become very very tired and I begin too shake (even when warm and in bed).

This normally lasts for 30 minutes too an hour and I have had dry-heaving the last two times, but I have never ever had any comedowm last longer than this, no depression lasting past that hour and no effects in the next couple of days.

Is this normal? My friends complain of it lasting days but it being a background feeling, where as mine is straight after and very very intense but with no long term I'll affects.

Thankyou for your input!
It seems you may have a reaction to one of the metabolites of MDMA, most of them are active and can cause such symptoms in sensitive people.

Or it could be an anxiety based reaction due to the loss of euphoria.
I'd guess it's dose related- quite high for a 65kg person. I'm 110kg & regularly take 120 to 150mg which lasts me a really nice 5 hours or so with no hangover or comedown at all. I should add that I dont drink much alcohol too