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MDMA and spacing.


Mar 24, 2014
I know everyone says you should take it once a month at like 100-200mg.

I have a good friend coming out to visit me. So would it be "okay" to take like 25-50mg like 2 weeks after taking 200mg?

In all honestly I am looking for some outside opinions.
Yes. The rules are only guidelines. You can get away with it. It's not advised but you should be fine. I've taken MDMA in standard doses (150-200mg) twice in one week and felt full effects with no side effects.

If you're really worried take a long break afterwards.
You really feel anything from 25-50mg?

Yeah I was gunna say. If you're going to bother doing it twice in 2 weeks, you might as well just dose properly. 25-50mg really isn't going to do anything.
if you are experienced with mdma and know what to expect, you will surely feel 25-50mg, but it's imho going to be far from a satisfactory experience.
Seeing as I've only taken MDMA at least 3 times.

I took about 25-50mg like a month ago and it was pretty good. I got all euphoric, everything is alright, and the let's talk to everyone.
It was enjoyable nothing like when I take 150mg+ but it's a good time with some friends.
You'd probably have a much better time on a bit of vanilla stims like dexedrine or meth, and a 12 pack of brews, to catch up with your old buddy, than 25mg MDMA each. Plus that way your MDMA tolerance won't be interrupted from recovering as much.