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MDMA and alcohol, help



I've done MDMA a few times and I love it but most of the times I get very relaxed which I know is normal on pure mdma but sometimes I'm at a huge party and I really want to have tons of energy to dance.

It's curious but all of the times that I got very energetic I drank some alcohol before and I'm wondering if it has something to do. yeah, I know that alcohol with MDMA can be dangerous but I'm not talking about getting drunk , just drink a little to be more relaxed on the come up. Is that the reason why I get energetic highs ?

Also, I know that my MDMA is pure and I normally crush the crystal and put the powder on water.

Also, do energy drinks work to give more energy?

Is it true that if I snort ( which I have never) it will give me more energy ?

Thank you and sorry for asking so many questions at once :)
mdma and energy

I've done MDMA a few times and love it but most of the times it doesn't give me much energy (which i know is normal on pure MDMA).

What can I do to get those highs that make you feel like dancing like there's no tomorrow (which I only had twice :/) ??

(I test my MDMA and I know it's pure)

Is it true that energy drinks before/during help ??

Is it true that snorting gives a more energetic high ??

thank you
Alcohol makes MDMA experiences worse, if you want more energy id try a little caffeine. If you really want an MDxx experience with MORE energy though try MDA or something, or add a small amount of amphetamine. Everyone I know that mixes MDMA with alcohol really doesn't appreciate its true potential or its risks, and it tends to weaken the effect, and on top of that I'm pretty sure it's a dangerous combo. Most I'd recommend is a couple of drinks to take the edge of the comeup
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Ive had/still having a pretty rough comedown after drinking roughly 5 beers and rolling with about 180-200 mgs. Personally, I wouldnt advise it. Its not worth the risk of a bad combination.