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MDMA after doing dxm the night before


Aug 16, 2014
Hi everyone... So swim Two days ago did about two MDMA pills and had a great time rolling that night. He managed to sleep and didn't really feel sick or bad the next day at all. Then yesterday he decided to go pick up some dxm and do it around 3pm. He did 300 mg (20 gel caps) and it took quite a bit to kick in. SWIM actually fell asleep while waiting for it to take effect. Once it did maybe 5-6pm, It was one of the most intense trips and he really didn't enjoy it like he had before. He then went out with his friend and told him he was on dxm (it was obvious) and they smoked weed most of the night (because weed makes dxm more psychedelic ). After smoking the weed he had a really long trip which lasted until about midnight... Around 10pm swims head felt like it was being squeezed really hard or was going to explode and he really didn't like it. Swim woke up today and was feeling sluggish and not very good. But has returned to normal after eating and drinking water. swim also had some of his jack3d pre workout supplement (less than half a cup) today and realized he was planning on rolling again tonight at his sisters birthday party and stopped drinking the jack3d because it's also a stimulant (1,3 dimethyl) and he didn't want it in his system. Swim wonders if he should roll again tonight and do about 2 more MDMA capsules. Swim knows it's not a good idea and realizes that serotonin syndrome is a possibility since he's done quite a bit of drugs that affect serotonin in the past couple of days. Swim wonders though if he will be alright to do MDMA one more night and then take a break from all drugs for about 3 months. Thanks
Welcome to Bluelight! :) I personally would recommend against it, it seems like you had a rough time with DXM yesterday. I've never done DXM personally but always heard that it is unwise to combine the two or even take them within days of each other because they both work on the same receptors and can cause other adverse effects. I would guess that your feeling uncomfortable (i.e. feeling like your head is going to explode) could have been related to the MDMA that you took the day before taking the DXM, and these types of effects could be greatly enhanced if you take MDMA again tonight. Especially because mostly what I've heard about taking DXM and MDMA in succession is that it is worse to take MDMA after DXM than it is to take DXM after MDMA.

By the way, I think using SWIM is discouraged/not allowed on BL because it doesn't really protect you from self-incrimination and it can also be kind of confusing to read.
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Do not do it. Combining DXM and MDMA is dangerous, even if you did DXM the day before MDMA.
Well thanks for the advice guys. I ended up doing MDMA last night and it was still really amazing and I had a great time! I feel a bit slow this morning but other than that I feel fine. Although now I won't be doing any drug for at least a month now.
ive done mdma the night after dxm a few times but I always does really low on both, 300mg dxm trips and 110 mg of mdma. Doing them at the same time is an absolute no-no, and doing them one day apart probably isn't that smart
Well, doing 300 mg of dxm on an empty stomach the day after rolling and also smoking dabs and weed all night while on dxm made it pretty intense!