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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

MDMA/120 mg - First time - What a night!


Feb 28, 2018
MDMA 130 mg - First time - What a night!

Hello boys and girls, this is my first post here so show some understanding :).

Im 24 years old currently having my masters in Netherlands on computer engineering.

I have been here for 5 months now and a couple of weeks ago i met this guy living in my building and we decided to go to this techno party along with some other common friends.
SNTS who is one of my favorite dj s was playing and i really wanted to take something for the night. Note that up until that point i had only used weed, a lot of alcohol and 1 time cocaine (really randomly and small amount,just to try basically). So 2 days before the party we go to this guys room to smoke a joint and MDMA comes in the conversation. I told him that i would like to try some along with another friend of mine for the first time(all 3 of us were together). He gave us some MDMA he had and we were super pumped. Note that he had used it before and told me it was ok, he seemed like a trustworthy guy so i was on board.

Fast forward to the party we go there with 5 people and as soon as we get in i take it (powder straight in mouth and swallow) i guess the dosage was around 120 -130 mg which i understand for the first time its quite good. 40 minutes later they all feel it except for me, pretty disappointed at that point but i was like maybe it will hit later. 10 minutes later BOOM! I started to get this tingly sensation in my legs, this warmth started to cover my body like a wave and i felt really light. 10 minutes after that i was tripping like fuck. We were dancing and talking all the time. I remember talking with the friend who also used it for the first time and saying how cool each of us were, feeling really lucky all of us living in the same building and really be happy and carefree for everything. The guy that gave us the m was also super cool, telling each other how lucky we were we met each other(no homo) and that were gonna have a great time.
I could really SEE the music , it was like i was swimming in an ocean of great beats, and notes especially when SNTS was on. Literally ALL the people in the party were roling, chewing gum (thank god i had bought some) and massaging each other. Oh boy the massage, i remember this girl who was with us (a pro at this apparently) asking me if some had scratched me while i was rolling, and i thought that was funny. I said no laughing and after that she approached me, she puts her hand around me from inside me shirt and then scratching my back from the top to the bottom. I had NEVER really NEVER felt something like that before, it was orgasmic. Soon after that we were scratching each other at the same time, and i did it in really enjoyable way (im a fast learner :p ). All the people around us were cool, asking us where we are from , dancing with us and we really felt like a big group of friends.

I felt like i could connect with other people just by looking at each other ans smiling. It was like our brains were connected and were just watching it happen in 3rd perspective. Me and my friends were all international so we felt really close, but dutch people around us were also super cool and friendly. I remember when my friend was massaging my shoulders, 2 strangers came and massaged my hands and hair. smiling cause they knew this was probably my first time. It was the best feeling ever having strangers doing something like that for you without wanting something in return, we were all just having the time of our lives basically. The venue also really hepled since it was huge with 2 stages , astonishing visuals and ofc good techno!

Never in my life had i loved this much the people around me. It was really a nice feeling talking with people, especially as an international in Netherlands, and sharing stories. Long story short a couple of hours later we went to that guys room to have some joints for the comedown and to sleep. Next day i was still somewhat feeling the effects and i was in shock of what happened, i could not believe that the human body was able to feel this kind of pleasure. A couple of days later while i was in uni i wasn't myself yet , but not really high either. I did not get the blues mind you ( i did not even know what you are supposed to feel depressed after some days) but i found it kinda hard to work on my stuff(probably cause i kept thinking about that night). Really i cant describe it well with words but it was one of the best nights of my life.

Anyway that was almost a month ago and in one week there is another event where i want to go with the same people to have a great night again. We went out again btw but i did not roll as i did not want to roll in the same month twice, i know that can fuck up your brain. Can someone give me any tips on mdma or share any stories? I really dont want it to fuck my every day life over, cause my masters is also really hard , but on the other i find it better to have a couple of events to look forward to so i work hard until then. Im sick of going to generic clubs and pubs listening to shity music, drink like a fish wit my friends (other friends) try to hook up etc. and feel like crap next day. I know the dangers but im not a pro ofc so i wanna know more. What do you guys do? Can you roll once in a while and work properly on your studies/work? I am in a pretty hard and competitive field so i do not want to harm my brain in any form! Any help/advice is appreciated and sorry if my story was long, its my first time :)


Tagged by Xorkoth
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Yeah been there and for some reason MDMA and amphetamines just make me feel stimulated but that is it even the old real stuff of 1990s was just a HUGE HUGE rush but many years ago when I discovered Cathinones ie 99% pure and all about they act differently on parts of the Brain and act on the body I was like yeah gotta be big waste? Hell no talk about rolling, I found greatest feelings and enjoyment one could ever ask for. And way way safe,,,, I was dancing , partying and not getting massive sweats or Heart pounding like the old days of Molly. Somebody did one heck of super job in the design and creation lab. I'm glad you had super great time but remember your first time is the very best after that it does not get the super good again. But again like I said I found many variations of the Main XTC form which is of course an altered amphetamine molecule. Same went down with Cathinones and wow like I said One country ONE COUNTRY which now make every thing from computers to I-Phones did this ,,,yeah guess who? They may make everything little cheaper but man when it comes to chemicals ,,,,,WOW they got that shit right on the money. Now every country just banned what was safe , fun and worked in conjunction with the Mind and Body. I have years of clubbing and tell you I found utter heaven and it works. But remember your own body provided the serotonin , norepinephrine, and of course dopamine. It's what and how it's unlocked is he key secret.

Did everything seem brighter and was music feeling so so good? Look up Cathinone and learn what and how that works. I don't know much about how your country views them but, I found "BLISS" and tell you that feeling is still going strong within me for 35 years. Much older raver but I cannot tell you how many EDMs I attended & ULTRA FESTIVALS and feel like an old fart but; I found new Fun about 10 years ago and never even looked back at the Old MDMA of old. Sassafras is long gone anyway and I shall be honest , there is NO real old school XTC anymore. Allot is just hype from old Ravers who think they had some Big Gold of old days when it was just a super stimulant. Find the NEW secret and you can be safe and party like madman so take care and good luck.