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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth



Jun 4, 2012
So, this is not only a first trip description, but my first post on this site.
I took MDMA for the first time this weekend, I'd never really encountered drugs before, I'd encountered my fair share of alcohol and weed occasionally, but that was it. A couple of my friends at uni had tried it a few times, and I'd talked to them a lot about it, so I had plenty of time to make up my mind about whether I wanted to do it or not.
And with my head loaded up with a serious amount of knowledge about this wonderful substance, I decided I was ready to try it. I was with 2 other good friends where were also doing it that day, and had done it before, one being 'anothernewparadigm", who didn't leave me all night.
Coming up was what I can only describe as weird. The backs of my knees were the first to go, they sort of tingled, then my knees shook a little bit and I felt a little bit sick, but I'd been told that could happen. A couple of sips of water and I was dragged to the dance floor, which was where I belonged.
The music was amazing, It was clearer and louder and just seemed to be aimed at me, it just flowed right through me, the lights were brighter and all I wanted to do was be there and take it all in. Everything for those couple of hours just seemed right. Even breathing was a whole new sensation. After the first hour or so that feeling seemed to come in waves, each drop in the music would start at my knees and make my arms and fingers tingle. I usually feed off a the atmosphere in a crowd well at gigs and things, but on md I was on another level, it was like there was no separation between the music, me or the other people sharing the same experience. It was truly amazing.
At no point in the night did I feel like I wasn't it control, it was still me, but with completely heightened senses, and with absolutely nothing on my mind to worry about. Fully relaxed and loving every minute.
It was probably the best night I've had, better than any night drinking, where I lose complete control of myself. I will definitely do it again at some point.
(ps. thanks to "anothernewparadigm", who didn't leave me the whole time. That helped a lot)
savor moments like these. the more mdma you do the more your brain will begin to adapt to the firing of the serotonin and the high will "change" over different periods of time until you may "loose the magic" so space out the usage. keep it novel! . your first time is similar to mine, glad you had fun.
Thanks for the shout out Chemicalblood :) I'm just so glad that the experience was everything you wanted it to be.

Looking forward to the next time with you so much already.
Good to hear your first time was epic :)

Memories that will stay with you forever