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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

MDA, bk-MDMA, 4-MMC Binge - Aftermath, "Brain Zaps", Spontaneous DMT release


Nov 3, 2007
MDA, bk-MDMA, 4-MMC Binge - Aftermath, "Brain Zaps", Spontaneous DMT release

So I finally did some lasting damage I think. I IV'd MDPV for awhile,
suffering psychotic symptoms and awful withdrawal, but this is new territory for me.

About three weeks ago I began IV'ing Mephedrone, but I stopped because it became difficult to obtain and my knees were turning blue due to vasoconstriction!
It also makes you incredibly restless... Total consumption, roughly 2 g.

Two weeks ago, I switched to bk-MDMA cut with a 2c-x (no idea which...), quickly consumed about 3.5 grams worth
That lasted me about 3-4 days before things went downhill due to lack of food/water/sleep.

A week and a half ago 4 grams of MDA arrived at (location withheld) and I began my last serious binge.
4000 mg lasted me all of five days, with SERIOUS side-effects noted during and afterward. These include:

  • Vertigo
  • Mood Swings
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia
  • Seizure-like episodes where I spontaneously trip HARD, identical to smoking DMT

I am not proud of this and I offer up this report to dissuade people from IV'ing MDMA and it's derivatives.

This is day five of sobriety. I've been eating nothing but salads and fruit smoothies. My body is certainly recovering, but the "brain zaps" are getting worse actually. Best described as a jolt of electricity coupled with vertigo and numb extremities. I've been having mild episodes of these "zaps" since last week. About half an hour ago, though, I had an episode which caused me to trip QUITE HARD spontaneously, resulting in me writhing around on the floor trying to phone the hospital. It passed as quickly as it came, but I worry that it may get worse over time. Hopefully not, since I need to have my head on straight to drive/work/socialize/etc...

Anyone ever heard of this before? I read several reports of people who suffered similar symptoms from SSRI-withdrawal. That would make sense, since we're dealing with a lot of the same receptors.

I would seek professional medical advice. We on bluelight are no doctors. We don't know what you took and what it did to your body.

Better safe than sorry.
yo don't just eat salads and fruit FFS! you need motherfuckin protein! eat beans, dark chocolate, eggs, dairy, turkey, chicken, cheese, almonds, peanuts, you need to get the building blocks for serotonin.
I had brain zaps after a particularly stupid binge-- I took a bunch of confirmed MDMA/Speed pills over two days. Just like in your case, the zaps got worse before they got better. This included extremely vivid closed-eye hallucinations for the first few days after the binge. Id say that I stopped having zaps after 1-2 weeks, but got dizzy episodes for an additional week. In my experience, smoking weed made the symptoms worse. I would also recommend some exercise, even just a half hour walk per day.
I had the same experience when i had to go cold Turkey from 6mgs of xanax a day. My doctor lost his license and it took me a month before i found a new one. Partly because i was trying to get off of them but couldn't. After 3 weeks and scary audio/visual hallucinations, paranoia and delusions i gave in...
Exact same thing tho it felt like a jolt that started in my brain and jolted my whole body. I also only slept about 20 minutes a night. Every time i would drift off to sleep i would get zapped again and wake up. I treat benzos with respect now that was truly terrifying. It took me about 6 months totally clean for my mind and body to recover from that experience.
neMMMM, I'm trying to find a neurologist but it's not easy 'cause my insurance is shit. I'm working on it though...

i against i, I've been eating a lot of fish (salmon/tuna), eggs and nuts too. Also, hemp milk and a ton of flax oil. Dark chocolate though, that's a good call. I'll give it a shot tonight..

JimSteele and junkieman, thanks for the input. It's very reassuring, if a bit sobering, to hear your experience with the "zaps". My binge was roughly two and half weeks, so I'd imagine the withdrawal is going to be at least as long as that. Got a lot of work to do! : ]
Just an update, the "brain zaps" and vertigo disappeared after the first week of withdrawal. The next week felt like I was on-the-rag, I must've cried spontaneously six times a day, but physically, I felt 1000x better.

So, lesson learned : If you binge on MDMA or it's analogues, expect your brain to be zapped after the first few grams. Take some time between your rolls unless you want to feel like a schizophrenic on their period!!
I'm glad to hear you feel somewhat recovered. I'd never indulge as heavily as you did on those substances, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling an improvement.
That is just insane. Wow. I cant even picture how bad you must have felt. I did Pure MDMA 5 days in a row when I was like 17 and I came down so fucking bad it was retarded. After that I left at least 6-7 days between my MDMA trips. NOw I havnt taken it in years,.
I was up all night sober and had to go into work early the next day. I took 20mg of dexedrine orally to stay awake. 2 hours passed and I noticed it wasn't working. I was nodding off so I decided to take 120mg of MDMA orally. That picked me up and everything was fine. I noticed my roll didn't feel any different with the amphetamines already floating in my system. After a few more hours passed, I took another 120mg of MDMA orally. The roll kept going and everything was alright. That night I slept like a baby.

For the next 3-4 days I was moody and physically exhausted all the time. All I did was sleep. I was also plagued with brain zaps which scared me. They were indistinguishable from SSRI withdrawal brain zaps. I haven't been on any SSRI's for years but you never forget what a brain zap feels like. Lesson learned: MDMA and amphetamines do not mix!
By the way, if anyone else out there is struggling with MDMA-type drugs, sit down and give yourself the courage to hand over your stash/rigs to someone you love (who won't involve the law..someone compassionate!) and ask them to help you through the first week. Make plans to meet up every day or so, to keep you on track. They'll be moved by your sincerity and you'll be able to get back the things which produce real contentment, like friends and camping and hitting the beach!

I'm glad to hear you feel somewhat recovered. I'd never indulge as heavily as you did on those substances, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling an improvement.

LOL... It's kinda funny you say that. I remember about two years ago I came across MDA for the first time and it just so happened that you posted a trip report on it the night I got it. I was also coming off of a serious heroin addiction (homeless in D.C. living in a van @ the age of 20) so I was curious to see what it would be like... MDA IV'd.


Well when I read your post, I got super excited thinking I was going to have some dmt-like epiphany (not your fault, btw. sadly this was the justification for my first true binge on any substance...never could afford that dope binge!). I tripped and rolled HARD for 18 hours or so, from 1g in more than a dozen shots. Side effects were minimal, excluding lack of sleep and sore muscles.

Then I ran out and didn't touch the stuff until fairly recently, when I finally found a reliable source.

The best part is that I could've SWORE I remembered reading your report as "1000mg IV", not "100mg" like it actually was. That is a 10-fold difference! It's amazing that I was so caught up in the binge-thinking that I actually believed it was somewhat safe to IV 1000mg of MDA at once! Thankfully I did NOT come close to that amount. Though I definitely pushed into 500mg territory a few times, the peripheral effects (eye wiggles, tachycardia, nausea) were too intense to make it an experience I would recommend to others. PLEASE DO NOT DO WHAT I DID, IF YOU ARE READING THIS.

Now I fiend for it constantly. Usually, though, a few bong rips and a glass of wine will set me straight. Also, some hearty food and good company don't hurt either.

For the next 3-4 days I was moody and physically exhausted all the time. All I did was sleep. I was also plagued with brain zaps which scared me. They were indistinguishable from SSRI withdrawal brain zaps. I haven't been on any SSRI's for years but you never forget what a brain zap feels like. Lesson learned: MDMA and amphetamines do not mix!

Agreed, they don't mix well at all. I've binged on stims several times and only suffered typical dopaminergic withdrawal symptoms (spun/cracked out paranoia) but with MDXX-analogs come these fucking brain zaps. They fire at random and they initially worsen before getting better. Good to know I'm not yet a vegetable!
Better safe than sorry.

Well if he were to take this advice I doubt he would have taken such a huge amount of drugs in the first place. Sorry I don't mean to be a dick, it was just the first thought that struck me.

Sounds like you should see a Doctor though, or at least change your diet to better suit one depleted with Serotonin and see how you go.
Well if he were to take this advice I doubt he would have taken such a huge amount of drugs in the first place. Sorry I don't mean to be a dick, it was just the first thought that struck me.

Sounds like you should see a Doctor though, or at least change your diet to better suit one depleted with Serotonin and see how you go.

I think both of you have good advice, just different perspectives. The reason I come to bluelight for help is because its much easier and more personal (weirdly) than seeing a doctor. The healthcare system here is absolutely fucked, not to mention the fact that MENTIONING illicit drug use to your doctor in the U.S. gets you flagged permanently as a "drug seeker"....not always but often it does.

As long as I'm in my right mind, I think seeking help from people who've been through similar stuff can't hurt. I don't think I need a disclaimer that reads "Bluelight.ru is not a doctor, bluelight cannot write prescriptions..etc...". Better safe than sorry is a good philosophy, I agree...and I know this sounds sick in a way...but I kinda enjoy risking my health for a passing thrill. At least for those few choice moments when I slip back into amniotic bliss, I don't have to think about how much money I still owe on my student loans.

= ]
LOL... It's kinda funny you say that. I remember about two years ago I came across MDA for the first time and it just so happened that you posted a trip report on it the night I got it. I was also coming off of a serious heroin addiction (homeless in D.C. living in a van @ the age of 20) so I was curious to see what it would be like... MDA IV'd.


Well when I read your post, I got super excited thinking I was going to have some dmt-like epiphany (not your fault, btw. sadly this was the justification for my first true binge on any substance...never could afford that dope binge!). I tripped and rolled HARD for 18 hours or so, from 1g in more than a dozen shots. Side effects were minimal, excluding lack of sleep and sore muscles.

Then I ran out and didn't touch the stuff until fairly recently, when I finally found a reliable source.

The best part is that I could've SWORE I remembered reading your report as "1000mg IV", not "100mg" like it actually was. That is a 10-fold difference! It's amazing that I was so caught up in the binge-thinking that I actually believed it was somewhat safe to IV 1000mg of MDA at once! Thankfully I did NOT come close to that amount. Though I definitely pushed into 500mg territory a few times, the peripheral effects (eye wiggles, tachycardia, nausea) were too intense to make it an experience I would recommend to others. PLEASE DO NOT DO WHAT I DID, IF YOU ARE READING THIS.

Now I fiend for it constantly. Usually, though, a few bong rips and a glass of wine will set me straight. Also, some hearty food and good company don't hurt either.

500mg? Wow. Do you have low blood pressure, or something? I just get the feeling if I did that, I'd likely end up dead before the dosage wore off.

I'm glad to hear you're alive and well though man! Enjoy your bong rips. I'm doing likewise. %)
those brain zaps are horrible. Even worse when trying to sleep. I didn't know what was happeneing and almost had a panic attack when I first experienced them. the things we go through to get high eh? I recommend a few beers to relax your brain. you are too stimulated. I know alcohol is hardly safe but a few beers will lower your blood pressure and chill you out.
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I just got done with demf weekend every year 5 o's of molz from the netherlands comes in ...white chunk looks like a giant crystal with a slight tint of purple ...I think people forget what pure is suppose to feel like , ur jaw jaks uncontrolablly not grinding but shivering like ur cold, eyes flutter for hours ...I ate 3 g's over 4 days brain zaps hit me last night, only right when I'm bout to fall asleep very tired today, they will continue tonight and probably tomarrow I should be 100% by the end of the weekend and the stuff I had is as pure as it gets and happens every festival for me
those brain zaps are horrible. Even worse when trying to sleep. I didn't know what was happeneing and almost had a panic attack when I first experienced them. the things we go through to get high eh? I recommend a few beers to relax your brain. you are too stimulated. I know alcohol is hardly safe but a few beers will lower your blood pressure and chill you out.

Yeah, that shit threw me for a loop. Never heard of the zaps before so it gave me a lot of anxiety (what if it's permanent? can i still drive?). Drinking wine and water seems to do the trick...smoking too.

I just got done with demf weekend every year 5 o's of molz from the netherlands comes in ...white chunk looks like a giant crystal with a slight tint of purple ...I think people forget what pure is suppose to feel like , ur jaw jaks uncontrolablly not grinding but shivering like ur cold, eyes flutter for hours ...I ate 3 g's over 4 days brain zaps hit me last night, only right when I'm bout to fall asleep very tired today, they will continue tonight and probably tomarrow I should be 100% by the end of the weekend and the stuff I had is as pure as it gets and happens every festival for me

Get some rest. Trust me, after day two you already look like you've got anemia. Day three is like pre-zombie. Not proud of this, that's for sure. Eat fish and veggies to recover faster, it worked for me! If you are getting these zaps, maybe you should reconsider your dosing scheme? Perhaps you can alternate, rolling/tripping/smoking on a three day interval. If you are getting brain zaps at every festival, that's proabably a sign damage is occurring. Feel better dude!
I just got done with demf weekend every year 5 o's of molz from the netherlands comes in ...white chunk looks like a giant crystal with a slight tint of purple ...I think people forget what pure is suppose to feel like , ur jaw jaks uncontrolablly not grinding but shivering like ur cold, eyes flutter for hours ...I ate 3 g's over 4 days brain zaps hit me last night, only right when I'm bout to fall asleep very tired today, they will continue tonight and probably tomarrow I should be 100% by the end of the weekend and the stuff I had is as pure as it gets and happens every festival for me
Yea I don't plan on my dosage it jus happens I get wrapped up in the parties the festival then when its over I know the xaps r sure to follow rest is not an option work schedule doesn't allow it so during the next week after the binge I'm very fatigued until they go away I take vitamins fish oil protien all that doesn't seem to change anything, I've come to learn they just have to run their course for me so anytime I get em I check around and see if anybody has found some one day cure with no luck alcohol helps to pass out but still wake up fatigued , girlfriend says I twitch, roll around in bed an talk while I'm sleeping which is not normal for me so I doubt I'm falling into a deep sleep or rem which is when ur body is actually recharging from now on I'm gonna be extra cautious about my dosage but even when I take just one cap a few days later I will get one or two nights of brain zaps I should probably leave it alone all together but I live near detroit where techno is king to me and my people so it'll b hard