Manifesto of an emotionless being


Jun 20, 2011
I'm not sure where this belongs (TDS, or maybe not on BL at all?), but I know I have to put it somewhere before I stop caring enough and just shun it.

Let's start from the beginning...

A long time ago, ~12 years (when I was in my early teens), I declared war on my emotions. I was depressed (severely, not diagnosed for another decade), and was sick and tired of feeling like crap all day, every day. Nothing good ever came of my emotions. I was always miserable, down, worthless...

I felt nothing good, only bad. I wanted, no, needed out.

One day, I put my foot down. I declared an all-out war. Make no friends, take no prisoners, just destroy it all. Raze the whole mess of emotions down to the ground; annihilate every last trace of that worthless scum. I was determined, and never once looked back or had a second thought during the following decade.

It was a hard fight, and a long one. I drew ever closer to victory, with more and more emotions fading away forever as time went on. But after a decade of trying, I never quite got there. I still felt a handful of emotions, and not good ones.

I never gave up the fight. Even after I had lost sight of my decision, the emotion-destroying mechanisms that I'd set up in some deep level of my mind persisted. I never gave up, never surrendered.

Then I was put on Abilify. Almost overnight, I lost the ability to feel anything at all. No more love, hate, fear (especially for my own life), anger, envy....nothing. That was it. I had finally won the war over myself. But I didn't feel victorious, for that too was an emotion.

Over the next year or two, a few of my old demons crept back to haunt me. I could once again feel anger, resentment, a bit of fear, and a handful of other negative emotions, nothing good. I once again became severely depressed, but the Abilify kept the suicidality in check. I was eventually put on yet another antidepressant, mirtazapine, which the kind folks in OD recommended, and which has lifted me from a deep depression. Although I no longer feel like crap day in and day out, I still feel down often. That's the way it is with me: I either feel down or totally numb. That's it.

That's where I am now. I only feel a handful of emotions, all bad (except for a trace of love for my family), on and off. I have no hope for a better tomorrow, no measurable regret about yesterday. I'm just here, alive, existing.

I sometimes wonder if life would be better if I could feel emotions again. But I don't care. I don't care about having or not having emotions, and I don't care about not caring. I've crossed the threshold, the point of no return. The few emotions I still feel are just something I have to live with, the rest are alien to me. I have no real comprehension of them, nor do I want anything to do with them.

Well, that's about it. I just wanted to share.
Thanks for sharing, man

you may find that there is a season for everything and decide to go back to 'feeling' more, or maybe that season has already came and gone for you.

good luck, whatever you decide
this would prolly be best suited to blogs if you just wanted to share it. if you would like to have more meaningful discussion, i can move it to TDS

I am a complete stranger to you on the vast expanse of the internet, but I want you to know that I have the upmost compassion and empathy for you and your battle- I hope that you someday find exactly what you want - and I hope that it comes in the form of something that right now, at this moment in time, you would never think is possible ( a girl/guy, a band, a hobby, a spiritual calling).

I am not trying to patronize, because what the fuck do I know? seriously? I just can hope for you though - right? because when I am walking down the street and start to feel so down about myself, I'll know someone else in the world is doing the exact same thing as me - and I'll think of you. Those emotions you left behind and the new ones to come will make your future self the one who looks back and is thankful for the struggle no one else will know but you.


It's been 5 years since I wrote that. Nothing has changed. Life is still dull and pointless. I have lost interest in just about everything at this point. I’m dead inside.

I only keep living because of family. They don’t help any, it’s just that they’d be devastated to lose me. That’s the one reason I keep going.

Could a mod park this thread somewhere? Blogs would fine. It doesn’t really matter.
Hi Ghost, five years wow! Time goes by fast here. Sorry you're still feeling shit. I sometimes get into that dark place and get to thinking why do I even bother anymore. Funny how just a couple people left keep me going. Are you still on Abilify? I'm going to move this to the Dark Side and this way you can talk to people. Thanks for the update. <3
Thanks, T.C. I'm still on the aripiprazole / mirtazapine / lamotrigine combo. I've been on the same doses since before I wrote the original post.
That is a long time to wait for those drugs to start working in the way they are supposed to work.

They shouldn't dull you but instead make your life bearable until your normal brain chemistry starts working.

I had been taking Abilify Maintena 400mg shots once a month for a year until I decided that it doesn't help at all to the symptoms I was suffering (severe depressive episode of bi-polar type II) but instead causes anxiety and stress for the week I were getting the shot and the side effects fade away until it was time to get another shot.

Well it has of course worked as I haven't had any manic episode but I have been really depressed for few years so it wouldn't jump straight from being depressed into being manic.

Also it prevented me from rolling and especially candy flipping.

I also quitted taking my AD med Cymbalta as it has such severe side effects such as inability to ejaculate and I needed to pause it when I wanted to roll.

After quitting both of those I have even been better in terms of depression.
Hello ghost,

I just wanted to say that I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I really like the way you write, you are a very intelligent and interesting guy and you seem to have a lot going for you. I just wanted you to know that you have a friend in me and if you ever need anything or want to talk you can pm me anytime.

your friend,
It's been 5 years since I wrote that. Nothing has changed. Life is still dull and pointless. I have lost interest in just about everything at this point. I?m dead inside.

I only keep living because of family. They don?t help any, it?s just that they?d be devastated to lose me. That?s the one reason I keep going.

Could a mod park this thread somewhere? Blogs would fine. It doesn?t really matter.