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Man, them medical cards just keeping getting harder and harder to get don't they?

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
I live in Michigan and when medical first went legal here, anyone with $200 could get a card.

I just got my card renewed today and so much has changed. Four people there today got denied. My friend told me some of his buddies got denied also. only reason I didn't get denied was because mine was a renewal. But now they are requiring medical records, and you have to start receving follow up care in order to a establish a "doctor-patient relationship". Has anyone else noticed that things are tighetening up? This is just one reason I hope it goes fully legal next year.
Not in California. Pretty much it's a do you have these symptoms, check this box. Does weed help, check this box. Pay some $, done. Must be very state dependent.
It is entirely state dependent. It can even be doctor dependent. Many states are even more difficult than Michigan, though I didn't realize MI had tightened things up. Is it possible it is just your doctor?
Yeah like FM said, first comes down to state laws, then city laws, then doctors preference. Might try shopping around. I know the doctors close to where I live are much more strict and many ask for paper work as the city laws are much more strict, but if I drive a few hours in any direction to a bigger city with more relaxed policies then it's walk in and walk out.

What is follow up care?
What is follow up care?

Walk in eating a bag of Doritos, wearing a bob marley tee shirt as a 60 year old cancer survivor so they can tell the medication is working correctly, duh. My 63 year old uncle would love talking about weed with a doctor, hell he loves talking about weed with anyone now that he smokes for the first time (in 40 years probably) as a chronic pain patient. He just loves telling everyone how much his quality of life improved, that is probably why they are doing it. The first part being a joke though :)
There are cannabis friendly doctors in Michigan who keep very busy, I know one of them.

Last time I visited the Detroit suburbs I happened upon a few free magazines, they were both full of MMJ related ads.

I also noticed that just about every medical dispensary offered access to doctor(s) recommended for MMJ evaluation as a package deal.

Several of the biggest dispensaries are located on the northern and western parameters of Detroit. This is for the convenience of suburban patients.

Yes, you may have to make an extra doctor visit which costs money. Before you make an appointment be ready to pay the price.

Many states do not even have have a MMJ program. Which might be best because you are not put on a government list, and you don't have state taxes, when you buy under the counter.
British Columbia Canada is easy, especially Vancouver. I get all I want