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Man gives change to homeless person, is handcuffed and held by police for an hour


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010

Greg Snider was in a Houston, Texas parking lot, on the phone making a business call. While in the lot, a homeless man approached his car and asked forchange. Snider gave him 75 cents and then drove off. KPRC Local 2 News reported on the shocking thing that happened next.

When Snider pulled onto a nearby freeway, a police car pulled him to the side. Greg was surprised by how aggressive the officer was, telling KPRC, “He's screaming. He's yelling. He's telling me to get out of the car. He's telling me to put my hands on the hood…They're like, 'We saw you downtown. We saw what you did.’ And I was like, 'Are you kidding me? I gave a homeless man 75 cents.'"

He was dragged out of his car and handcuffed. So what was it that police insisted Mr. Snider had done? Give that homeless man drugs. Again, he didn’t. Snider only gave the man some money.

Snider agreed to let police search his cars for drugs, and they did so for an hour while Greg remained handcuffed. In that time, ten more police cars showed up and pulled over. The search was not fruitful – no drugs were found in the car. That is, because, as previously mentioned, Snider didn’t have any drugs to give. Aside from the damage police did to his car, Snider isn’t happy that the police were actually laughing about the mistake.

Mr. Snider has filed a complaint. Police declined to comment to KPRC about the incident.

From my point of view, the outrage isn't that they pulled over an innocent man, but that they were doing a sting for something that is not a true crime.

Anybody watch the show Cops? Pretty much all they do is pull people over for drugs. I assume this is 80-90% of what police does. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
I'm pretty sure your (American) prison population finds the majority of prisoners incarcerated for drug related issues so...yeah.
I've just read the OP to my gf. She has an interesting theory. She says people only behave like that (irrationally, aggressively) if off their heads on drugs.

Were these cops on crystal meth?

Only in America...
^ People behave like that when they are dicks. They behave like this more-so when they are dicks with "authoritah".
I've just read the OP to my gf. She has an interesting theory. She says people only behave like that (irrationally, aggressively) if off their heads on drugs.

Were these cops on crystal meth?

I'm sure you've seen this behavior before. It's something that's endemic to humans in authority (be they sober or high). Once you challenge and delineate their authority, they become aggressive and behave as if their jurisdiction is absolute. Our SPECIES is not psychologically evolved to the extent that we can responsibly have authority figures. All social progress must be a march towards anarchism, in my opinion, because behavior such as that in the OP is inevitable when power is officially entrusted to individuals.
Lmao...ten cop cars showed up??? What a bunch of retards. I was watching tv the other day and saw a promo for a new cops and they show a clip of a bunch of cops high fiving and one yells that was awesome! Cops on duty should never say that was awesome! I hope he sues the police dept. They will prob settle out of court or they will threaten him to drop the case and start harassing him. I have no faith in law enforcement. For all the anti gun ppl if there are three armed men trying to gain access to your house and you have a gun and the avg police response time is 3 minutes plus....what would you do? Add to the fact cops reject ppl with higher than average intellegence they are mostly all fucking retards that think they are above the law.
APB.. send the whole squad.. what a joke.. tell me again why we need armies of cops.. OH yeah we dont.. not like they put much effort into stopping real crime. Oh yeah but its supposedly the drug users that are doing all of it.. really I think it because we arent criminals and are easy to catch CAUSE THERE ARE SO DAMN MANY OF US!!!
Jesus christ this doesn't even surprise me. We have a war on poverty alright and that's by making the poor and the people who help them even more miserable.
Dick heads cops. I doubt the cops was off his head on drugs (meth) but who knows, more likely just off his head on a major power trip.

"ecause behavior such as that in the OP is inevitable when power is officially entrusted to individuals."

^ Not always, there are many cases of people in power who do not abuse such powers.

Unrelated, but -
What's happened to the bar with the quote and bold and italic's and colours etc? And why can't I edit or delete my comments anymore? Is it just me, or this the same for everybody? Just curious.
Poledriver. re your first sentence. Yes exactly. My "off his head on meth" comment was satire.

Re your last sentence. It's the same for everyone. To quote, RIGHT CLICK the quote button, open in a new window, and the quote will appear.

I can't do this right now, on IPad.m
That would by an interesting comparison.. who is more illogical.. A politician, cop, or citizen on a heavy dose of "drug war" or a meth head on a good bender.. we may end up with a tie with totally ilogical coming in for all contestants.
Poledriver. re your first sentence. Yes exactly. My "off his head on meth" comment was satire.

Re your last sentence. It's the same for everyone. To quote, RIGHT CLICK the quote button, open in a new window, and the quote will appear.

I can't do this right now, on IPad.m

Ok and Ok, and thanks.
i was happy to read in the finale of the article that mr snider had lodged a formal complaint for the harassment he received.

perhaps if more people were to do this, (unnecessary measures of) law enforcement in the USA could tone down a little?

This is rediculous. I had something similar when me and bros were profiled and pulled over for a random search.
The cop assured us we were going to jail and to just hand over the drugs so we wouldn't get in trouble lol what a douche.
Right when I told him he had no right to searchbmy car and thay he couldn't he freaked on us and told us again an again how we would be going to jail.

I agree with numbers cops power trip like no other they think what they say is law.

I bet they ripped his car up in the search for the hidden drugs he was dealing. Smh.

Lol at ten cops showing up. Bunch of bitches sniffing each others asses.

Hope they get sued or some shit. Props for filling a complaint most lack the balls.
Its boredom and needing to feel useful (so many cops stopping). They often drive around and just drive around. Or they sit around. When a call comes in anytime, near- when a cop radios for a witness to search perhaps, they all respond.

Truth is without this drug war there would be less cops.
What about if the police saw the "transaction", searched the homeless guy and found some gear, "that guy gave it me as change" and they run after the guy before realizing the "mistake" as quoted in the article?

Sounds more plausible thant he police shouting we saw what you did etc if they were undercover? Anyway weed legalization in a few states or not, id happily take the UK police force and drug laws over the US, even if the UK legalized weed by a long shot. You get life stretches for small amounts of hard drugs, police shoot and kill whoever they want, innocent or guilty no morals and the citizens do absolutely nothing about it, why not use your arsenal of guns that you are so highly keen to keep incase the government decides to "disarm" you and realize they are already under 100% control of you.
What about if the police saw the "transaction", searched the homeless guy and found some gear, "that guy gave it me as change" and they run after the guy before realizing the "mistake" as quoted in the article?

Sounds more plausible thant he police shouting we saw what you did etc if they were undercover? Anyway weed legalization in a few states or not, id happily take the UK police force and drug laws over the US, even if the UK legalized weed by a long shot. You get life stretches for small amounts of hard drugs, police shoot and kill whoever they want, innocent or guilty no morals and the citizens do absolutely nothing about it, why not use your arsenal of guns that you are so highly keen to keep incase the government decides to "disarm" you and realize they are already under 100% control of you.
As attorney's say, fact not in evidence. You're making all kinds of illogical jumps there Mendo.