Made it to 90 days clean from IV heroin. Medical Marijuana WIN


Jul 22, 2017
Made it to 180 days clean from IV heroin. Medical Marijuana WIN

What a journey that was. There is light at the end of the tunnel for all you still living to stop kicking. Im just going to share what worked for me. Idk, some might say im breaking the mind altering substance rule but I would not have gotten this far without some really heavy indicas coupled with all the stuff I learned going through inpatient a couple times. My paws went from being almost unbearable to only flaring up time to time to nonexistent.

Mindfulness and meditation can go very well with cannabis and you can probably imagine why. Here's where strains become important. I think the worst symptom I have is anxiety. I am very strain sensitive in that regard. Before I could enjoy any kind of herb, but now after rewiring my brain with opiates most sativas make me uncomfortable. So I stick with indica. Insomnia? Yea, we got that covered.

Part of my paws was diarrhea. Like all the way to week 4 and 5. Imodium saved my life. Once again, weed also saved the day by not only distracting me from my bodies overall shitty feeling but by giving me an appetite.

Sitting on a couch being miserable only works for a couple weeks. Once I regained enough HP, I got the fuck up, put on some Ska Parade with Tazy Phyllipz, and walked a couple miles.

95 days in and I'm feeling pretty damn good. I never HONESTLY thought I would make it out. But this new feel good thing 24/7 is way better than that old shit I thought felt good when I could get it. And whenever I feel like I need to do heroin, I smoke some herb listen to some music and everything feels better.

Oh but now you're dependant on weed!!!! Aha yes but I'll take the title of stoner over just a fucking junkie any day.
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Congratulations on 95 days off H! That's amazing, keep it up! I'm 29 days today off oxy/h/fentynal and Kratom(helped me get off the opiates) and like yourself I have been smoking ganja daily and I believe it has helped tremendously for acute withdrawal and PAWS. Sometimes I feel like ah shit I just became a stoner and replaced everything with pot but as you stated I much rather need a joint every day/night than any opiate.. yay to us! Have you had any experience with CBD oil?? I have never tried it but have been doing a lot of research and think I might get some to try and replace smoking weed and see if it helps with my anxiety/depression and sleep (which are my main PAWS currently that I'm dealing with)
Do you have any plans on cutting back or quitting weed in the future? I would like to "cut back" myself but having a hard time thinking about that right now, my only "vice" these days I guess lol.
But that's awesome that you have made it 3 months! Super inspiring! :)
Thanks man. I saw a dude doing pretty bad after only using kratom, he checked himself out after a few days because they wouldn't give him suboxone, since technically it wasnt an opiate. Bad stuff. Good job on making it to 30 days tho, the worst is behind us!

I've never messed with cbd oil. Way too expensive to be effective imo, compared to smoking. I use concentrate in a pen, so its pretty much the closest you could get. Northern lights has worked the best for me but godfather og is right behind. Both give an awesome calming feeling of wellbeing to me.

As far as weed goes... I'll smoke it until the day I die. If I get really busy at work for a couple days or go camping for the weekend I go days without smoking and don't even realize it. Priorities. Weed falls underneath all my other important ones.
Haha I'm actually a girl! But anyways yeah Kratom was another bullshit thing to detox from but it definitely made coming off the harder stuff a ton was easier. I detoxed 5 years ago from the same opiates and it was pure hell so the Kratom helped but kinda just somewhat prolonged the enevitable, glad I'm outa the woods tho!
That's what I was thinking about the CBD oil about the $$, I'm in Canada so we have a ton of dispensaries so I might try a small amount and she how it goes..
I will probably smoke weed for the rest of my life also and I'm gonna check out the strains you have suggested!
I tried only smoking one hit of weed last evening and I was up allll night so that sucked. That's good you can stop for a few days and it even realizes it , I used to be a fair whether smoker now if I don't smoke at night I don't sleep :( but better then hard drugs for sure!
Do you find you sleep fine without smoking for a few days?
I try to stay busy enough to exhaust myself to sleep by the end of the day. If I don't keep myself occupied all the bad stuff starts coming back to me and I get mild anxiety episodes where I won't sleep regardless of how much I smoke. Otherwise my regular sleeping pattern varies from like 4 to 8 hours a night regardless of smoking.
OP it sounds like you are doing all the right things. Just don't give into the cravings. One thing that helped me stay off the H was that "I don't want to pay for these illegal aliens rent"
I'm about 2 and a half days into an opioid detox and definitely agree the cannabis helps. Heavy indicas for sure, although I have occasionally wished for something more cerebral and less suit-of-lead feeling for when I need to get off my ass and do responsible adult things.

Combinations of low dose GABAergics seem to help a lot too. Half an mg of alprazolam here, a sip of wine there. Not too much of either, all on top of constant herb smoking.

I was on bupe for a handful of years, off for two weeks after running out, after which I took kratom. Can't really pinpoint exactly what I'm detoxing from, bupe or kratom or both, but it's definitely general opioid cessation sickness.

Regarding kratom, it'll stave off WD because it's a mu-opioid agonist, but if you're taking enough to feel it, you're probably not really detoxing. I personally don't have the impulse control to not get high off of it. Can't taper. Gotta do CT and suffer.
95 days...thays amazing. I am Suffering H withdrawal as i type this. I cant put 3 whole days together i cant imagine 95. Your an inspiration. Congratulations
High five to you man, kicking an addiction is not an easy task even with the help of specialists. I used to use heroin for around 10 years. Exercise is the key so keep it up. You sound like you have a plan so stick to it. Best wishes to you.
I'm down to be dependent on bud and not opiates.. very inspiring post I am very happy to hear this ^__^ and ya know what, music has such a profound influence on mood and inspiration, it's a trip!
132 days. Starting to deal with the mess I left behind. Every time I had gotten clean a month or so in I'd get overwhelmed with life and want to shut it all out with tar. This time around I figured out how to roll with life without trying to block problems out, but rather acknowledge that they're there, and slowly work towards fixing things
132 days. Starting to deal with the mess I left behind. Every time I had gotten clean a month or so in I'd get overwhelmed with life and want to shut it all out with tar. This time around I figured out how to roll with life without trying to block problems out, but rather acknowledge that they're there, and slowly work towards fixing things

This is an inspiring post! This is what truly frees you from addiction IMO--having the faith in yourself that lets you know you can ride out the hard times without having to run from them. You are better than your worst choices, actions and consequences. If I defined myself by my worst moments, I would have zero to live for.

CBD oil does work wonders...
Right now the roof over my head is a recovery house that is being funded so unfortunately i cannot smoke cannabis, but i already have plans to treat some of symptoms of anxiety/depression/pain with cannabis.

I choose not to treat my addiction with more drugs as I opt to not take the suboxone.

I do miss my cannabis and indica strains have always been my favorite. You are making a very wise choice, where are you posting from??
Ahhhhh yea, I hit rock bottom and climbed back out!!! Cravings are few and far between. Life is good.
132 days. Starting to deal with the mess I left behind. Every time I had gotten clean a month or so in I'd get overwhelmed with life and want to shut it all out with tar. This time around I figured out how to roll with life without trying to block problems out, but rather acknowledge that they're there, and slowly work towards fixing things

Fantastic perspective!<3