• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Macro Photography

^ Thanks for that!

Right after I snapped that pick he got scared off totally stopped munching to make a hasty retreat.

Lucky I got him while I could.

Summer is fast approaching I find myself outdoors whenever I can .... there will be more!

What's the 2nd to last a picture of?
I REALLY like that one.
^Passion flower

Guessing these close up plants is pretty fun. We could make a whole game out of this "guess the macro" lol Lets see, I think that caterpillar is on a nasturtium leaf:

This could also be what the little tiny bugs are on.

And I think NationOfThizzlams picture is an agapanthus:

And this could also be what Sativas spider and dew drop are on, but thats a pretty wild guess.

(Neither of these photos are mine. Thank you google!)
Idk.. Possibly.. I found them in balboa park. I'm sure there's a sign around there somewhere. I just didn't think to look >_> haha
Is that what they looked like? (Maybe just a different color?) They have long stems that have the bunches of flowers at the top and those really long thin leaves at the base.
They were more of a bush actually
I'm going back this weekend I'll look for a description of some sort. Haha.
That is magnifico :)
Much better than my crappy flowers. :)

Bro ... passion flower IS a dope flower I just caught one growing on the garage door like 2 days ago!

Today I brought a pack of Sunflower seeds and planted them in random spots around the house cose here it's spring.

In theory my house should be awash in Sunflowers for the summer :D

You were on the market for a camera I remember reading ... how's that going?
Guessing these close up plants is pretty fun. We could make a whole game out of this "guess the macro" lol Lets see, I think that caterpillar is on a nasturtium leaf:

This could also be what the little tiny bugs are on.

The caterpillar is in fact on that exact species of plant! (your first pic) ... you got an eye for this shit!

Passionflower is and has always been one of the most amazing flowers to look at. Makes a relaxing tea too from what I hear.


Match the veins on the leaf of the pic you posted to the pic the Caterpillar is on and you see what I mean.
Bro ... passion flower IS a dope flower I just caught one growing on the garage door like 2 days ago!

Today I brought a pack of Sunflower seeds and planted them in random spots around the house cose here it's spring.

In theory my house should be awash in Sunflowers for the summer :D

You were on the market for a camera I remember reading ... how's that going?

I've pretty much decided to go with the t2i.
Its not the bees t camera out there and I'll likely grow out of it
But what I need is to just get my feet wet with a dslr. I've been using a 35mm for two years now. And it was great to be able to take my film in the lab and develop it my self...but now I'm just too broke. Haha
If you have any suggestions for a good one, I'm all ears.:)

That's a pretty sick idea. :)
Can't wait to see some of those shots

Not really sure how I did this one... the blur around the focus area is something I've always wanted to do on a dslr (I can do it on a film slr) but I just cant work out how to do it, so this was a fluke really haha
Speaking of passionflowers, I found about 30 of them on our vine today :)

And some jasmine <3
Me too!! It's the smell of summer <3
And incidentally, to me it's the smell of Christmas :D
But you probably don't share the same feelings on that my dear fizz hehehe.
Guessing these close up plants is pretty fun. We could make a whole game out of this "guess the macro" lol Lets see, I think that caterpillar is on a nasturtium leaf:
This could also be what the little tiny bugs are on.

And I think NationOfThizzlams picture is an agapanthus:
And this could also be what Sativas spider and dew drop are on, but thats a pretty wild guess.

(Neither of these photos are mine. Thank you google!)

First one is correct, but the second one is a Clivia miniata Belgian Hybrid. They are orange...


^Ah! Good eye. The overall look of the plants are very similar, I dont think I've ever seen one of those before!