• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand



Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
So, I didnt know where to post this, however a newly emerged analogue of a little known shulgin compound "M-ALPHA" has emerged, and been seized along with MDMA.

The compound is called M-ALPHA-HMCA

In pihkal, under the MDA entry, shulgin writes:
"The benzylamine counterpart (as if one were to move the amine function from the beta-carbon to the alpha-carbon of the three carbon chain of the amphetamine molecule) is alpha-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxybenzylamine or 1-amino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)propane, ALPHA. The hydrochloride salt has a mp of 199-201 °C. At low threshold levels (10 milligram area) there were eyes-closed "dreams" with some body tingling. The compound was not anorexic at any dose (up to 140 milligrams) and was reported to produce a pleasant, positive feeling. It is very short-lived (about 3 hours). The N-methyl homologue is alpha-ethyl-N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxybenzylamine or 1-methylamino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl)propane, M-ALPHA. It is similar in action, but is perhaps twice as potent (a plus one or plus two dose is 60 milligrams) and of twice the duration."

Theres not much else to say, as effects are completely unknown, however a brand new amine system potentially can open up worlds or NPS's.

I dont know how to upload a photo of the structure sadly
Just moved this over to NPD as I figure it'll get a lot more appreciation and interest from the people here.
Is this what you are trying to say?


That is indeed the structure. I have a hard time believing this is active at levels below MDMA.
Is this what you are trying to say?


That's just M-ALPHA:


M-ALPHA-HMCA is not a designer drug. It's a byproduct of the synthesis of MDMA via PMK glycidates. PMK glycidates are generally hydrolyzed and decarboxylated to form PMK before treatment with methylamine and reduction to form MDMA. If conversion to PMK from PMK glycidate is incomplete before treatment with methylamine, aminolysis of the ester and epoxide opening will lead to M-ALPHA-HMCA:

Interesting thanks for confirming this. Now come on guys back to ur labs to conjure up some new psychedelic phenethylamine 😁
3-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)-2-hydroxy-N,2-dimethyl-3-(methylamino)propanamide is the IUPAC, I hear.

I don't have ChemDraw handy but this compound has an awful lot of hydrogen bond donors/acceptors and heteroatoms ... which means more polar, and more hydrophilic, making BBB penetration decrease, ergo less active centrally
Yeah i was trying to insert those structures when I originally posted but it wasn't working on my phone.

M-ALPHA-HMCA is not a designer drug. It's a byproduct of the synthesis of MDMA via PMK glycidates. PMK glycidates are generally hydrolyzed and decarboxylated to form PMK before treatment with methylamine and reduction to form MDMA. If conversion to PMK from PMK glycidate is incomplete before treatment with methylamine, aminolysis of the ester and epoxide opening will lead to M-ALPHA-HMCA:

Thank you for explaining that so clearly. I guess its similarity to M-ALPHA was what got people excited, but now its clear that it's a synthetic byproduct, and unlikely to be super active on it's own. I do wonder however, if maybe the presence of relatively obscure byproducts/impurities like this may be playing a role or be relevant to the what is wrong with mdma today thread ---> https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today.791073/unread