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Lysergamide blends


Nov 20, 2013
Please share your experiences with blending lysergamides!
By blends, I mean combinations of a lysergamide with one or more other lysergamides.

We tend to hear a lot more about combos between more distinct classes of drugs, combining dissociatives and psychedelics, MDMA with LSD, beer and mushrooms and so on. But this recent (and unforgivable) fake 2C-EF scandal reminds us of the notion that it's possible for synergy to form in blends within very similar classes of drug.

Hydergine is a blend of three ergot alkyloids developed by Hofmann, that was/is used as a drug to treat dementia. Not a lysergamide blend per se, but a IRL example of a lysergamide-esque blend where the sum is apparently greater than the whole of of it's parts.

The first time I took ETH-LAD I had the strong intuition that it could be used in small ratios to "steer" an LSD trip, and that AL-LAD could be used in a similar way. I've still not tried combining either of these with LSD, but I'm intrigued by the idea. Something like a 5:1 ratio of LSD to ETH-LAD, or 3:1 with LSD:AL-LAD.

MIPLA and EIPLA could be interesting in combo with LSD, or perhaps the more lighthearted AL-LAD.
I've combined LSD (or ALD-52, I've done with both) with AL-LAD, and I found it to not be specifically synergistic, but they blended together beautifully to provide the characteristics of both. You could think of it as either a deeper AL-LAD trip, or a more giggly and euphoric LSD trip. I have read of people finding the AL-LAD and ETH-LAD combo synergistic and very strong, but I haven't tried it myself.

Great idea for a thread. :)
Interesting idea. Haven’t tried it, but 2C-B with 2C-I was nice so I get the idea.
I've combined LSD (or ALD-52, I've done with both) with AL-LAD, and I found it to not be specifically synergistic, but they blended together beautifully to provide the characteristics of both. You could think of it as either a deeper AL-LAD trip, or a more giggly and euphoric LSD trip. I have read of people finding the AL-LAD and ETH-LAD combo synergistic and very strong, but I haven't tried it myself.

Great idea for a thread. :)
Now it’s fine, but the first tine I tried blending 1p and eth-lad, it turned into a mad temp swing trip. Even led to serious purging.
You are right about eth-lad, it totally steers the trip. I find it adds another mini-peak, on top of the 1p. Would love to try it with lsd-25 as a combo!
Now it’s fine, but the first tine I tried blending 1p and eth-lad, it turned into a mad temp swing trip. Even led to serious purging.
You are right about eth-lad, it totally steers the trip. I find it adds another mini-peak, on top of the 1p. Would love to try it with lsd-25 as a combo!
Do you remember what your ratios were?
I have never combined different lysergamides, but I don't see much reason to avoid it. I feel it could be analogised to combining different strains of weed.

They may compliment each other well, there may or may not be any obvious synergy, but you would surely just have a slightly different experience, like if I vape a bowl of our plain Durban poison, or plain Northern Cheese Haze (NCH), or a mixture of the two.

It will alter the experience and high into a relative combined effect, with characteristics and traits observable from both strains/lysergamides in whatever proportion they are consumed.

Of course it may not be so clear and clean cut. For example with a 50/50 combo of Durban and NCH, I would expect the heavier, more sedating Indica aspects of the NCH to stand out and obscure the effect from the Durban, which is much more cerebral and thought provoking.

I usually would use 70% Sativa Dominant vs 30% indica dom or heavier hybrid, to suit me personally.

I have always found that having that lower ratio of hybrid or indica have brings about a totally different but very pleasant and enjoyable high and effect. It feels more complete, more relaxing and still not too heavy.

I expect the same principles could be analogised to combining different lysergamides.

ETH-LAD would be the indica here, so a 50/50 with 1p/Ald/25/1CP, may not be as appreciable depending on what you are looking for, as 30 % ETH-LAD and 70% other.

Like my weed bowl combo, as you adjust the ratios you will will create a slightly different subjective experience in line with the specific ratios.

I imagine that it would be possible to play and tweak with various combinations and and ratios to find our preferred combos.

@heatlessbbq hey bro, glad to see you posting again. Sorry for giving you some grief bro I have acfually missed you, I hope you dont hate me too much for speaking my mind to you trying to get you to consider your contribution style here. It's only because I care bro.

How are you? How did your trip go the other night? Was it a big dose, blotter? Judt curious and interested mate I understand if you don't want to share anything of course.
Do you remember what your ratios were?
25ug of ETH-LAD, 75ug of 1P-LSD.
That first time kicked my body's ass, but in retrospect, I had eaten a ton of pasta and not kept up with my water intake at all. So it was more likely exacerbated by the dehydration effects. But it's a good reminder for all trippers: keep up the water and test blends with all other factors at nominal levels, so you can manage it all easily.

I found ETH-LAD to be more visual, crisper. (like many have)
Perhpas not entirely what you had in mind but 2ct7 + LSd was overly confusing my only 2 experiences.
I wonder if combining 2ct7 with ald52, both of which I find rather mellow mentally at modest doses, would help to fill out each substance?
I have combined LSD with 2C-B and the synergy is very strong, so it makes sense the same would be true of 2C-T-7 and LSD.
just mixed up some a-lad and some 1-p (8 tabs of each) chopped up into distilled water in a small dropper bottle for minidosing, 4 droppers should be a full tab - I will report on the weekend how it works for me. (I am leaving the tiny pieces of paper in - maybe some will get in the dropper and maybe not.)
Yeah, A,l-LAD + LSD (or LSD prodrug) is a wonderful combo.

I wish Al-LAD wasn't gone... I did stock up before, but I'm down to only like 15 hits out of 50. If I could go back I'd have gotten more. I still would choose LSD over AL-LAD if I could only sue one, hands down, but AL-LAD is a wonderful little gem.

I've heard AL-LAD + ETH-LAD is really powerful but haven't tried it yet.
Man, the Orange Sunshine right now fits the title of this thread perfect.

Don't wanna mix those crystals with some white fluff.
I find the a-lad +1p (1:1) mix very even-minded, yet resonant and well lubricated; and next day my vision still has the freshness of the combo. I was quite social and enjoyed a long walk to a gallery experience that included Miniatures (& a large magnifying glass to examine them) as well as very large wooden and fabric installation pieces in an immense warehouse gallery that I never knew existed on the waterfront in Toronto.
I wonder if AL is a better mixer than ETH with 1P. You’ve done both, which was smoother, if that’s a fair question?