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LTC's sexual dysfunction, could it be the key to MDMA abuse recovery?


Nov 13, 2015
I would like to start this thread informing you that I am Brazilian =D, and my English writing is not very good, but I consider myself an intelligent person, so please give it a chance.

I'm starting to develop a theory (though it is complicated because of the difficulty of concentration and attention that makes me constantly lose the train of thought) that many of the LTC’s symptoms reported here by myself and others MDMA abusers, especially those that are considered anxiety symptoms, may be related to sexual dysfunction, as many professional psychologists believe that the root of psychological problems is sexual.

So basically what happened to me was: 28 untested MDMA pills December/2014 to August/2015. After taking six pills in one night, I had a panic attack and severe depression for 2 weeks, believing that i caused permanent damage to my brain. The months went by and I felt relatively better, but I developed chronic insomnia, generalized anxiety, and live with constant symptoms such as tremors, pulsation in the head, throbbing, shaking, decentralized vision, difficulty concentrating and a horrible memory.

But the biggest problem is sexual dysfunction.

It affects my deepest thoughts and feelings, affects my soul, makes me feel like I will never be man and never be able to live normally again.
What I noticed was that after my ecstasy abuse, my sex drive has decreased A LOT 8o. Before all of this, when watching a porn video for example, or seeing a naked girl, I would instantly have an erection. Now this doesn’t happen anymore, visual stimuli don’t affect my erection.

It is different to the stimulation of touch; When I'm playing with a girl, kissing her, it starts to get up, but not strong enough most of the time, and i have premature ejaculation. As if my body was tired and wanted to finish it soon. When this happens it is impossible to have a second "erection".

I also realized that when I think a lot about these sexual problems (which I’ve been doing), all the other symptoms get worse: insomnia, anxiety, depression, head pulsation and tachycardia (even concentration, memory, vision, and the sexual dysfunction itself).

I know several people who have abused a lot more of MDMA and don’t have any sexual problems. Many here claim to have sexual problems as a symptom of LTC, but when it comes to men, sexuality is the basis of self-confidence. I bet that if most of us here who are going through LTC’s were not experiencing problems with libido, having sex regularly, feeling orgasms normally, would give much less attention for other symptoms caused/exacerbated by a LTC, don’t you agree? I know I would.

A sexually active alpha man is full of confidence, that confidence releases dopamine and other substances that makes everything easier.
I believe that if we focus on the improvement of sexual dysfunction, other symptoms will eventually go away, but how? I read several posts about supplementation and medication and would like to discuss with you guys.

For those who managed to improve or cure sexual dysfunction after a LTC, what did you do? What medications or supplements did you take? What tests did you do?

What could be causing this desire decrease? Read some posts talking about Piracetam, does it help? And testosterone?
FBC told us that his sexual function is at 100% but didn’t explained what helped him with that.

Ecstasy could actually cause permanent problems with erection from visual stimulation? What part of the brain is involved in this and how can we treat it?
I really think that the problems are not hormonal but in the brain.

Let us share all knowledge about it.

Now I'm taking Xanax 0.5mg to sleep, along with melatonin. Omega 4, glutamine. Planning to buy ashwagandha, Pregnenolone, magnesium and B, B12 vitamins. Tought about 5-HTP but i don't wanna fuck the libido more than it is now. I have all the symptoms of low serotonin (which could not mean low serotonin itself, but damage to the receivers / transmitters), the single symptom that does not fit is low libido and erectile dysfunction, which, in the case of low serotonin, libido should be increased. i'm not depressed, only with Anxiety disorder.

I don't mind spending my entire salary on anything that helps the little man to start working again :p

Thanks guys! I wish you all peace, love and a quick and full recovery
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I think 5-HTP should be one of the first things that you try, normally an enzyme makes serotonin called tryptophan hydroxylase but this enzyme is downed for months after MDMA, so it's important to take serotonin directly with 5-HTP. I recommend 200mg a day.

I think part of the problem here could be serotonin's regulation of blood vessel dilation. MDMA is an agonist at 5-HT2B which happens to be localized on the smooth muscle of blood vessels (along with 5-HT2A). If you stimulate these 5-HT2B receptors too much it can cause vasoconstriction, which would be opposite of what you want for boners. They make Sarpogrelate, an antagonist at 5-HT2A/B, for vascular migraine. Antagonizing adrenaline can help things flow, take for example Trazadone which is known to cause priapism (or a permanent boner), due to its alpha adrenergic antagonism. In general adrenaline and stress constrict the blood vessels so shutting that down with a sympatholytic medication like Clonidine might help.

Honestly I think a lot of people's sexual dysfunction comes from pelvic floor weakness, and keigel exercises are a must. Especially for anyone who's had any lower back or pelvis pain. There are these muscles that stop the blood from flowing out of the penis so the blood builds up and it gets hard, but if these muscles are weak the blood just flows right out.
I would definitely recommend taking about 50mg per day of zinc gluconate or chelated zinc. I find this is good for increasing male libido and performance. Maybe look into Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra as well? And yeah, Deseryl (trazodone) is pro-sexual for males. Edit: So I did a little ED research tonight on the web and found this website: www.edconqueror.com
I watched their intro video and it made a fair amount of sense to me. Basically, this guy is saying that the root cause of many cases of ED is uncontrolled bodily inflammation making it hard for the blood vessels of the corpora cavernosa inside the penis to relax and then allow a large influx of blood to engorge your dick and make you properly hard. He claims to have come up with twelve miracle foods to make sandwiches out of that effectively combat inflammation as well as 12 foods and some prescription drugs to avoid at all costs. Finally, he throws in some instructions for some Kegel exercises, charges you $39.95 for the complete educational kit, and calls it a day. It might help and probably won't hurt your situation much either. Who knows?
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Yes OP I would agree that my main problems are sexual, and everything stems from that.

Sex is innate to the human experience. As biological organisms we have two most basic functions: Survive and Reproduce.

I definitely think a lot of LTC symptoms might be psychological. It's so damn confusing though.

Mine started with a very bad acid trip the night before that had a strong, negative sexual component. Then I took molly the next day. So, I don't think it's totally "brain damage" but I think it may be primarily psychological. Unfortunately, that does not make it any less real. And because it concerns sex, I don't think it's merely a problem you can think yourself out of.

I'm almost 4 months into it, I don't have a solution, but I definitely think you're onto something. My sexual problems seem to be almost identical to yours.
Hey bro, this thread is 5 years old but ive seen youve been active on bluelight a while ago , i also have the same problems after taking mdma, i developed ED and PE, and its almost 4 months since my LTC started but ED has gotten a better but still not 100% and PE is still there, did your problems ever go away?
ive found online that some people get the same sexual dynsfunction after stopping SSRI and everyone recovered but it took 6-12 months. I hope youre recovered and im 100% sure this is mdma related and not anything else, ive never had this issue before but the day after mdma everything started.
Are the people in this thread trying to address an belief/attitude problem by messing with chemicals? That might work, but it's a little bit like trying to build a house by throwing rocks onto a pile.

You have a much better chance if you directly address the specific thoughts and feelings you experience when trying to enjoy sex by going to e.g. talk therapy. As much as members try to support each other on this forum, an Internet thread is not and will not be a conversation, which is the gold-standard treatment for this kind of situation.

Especially the guy with the acid trip. Acid trips don't cause selective neurotoxicity leading to specific sexual problems. That's a mental attitude issue, not a neural physiology issue. Sure, they might be inseparable at the end of the day, but we draw a difference in practice for good reasons.

But you can try reading the /r/sex FAQ...
I would like to start this thread informing you that I am Brazilian =D, and my English writing is not very good, but I consider myself an intelligent person, so please give it a chance.

I'm starting to develop a theory (though it is complicated because of the difficulty of concentration and attention that makes me constantly lose the train of thought) that many of the LTC’s symptoms reported here by myself and others MDMA abusers, especially those that are considered anxiety symptoms, may be related to sexual dysfunction, as many professional psychologists believe that the root of psychological problems is sexual.

So basically what happened to me was: 28 untested MDMA pills December/2014 to August/2015. After taking six pills in one night, I had a panic attack and severe depression for 2 weeks, believing that i caused permanent damage to my brain. The months went by and I felt relatively better, but I developed chronic insomnia, generalized anxiety, and live with constant symptoms such as tremors, pulsation in the head, throbbing, shaking, decentralized vision, difficulty concentrating and a horrible memory.

But the biggest problem is sexual dysfunction.

It affects my deepest thoughts and feelings, affects my soul, makes me feel like I will never be man and never be able to live normally again.
What I noticed was that after my ecstasy abuse, my sex drive has decreased A LOT 8o. Before all of this, when watching a porn video for example, or seeing a naked girl, I would instantly have an erection. Now this doesn’t happen anymore, visual stimuli don’t affect my erection.

It is different to the stimulation of touch; When I'm playing with a girl, kissing her, it starts to get up, but not strong enough most of the time, and i have premature ejaculation. As if my body was tired and wanted to finish it soon. When this happens it is impossible to have a second "erection".

I also realized that when I think a lot about these sexual problems (which I’ve been doing), all the other symptoms get worse: insomnia, anxiety, depression, head pulsation and tachycardia (even concentration, memory, vision, and the sexual dysfunction itself).

I know several people who have abused a lot more of MDMA and don’t have any sexual problems. Many here claim to have sexual problems as a symptom of LTC, but when it comes to men, sexuality is the basis of self-confidence. I bet that if most of us here who are going through LTC’s were not experiencing problems with libido, having sex regularly, feeling orgasms normally, would give much less attention for other symptoms caused/exacerbated by a LTC, don’t you agree? I know I would.

A sexually active alpha man is full of confidence, that confidence releases dopamine and other substances that makes everything easier.
I believe that if we focus on the improvement of sexual dysfunction, other symptoms will eventually go away, but how? I read several posts about supplementation and medication and would like to discuss with you guys.

For those who managed to improve or cure sexual dysfunction after a LTC, what did you do? What medications or supplements did you take? What tests did you do?

What could be causing this desire decrease? Read some posts talking about Piracetam, does it help? And testosterone?
FBC told us that his sexual function is at 100% but didn’t explained what helped him with that.

Ecstasy could actually cause permanent problems with erection from visual stimulation? What part of the brain is involved in this and how can we treat it?
I really think that the problems are not hormonal but in the brain.

Let us share all knowledge about it.

Now I'm taking Xanax 0.5mg to sleep, along with melatonin. Omega 4, glutamine. Planning to buy ashwagandha, Pregnenolone, magnesium and B, B12 vitamins. Tought about 5-HTP but i don't wanna fuck the libido more than it is now. I have all the symptoms of low serotonin (which could not mean low serotonin itself, but damage to the receivers / transmitters), the single symptom that does not fit is low libido and erectile dysfunction, which, in the case of low serotonin, libido should be increased. i'm not depressed, only with Anxiety disorder.

I don't mind spending my entire salary on anything that helps the little man to start working again :p

Thanks guys! I wish you all peace, love and a quick and full recovery
And be interested to hear how you are now. I experience something very similar to you about 1 1/2 years ago. I’m in my 50’s but always had a huge sex drive and easy orgasms.

I can’t trace my sexual dysfunction to just one thing though. I took MDMA, LSD, recreationally a few times during this period in 2019. On daily basis I took adderall (ADD) and Proscar. All but adderall have an effect, very negative, on male sexuality. Adderall, after 15 years of use, have messed up my dopaminergic system. I don’t have any solid basis for this, but I have read research about how stimulant medication can destroy dopamine system components in neurons.

My problems started abruptly on a weekend vacation with a girlfriend when we did a candy flip, which is MDMA with LSD. My sexual switch simply went off, and never returned fully. Initially I could not orgasm or get an erection at all. This lasted for three or so months. Masturbation was ruthless. It was extremely distressing. Again, there was a switch that simply went off. This is not a gradual thing but it happened literally after the candy flip. After a year and a half, I can have erections and orgasm, but it’s inconsistent. My cock is fairly numb, and I would say that I have anywhere from 50% to 25% of the sensation that I used to have. The feeling I have in my cock when I’m engaging in sex is much less pleasurable making it more difficult to orgasm. The good part of this for my fiancé is that sex lasts longer, but that can become laborious if we want to have a quickie. Believe me, I would much rather be able to cum quickly, like I used to!

I hope the original poster will chime back in to tell me and all of us if he ever recovered his sexual function fully. I’m hoping that I will, but at this point it seems something has permanently changed, and I know it was a combination of the illicit and prescription drugs I was taking.

Please don’t reply to this if you haven’t done any research in this area, haven’t experienced sexual dysfunction due to these types of drugs, or if you want to brag is that your dick works fine. Thanks!
He did share more details elsewhere years ago; he recovered fully after using an SSRI for a few months, and reported better than ever functioning.