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LSD treshold ?...I need experts opinion on this


Oct 31, 2015
I dont really know how to put this in english but here it goes :)

I almost always take one half of acid and than 45 mins after that 1 whole tab.That's the way I like it because that half 'introduce' me to psychedelics world and when i get used to it I can take more.
That one half always works,colors and hallucinations apear etc.

Than one time I had tab and a half of good acid so I experimented a little bit.
I took 1/4 of tab like every 45 mins or hour so in a period of maybe 4 hours I took a tab and a half and felt NOTHING :)
So taking half tab works great but taking 3/4 in a period of two hours wont work at all.
Why is that ?
So is there like somekind of threshold for lsd to work?
So is there like somekind of threshold for lsd to work?

Yeah but the same could be said about any psychoactive drug. I'm thinking that you meant to say something else because the answer to that question is kind of a given :)

What you are experiencing is acute tolerance development, as in, you take half a blotter and 2 hours later, the same amount won't hit you with the same intensity as you have developed some tolerance. Redosing LSD in the way that you mentioned is a sure fire way to waste your drugs.

Redosing works better with some psychedelics than others but in general, most people seem to agree that redosing after a certain amount of time has passed is (almost) a complete waste.

The key to dosing psychedelics (IMO/IME!) is to take a sufficient amount of drug to produce the desired level of intensity, right off the bat.
That's the most efficient way to go about it.
Psychedelic tolerance builds INCREDIBLY fast. After 45 minutes, there is no point in redosing. You may as well just be throwing your LSD in the garbage.
I find that within 45 minutes to an hour, redosing works pretty well. It's like once you hit the peak, it's not going to make it much stronger almost no matter how much you take, it will just extend the duration.
I've found this with numerous more powerful psychedelics, especially if I lack a scale and foolishly decide to eyeball the doses (just a reminder to NEVER DO AS I DO. NEVER EYEBALL YOUR DOSES).
In rightfully erring on the side of caution I often build up a tolerance and after a period of a few hours no amount of substance will give me a fulfilling high.
So it means that the intensity of the peak depends of the amount you take the first time.One half will work great ( for me ) and everything else i take will only make my trip last longer.It makes sense :) I have a friend who told me he had 2 tabs and was completely normal and he felt some slight change in his mood but nothing special....but he took one half and than the rest later,like two hours later.So basically he was inluenced only by that first half :-D
Redosing works, but you'd have to compensate by taking bigger doses. If you are talking 1/4 typical hits, then no that is not gonna do at all.

Not sure if all your hits were from the same batch? Cause a 'hit' is not a standard unit of dosage, you'd have to know how potent they are to really track your dose-response relationship here.

As was said tolerance is the issue if do multiple redoses that are too low. There is indeed a threshold, and to overcome it you need to take a high enough initial dose and/or sustain it by taking a high enough redose which as said has to be higher.

A lot of the novel lysergamides around seem to be dosed truthfully at the reported dose. If you buy acid normally, the dose tends to be rather disappointing - you expect 100+ µg but get 50. I guess the threshold varies between individuals, depending how sensitive they are... in other words, a lot of factors for what is enough to get a + reaction.

Testing the waters is smart and responsible.. but if you keep getting disappointed maybe it's not worth being overly apprehensive. There can be extra anxiety as well, around that threshold - if you are in fully then at least it's clear your in for the ride.