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LSD is love


Jul 10, 2013
I don't know guys I just had the need to post here after a while of not posting here for a while. But I need tell you that LSD just opened my eyes in ways I can't describe. Today I hung out with a long time friend i've worked with for awhile now and yeah he's fucked me a few times in terms of money and deals with drugs, but I just got to hanging out with him today and have been under the influence of some potent lsd since this afternoon and asked him questions sincerely from the heart as to why he's been fucking me over and long and behold it's because he was having trouble with heroin and what not.

I really don't understand what i'm trying to say with this post, but LSD has just opened me up to myself in beautiful ways. Just contacted my dad who i haven't talked to in a year and told him I love him. Everything that is beautiful in life is what's right in front of us but we just don't see it. I have this beautiful girl who likes me, a supportive friend who i'm going to help make sure he stays clean from dirty shit.

I'm still under the influence 7 hours later as i'm posting this, i've taken more lsd before but all it takes is a sort of sincere openness to see that Life is Love, and I have to thank LSD for opening me up in complete positiveness, even only on one hit this time.

I am blessed. I never thought LSD would make me feel the way I do after all, all I hear is about bad trips blah blah blah, it's all about being open to what you're feeling and acting upon it.

and for all the people who feel or have felt like I do now, thank you for reading this, straight from the heart.
You have just given me a really nice feeling, thank you. :) I remember when I had my first psychedelic experiences, all of my early experiences actually, and felt that love for the first time. They are really are beautiful substances. <3
love you buddy. i was just walking home in a really good mood realizing everything is love. I know this moment won't be forever of course, but it's completely therapeutic in all sense of the word. I don't understand psychiatrists, anti-depressants, etc. Just opening myself up to Lucy tonight as completely changed everything. Sat on my porch and listened to some Journey as I looked up at the stars reflecting on everything positive within my life.

Truly a blessing, glad I made you feel nice!
Driving back west tonight I definitely share this feeling, it is like heaven has opened up the gates and flooded the world around me with a soft glow.

Even though I'm not religious I feel empathy for the devotees, this is what it must feel like to be faithful to their god. Me and the world are merged in beautiful harmony.

I haven't felt anything even remotely like that in sooo long.
But, I'm glad listening to Journey and looking at the stars is doing it for you.

LSD is such an eye opener.. I think anyone who has done LSD will never be the same. In a positive way. I dont know whats DMT trip like or how that will change you, but I think LSD experience can really make a difference in individuals life. I think you could compare it to a life event like having a child or marrying someone or losing someone you love. The phenomenom can be equally as powerful as those
It absolutely is a "reset button" when taken at the right time. Connects us to our simplest and most genuine feelings of wonder and desire for human connection.
Got a tab to take which will be my first ever time, was gonna put it off till a good time in summer but this is making me want to just do it now to have a sudden epiphany about life haha
This thread has reminded me of my first acid trip, and how it completely changed how I view this strange, yet beautiful thing we call life. These substances are truly incredible. I <3 all of you.
I know that feeling, OP. Man, I've yet to feel anything as good as those last moments of a LSD trip where you feel like your soul has been renewed and life is beautiful. The creativity, the openness to experience, the feeling of pure bliss for almost a week after is unrivaled.
It will be a few months yet before I trip again but now I can hardly wait. :) I haven't had a full-dose LSD trip in years, and I will be very happy to have a refresher course on life's beauty.
*hugs you*

You are the Universe
The Universe is God
God is Love
Love is You

LSD just serves to alert you to this, but angel dust can do so nicely too, or meditation or the smile of a child.
This love, this beauty, its YOU, and it underlies all things, hidden beneath the dualities.
Love is this post.
Love, your reply.