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LSD is DOC in the uk?

ahhh the bonzos - viv was an Eccentric but not a druggie though he needed a shit load of valium to get on stage - sir henry of rawlingsford end a classic tale that peel use to play one side at a time...met him twice v funny bloke got pissed with him a mate and a strange irish fella that had just walked out the bookies and said ' ah the mighty viv'
Heh, thought you might have met him. Was it Bob Calvert that befriended him? Bet ya met Bob as well didn't you?
..don't remember meeting him, but the pub on portabello (king William?- cant remember name) was where lemmie drank all the time and was always with a big group of mates/band members but this was when motorhead was getting off the ground - another fella you will know who I met back stage at Glastonbury in 81(?) was ginger baker now he was a nutter the set became infamous as he stared to set up when roy harper was still paying and they started fighting on stage after roy left his fans started chucking bottles and shit at the stage and ginger got hit on the bonce, with blood dripping down his face he didn't miss a beat. He came back to our 'encampment wher we had made a big couldren of mushroom tea - we were giving it away and must have got at least 100 or so people shitfaced including te band. Man my memory is dragging up lots of stuff as I write this down.....tripping with the Gong crowd at Henge...lots of stories
I'm the urban spaceman baby, I got speed, I got everything I need...

I'm pretty sure I read in the Hawkwind biography 'This is Hawkwind, do not panic' that Viv Stanshall and Bob Calvert got very pally and used to neck Valium by the handful.

I would love to hear some more of your stories Blondin. Get some stims and get writing :)

Re. Ginger Baker, I read that when he was in Hawkwind briefly, the rest of the band got so fed up with him being a mad cunt that they decided to sack him - but no- one dared do it so they drew straws to decide who would tell him. It fell on Harvey Bainbridge - the then bass player (and possible ex neighbour to Shambles) who Ginger hated. When Harvey broke the news to him, instead of flipping out, Ginger just said "so the worst bass player in the world is sacking the best drummer in the world?"
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^^^ yep true dat - GB was a fuckin egotistical cunt TBH BUT was a truly ace drummer but like lots of muso's missed out on the big money (no writing credits =no cash) so did a lot of touring. Another really whacky band I got to know were the Enid- remember them? and on the aristo ting being with jonny hervey -marquess Bristol was as crazy a time I have ever spent didn't know him that well but a mate of mine did and we spent many a day/night bender with him having yardie cooking ounces at a time in his kitchen in to plate shaped lumps of crack. Proper hedonist /maniac always at full speed, no fear ended up dead of aids after selling his ancestral home..pretty sad but packed in a lot in his short nutty lifer
As for DOC being sold as acid - buy one blotter off a vendor on the darknet and check it out. If you're happy, buy some more. It really is as simple as that. I thought the days of handing over money to some random arsehole who'se going to rip you off for DOC were gone.

This definitely wasn't from a "random arsehole" - everyone who took it enjoyed themselves, and I sampled it at low doses (half and single blotters) and never for once thought that it wasn't LSD. It was only with hindsight, thinking about the time course and the bitter taste that I realised there were signs. Expectation is a powerful thing.
I've never listened to Hawkwind, but tales of selling up your ancestral home after enjoying ounce lumps of Crack are the kind of thing that will make me listen to anything...

The last trips I took were european sacred geometry tabs. About twice the size of a normal tab. Supposedly 150ug of Swiss bliss.
They were strong, but gave me vasoconstriction, my feet were freezing cold. I've never had this side effect from LSD. The comedown was pretty harsh and left me feeling cracked out and depressed.
They didn't taste bitter and were very active orally without leaving them under my tongue so that kind of rules out a DOX or nBome
Overall pretty shit though.

Usually good acid gives me a nice afterglow and leaves me feeling very refreshed the next day, almost like my entire body and mind has been rebooted if this makes any sense.

Defo, I always say I feel 'mentally cleansed' after a good acid trip, it's like you have actually had a trip away and feel fresh after a holiday (like a 'soma holiday' in A Brave New World). I try and explain this to people who have never taken LSD, they seem to think I'm talking pish. There are definitely anti-depressant qualities and benefits to using LSD.
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I call it my psychedelic reset as it does leave me feeling great for a week or so. What i also love is the way you can get stoned so easily the next day after a trip.
I've never been a big weed smoker, I used to smoke it regularly as a student, but that was mainly because of my stoner flatmates and we used to all chip in and buy an ounce. I never go and buy weed by myself, dunno, funnily enough it never really completely agreed with me. I used to whitey sometimes, which is embarrassing. I never understood why, I should really be a weed smoker, I do everything else that I can get my hands on. Plus, I love my psychedelics more than anything, you would think cannabis would be part of my life. Although, I don't smoke cigarettes now even when drinking.
I've never listened to Hawkwind, but tales of selling up your ancestral home after enjoying ounce lumps of Crack are the kind of thing that will make me listen to anything...


yeah this also has inspired me to queue up some hawkwind
Plenty of good acid around in Australia. I have some really good liquid i bought 3 years ago in the freezer. 2 drops and its 12 hours of visual bliss. Nothing like good acid.
^ Sounds good man, although I'd find that dangerous, I can imagine spilling it when wasted all over my hand, or trying to drop a 'drop' on my tongue (or even more horrifically someone else) and squirting half a bottle on.

I'd never come back to reality if I was in charge.
For me, if unsure I just swallow the tab as I've never found nbome to be active if I've just swallowed it. So it's either LSD, 1p, or dox ?
^ Sounds good man, although I'd find that dangerous, I can imagine spilling it when wasted all over my hand, or trying to drop a 'drop' on my tongue (or even more horrifically someone else) and squirting half a bottle on.

I'd never come back to reality if I was in charge.

Its actually quite safe. Its in a small bottle of breath mint which is the way liquid acid is commonly sold here in oz. 3.4mls of liquid = 100 drops. No chance of spilling it and very easy to dose with. I always put the drops onto my hand and then just lick them. That way if you accidentally drop more than you want to take you can just rinse your hands. Easy!
Its actually quite safe. Its in a small bottle of breath mint which is the way liquid acid is commonly sold here in oz. 3.4mls of liquid = 100 drops. No chance of spilling it and very easy to dose with. I always put the drops onto my hand and then just lick them. That way if you accidentally drop more than you want to take you can just rinse your hands. Easy!

Not smart at all if I'm honest, 'Cid absorbs remarkably well transdermally.
That's actually how it was discovered, in the most wonderful accident. ;)

From what i have read it takes a fair while to absorb transdermally and if you wash it off straight away there is no chance of it absorbing. Thumb prints are widely regarded as a myth.