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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Seven Deadly Sins

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Just got offered them for a cheap price man, what would they compare to the cherubs? my mate reckons he didn't get any visuals.
Just got offered them for a cheap price man, what would they compare to the cherubs? my mate reckons he didn't get any visuals.

I would definitely go for the cherubs, the fear and loathing ones are average from what I read.
^This. I'd probably only go for the Fear and Loathings if they were half price. Not that I have consumed them, but cherubs are definitely something you want to experience :)
Just got offered them for a cheap price man, what would they compare to the cherubs? my mate reckons he didn't get any visuals.

They might be severely degraded which would explain no visuals, maybe he just needed to take more. Either way full strength or not the cherubs top all the tabs out there at the moment as far as I know.
Got a taste of the skulls last night, just under par to the cherubs IMO. They also are very clean, well worth the $ :)
Dosed 1 Fear and Loathing at a rave recently.

Average trip, pretty good body vibe but visuals weren't so intense. What was weird though was that the tab only lasted around 4 1/2 hours or so, and there was no smooth "comedown" like you normally get where it fades gradually... it just stopped. No gradual fade-off or even a crash or anything else, just acid there at one point and then BOOM... nothing.

May have been a bad batch but who knows.
I think i had them a fair while ago now...is it just a plain white tab with a tiny white bike on it?they got nothing on the cherubs imo.....but they make you laugh and laugh and laugh

Thems sound like tha ones, but ur right about the cherubs though:)
gday im new at this,
i got some yellow smileys on a blue background,can anybody assist
with any details appreciated
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purple green -

a couple years ago now there was heaps of those smilies around. blue & green backgrounds. if its the same batch - personally didnt rate them. unevenly laid. dirty head fuck, time loop acid. thought they could have even been lsa derived?

hope you got better / fresher / new smilies :)
No gradual fade-off or even a crash or anything else, just acid there at one point and then BOOM... nothing.

May have been a bad batch but who knows.

Sounds like a low dose of some good stuff.
Has anyone got reports of tabs called life and death?
Supposed to have skulls and smiley faces on them. No picture unfortunately.
Had a look a few pages back and couldn't find any mention of them.
Has anyone heard of tabs in Perth going around with green monster eyes.. I was supposed to get hold of some fear and loathings and were told they were.. but knew straight away they were something different.

We got 3 tabs and all we had was like a green 1 eyed alien..

We dosed 1 and half each and the taste coming off them was so crazy, we looked at each other and either thought they were some fake with sprayed shit, or the craziest tabs we ever took. I had to swallow mine within 30 seconds with a drink.

They didin't take effect for roughly 2 hours, but even then the peak didint come till 6-7 hours in and we were full tripping from 7PM to lunchtime the next day.

Anyone know what these are called?
^ definitely not LSD, you probably got hit with DO* tabs sorry. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of them would you? Where they slightly larger than normal?

Welcome to bluelight by the way :)
scroll a few pages back yo. I've opsted this green aliens tabs.

doi for sure :)
ate 2 yellow smileys on blue background and report very clean nice time no speedy effects,only thing is i should have eaten 4 for starters
^^ yeh i would think if you need four tabs for a mad trip they can't be that strong, but might have be clean and nice LSD.

I was told by a source that he had some tabs that had like what he described as an indian ganesha woman?

i know of ganeshas from this thread but assumed an elephant was involved. Maybe shivas?

anyone else in syd come across something similar or what they might be.?
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