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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD/Heroin/Marijuana - "it's a good thing you're an experienced fry cook"

Burnt Offerings

Moderator: Drug Culture & CEP
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
The quote in the title is what a junkie told me after an unexpected set of circumstances arised during an acid trip that freaked the hell out of my "trip buddy", who disappeared, and I had to deal with the fall out while high as hell. I guess it was a compliment that I could hold my shit together due to the fact that I've taken a sizable amount of psychedelics in the past. (Junkies and tweakers around here seem to like to refer to tripping as "frying".)

I've seen some pretty disturbing things while tripping, including a violent assault on someone else involving a lot of blood that was pretty disturbing. Has anyone had much experience with combining LSD with "hard drugs" like heroin? I hadn't done it until recently, when, after a night of LSD and smoking weed, I received a call from an acquaintance of mine. She was going through w/ds and wanted to borrow some money. Normally I don't really lend money to people but this woman has actually paid me back in the past when I've lent her money, so I gave her enough to get her fix. I tried having a conversation with her but she was in full on junkie mode, obviously not listening to anything I was saying and only really listening when something was relevant to her getting high, so eventually I just sat in silence. Later that night we were at her house, which is a total wreck by the way (she's in the process of getting evicted), and I witnessed her young child racing around the house, trying to run in to her mother who was simultaneously trying to dodge her daughter and smoke tar H off some foil.

Now I don't think I'm somehow superior to other people, and I actually feel guilty about feeling this way when I'm off LSD, but when I'm on LSD drug addiction just seems completely pathetic. Does anyone else feel this way? The idea of people desperately needing to put some black shit into their veins or lungs or noses & their whole life revolves around it, well, it just seems farcical when I'm on psychedelics, almost worthy of laughter and ridicule. But at the same time I like this lady and it made me sad to see how her life isn't so good right now. It just resulted in a really unpleasant feeling and I told her to drive me home. She gave me a little bit of tar but it didn't seem to hit me like it normally does.

When I got back to my house I momentarily flew into a panic because I thought I'd lost the remainder of the acid I had, only to find it shortly afterwards in a jacket pocket 8) One thing I've noticed is that I can be in some pretty messed up "settings" but luckily my "set" tends to be pretty strong. One hard drug I wouldn't mind trying on LSD would be crack cocaine. I'd love to take a fat bellringer while peaking on LSD, bet that's amazing
Tripping makes you have these great thoughts an ideas in your head. It definitely makes me question a lot of phenomenon. The problem is we know what we should be doing but implementing it is the hard part. Psychedelics can make you believe you're god and give you these great ideas on how to live a better life but they are useless unless implemented.

My last LSD trip made me wanna stop doing blow and I haven't touched it since.

I was referring to
Now I don't think I'm somehow superior to other people, and I actually feel guilty about feeling this way when I'm off LSD, but when I'm on LSD drug addiction just seems completely pathetic. Does anyone else feel this way?

Hard drugs on psychedelics though? Na man fuck that shit bruh. H on LSD? Idk man.
"The idea of people desperately needing to put some black shit into their veins or lungs or noses & their whole life revolves around it, well, it just seems farcical when I'm on psychedelics"

"She gave me a little bit of tar but it didn't seem to hit me like it normally does."
