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LSD Discussion Thread (Australian Centric)

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^ Thanks for the tip perthboy, Thinking about taking 1.5 tab's but dunno yet, might just stick with one :)

Oo Cant wait haha ;)
I wish I could give you a good amount to have, but I've never tried them before.
If you can handle your shit with other stuff 1.5 should be alright.
Got a sober friend around?
Geeze, Im popping my acid cherry tonight haha (Pink Panther), so fucking nervous, but excited at the same time :) Ive got a mate coming to trip. We have got Joint's all ready rolled up ;), Good music recommended by Sustanon, thanks buddy haha and a massive house to roam around haha :p

Been reading up on the Do's and Dont's and been preparing some other shit so all in all should be a fucking awesome time!! Will either create a trip report during the trip and update or just wait till sunday and try and report what i can remember from tonight ;)

Wish me luck ppl <3

Ur very welcome:p Leave the joints till at the end of ur trip. Think positive all thru ur trip and put on sum of those tunes:) 1.5 panthers is just perfect dose for 1st timers. Good luck and have a awesome trip:)
Don't smoke weed until the comedown josh

You don't want to increase the chances of having a bad trip

All the best and I expect a full report in coming days :)
My mate left some cubes in his car and when it came time to drop neither him or any of his friends got anything out of them while I was tripping very nicely off the few I stored away in my draw =D.

Liq is a bitch for that

It's not worth storing any liq outside of the bottle unless you bag the cubes and put them in a jar full of dessicant then freeze the jar...

Liq Can also degrade really quick in the bottle too

Some liq stores better than others, possibly different suspension liquids...
that said, i'm a liq lover =D

The only massive loss of potency i have seen in tabs is when i had them in the front pocket of my black backpack at a certain event and the 35 degree weather plus sun on black bag more than halved potency

My friend double dropped tabs that were in a car in 30+ (inside temps would have been well above that) for 3 days thinking they would be ruined and ended up totally losing his shit lol
Ahhh the joys of acid.
I've heard people say how easy it is to ruin tabs, but it sounds like they can take a bit of punishment!
It's not as stable as MDMA, not even close but most people go overboard with storage

Do what you want, it is your LSD after all...
Considering how LSD is delicately manufactured it is wise to store them well as it easily degrades. Ur right sumtimes people are over cautious about it but better safe then sorry. Away from light, temps near 0 with no moisture it will lasts years and years.

If anyone would like some awesome tunes to trip to i highly recommend these, myself i prefer house, techno, trance but these chillout tunes help ur mind to relax, experience every single sound and to explore ur mind. Nothing will ever beat it.




If anyone has the chance to trip with these songs pls let me know how it went, im very curious as to how u guys liked them.
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Don't smoke weed until the comedown josh

You don't want to increase the chances of having a bad trip

All the best and I expect a full report in coming days :)

Yes Sir! Psilo haha ;) Just dosed right then ;)

Thanks for all the support =D
You will be pissing yourself laughing in no time Josh, your going to have an awesome night!

What was the final dosage?

Sending groovy vibes your way ;)
You will be pissing yourself laughing in no time Josh, your going to have an awesome night!

What was the final dosage?

Sending groovy vibes your way ;)

He took 1.5 tabs haha.

Have to write for him as i dont think he will be able to find the thread later haha i know i tried to and couldnt even see the writing was clickin all over the place lol
You will be pissing yourself laughing in no time Josh, your going to have an awesome night!

What was the final dosage?

Sending groovy vibes your way ;)

Haha Good Vibes received ;) Yea final dosage was 1.5 :)

Will keep you guys posted haha ;)
Liq is a bitch for that
thanks.. Wasn't too sure if it made a difference. Inexperienced LSD user here :) My 8th time tripping tonight =D.

Music is a necessity for tripping (for me). Something I always enjoy is this Chicane set. Live in Palladium (22/01/2000). Think a few of you might get a kick out of it. Absolutely brilliant <3 Also before it's near impossible to type, DJ Tiësto - Live At Trance Energy 2000 (Eindhoven, Netherlands) - 31-12-1999 if you care to hear what made tiesto great.. His new stuff is shocking.

Also much prefer tripping alone. Can any of you relate..?
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Ive got so much to say.....but can't :( All i can say is whoa. Visuals were INTENSE, I was actually seeing things in so much detail they looked real :) Would i do it again? Yea for sure but no for a loonngg time :p

I'm sitting here writing this amongst floating letter's/number'/sign's but am mentally exhausted, shapes popping up left, right and center and lines of color's dart through the air around me..Im fucking COOKED ;)
Sounds like you had a good time Josh - and today for the after-glow cones! :D

thanks.. Wasn't too sure if it made a difference. Inexperienced LSD user here :) My 8th time tripping tonight =D.

Music is a necessity for tripping (for me). Something I always enjoy is this Chicane set. Live in Palladium (22/01/2000). Think a few of you might get a kick out of it. Absolutely brilliant <3 Also before it's near impossible to type, DJ Tiësto - Live At Trance Energy 2000 (Eindhoven, Netherlands) - 31-12-1999 if you care to hear what made tiesto great.. His new stuff is shocking.

Also much prefer tripping alone. Can any of you relate..?

Yes, most definitely. I'm also a newbie tripper (6 times) and I definitely much prefer tripping alone, maybe with my dog. Tripping with friends is fun, but at the same time you don't take away nearly as much as you do from a solo trip. Some of the introspections (?) I've had while solo tripping have been life altering.
Yeah, you can definitely delve alot deeper when your tripping alone I find. As theres no obligation to be social like there is when with other people. So you can push your thoughts much deeper, which can often be cut short when someone says something to you or you're distracted by something someone with you says or does.

But I love tripping with friends too, laughing, discussing crazy topics, feeding off each others vibes. The trip is definitely different in alot of ways if your going solo compared to with people.

I generally like to have some time to myself (usually at the tail-end and more introspective stage of the trip) even when I'm with people. But with friends or not, I love LSD :D It's a good idea to trip with others for the 1st time though incase you don't react well.

I can definitely relate though, I love to eat a couple tabs and just get lost in my head by myself, going for long wanders etc. Tripped around 30-40 times, with the majority of those being with other people, only done it by myself several times or so, but as an introverted type of person I do love the solo trip.

Also @ Josh - sounds like you had a blast, intense first time :)
I would recommend the 311 album "transistor" myself for music while on acid or Something like Kremular (minimal animal if you are into some harder faster stuff and some could say darker which may not be a good thing first time)
thanks.. Wasn't too sure if it made a difference. Inexperienced LSD user here :) My 8th time tripping tonight =D.

Music is a necessity for tripping (for me). Something I always enjoy is this Chicane set. Live in Palladium (22/01/2000). Think a few of you might get a kick out of it. Absolutely brilliant <3 Also before it's near impossible to type, DJ Tiësto - Live At Trance Energy 2000 (Eindhoven, Netherlands) - 31-12-1999 if you care to hear what made tiesto great.. His new stuff is shocking.

Also much prefer tripping alone. Can any of you relate..?

Yup music is a very important tool for me as well. Have tripped hundreds of times. I prefer to trip by myself most times. Can let ur mind explore and thoughts wonder without having to worry about being too suss or restraining ur silly actions from others.

Have tripped a few times mainly on shrooms with a bunch of friends. Its an awesome experience but sometimes is a bit of a worry when u (being the most experienced tripper in the group) having to look after the less experienced ones.

Advantages tripping alone that u can do whatever u feel like. I am a very agreeing person when it comes to this but everyone knows when tripping if u dont have a favorable environment then u wont feel good vibes and can ruin ur trip. For example sux when ur on speed or MDMA and having to listen to ur mates favorite music which u hate. It has its negatives and positives and i think everyone needs a change every now and then to spice up there psychedelic adventure:)
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