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LSD and Bipolar Mania


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, this post will be a long one so please bear with me.

I wanted to bring this subject up because it aggravates me that some people deny that LSD can be a big contributor to psychosis. As someone who has had firsthand experience of this let me tell you for certain that it can and will cause certain people psychosis if they are not in the rind mindset. I was one of many who thought "this will never happen to me," and here I am writing this just two months out of a nearly 3 month long hospital stay in the UK. This isn't meant to dissuade anyone from trying it (although if you are already diagnosed bipolar, schizophrenic, or schizoaffective it would not be a very good idea), but rather to provide an honest, first person account of my experience so people can be more informed on this issue.

Background: No history of bipolar/schizophrenia in the family. No formal diagnosis of a mental health issue prior to when usage started. I'm a 21 yr old male (was 18 when I started using it). No history of violence in the family, with the exception of some alcoholism on my mom's side. Poor relationship with father but no physical abuse ever occurred.

I first started taking LSD when I moved to Seattle, WA during my freshman year of college. Needless to say I enjoyed it and felt like it gave me a whole new prospective on life. I felt like I returned to childhood whenever I took it, and although minor anxiety occurred sometimes I never felt like I had a bad trip. There was minimal paranoia, no delusions, and no signs of my health being negatively affected by it. All in all it seemed pretty safe.

Fast forward a few months and I am starting to struggle in school a bit more. My peer relationships are shallow and not holding up very well. I get dumped by a girl I really cared for in a painstakingly casual way. My mental health starts to deteriorate, but I find no correlation between that and the lsd. Keep in mind I only tripped on average once or twice a month, so it's unlikely that it affected me in any way. I will note, however, that chronic marijuana use did not help the situation. Weed made me hyper agitated on the comedown and I ended up smoking more and more of it.

For better or worse, I left Seattle that summer and went home to finish applying to other schools. I was only back for a month before I had psychosis induced by marijuana. It is during this time that I am diagnosed Bipolar type 1 for the first time. I won't go into the details of that right now since I want to focus on my bout with lsd, but hopefully you get the picture that my mind was starting to deteriorate.

I then spent a gap year following an involuntary hospitalization that resulted in my family not having funding for school. I continued to smoke marijuana, although not as heavily, and no mania presented itself. However, I would occasionally hit myself in the head on the comedown as I still had issues with agitation and intrusive thoughts. But all in all, I proved to be stable enough that year to convince my parents to fund my schooling in Brighton, England in the fall.

Here is where things started going downhill fast. Upon enrolling in school, I quickly found myself having a hard time making friends apart from drug dealers. Being in a foreign country was taxing on me, and I found myself having difficulty with executive functioning (cooking, etc.), and it didn't help that the school cafeteria was only open Mon-Fri for breakfast and dinner. I started to become malnourished and began abusing drugs more than usual. Anything I could get my hands on I would take, although initially I only had a connect for weed, mdma, and valium. Then one day out of the blue I decided that I would try to get out of my shell and venture out to this new nightclub in town. Given that I had so few friends I ended up venturing into Brighton myself to get a lay of the land. Little did I know this night would directly effect the course of my life in quite a negative way.

Upon arriving at the nightclub I was overall pleased with the crowd. Instead of a bunch of coked out college kids, this place had a more laid back vibe with older hippies. I've always liked the older crowd at clubs in part because of their maturity but also because of their access to drugs. Sure enough, within an hour of being there I'm offered a dose of liquid LSD. I take it without hesitation, and over the course of the next few hours I experience a profound prospective shift. I go from feeling like I've hit rock bottom to feeling like I've hung the moon. Suddenly everything became positive. If you were my enemy, I forgave you. There seemed to be nothing that could get in the way of my uplifted demeanor; little did I know I was experiencing the first stage of acute hypomania.

Needless to say I went back into town the next day and purchased some more, along with some ketamine, changa, and speed. What followed was what I can only describe as a descent into complete and other chaos. Over the course of three days I had consumed all three doses of the liquid l that was sold to me, nearly a gram of ketamine and a sprinking of speed and changa. NOTE: Please do not assume that the speed or the changa contributed my psychosis. I am one of the rare people that doesn't seem respond to DMT (that or I've just gotten bad batches), and each time I smoked the changa I felt absolutely nothing. It did nothing to exacerbate the symptoms that were already brought on by the lsd, and I took a minimal amount of speed and hardly noticed any effect. It is possible that the ketamine may have played a role; however, I still go back to the notion that the l is what kicked off the hypomania in the first place. It seems significantly less likely to experience acute psychosis from k.

By the end of the week I was fried out of my mind. My bedazzled brain had me convinced that I was responsible for the second coming and implementing NWO. I became convinced that I had god given spiritual powers, and that I could communicate with animals telepathically. I had become so psychotic that I was hardly able to take care of myself. My naivety had led me to submerge myself in the >50 degree water at Brighton pier fully clothed, cut my legs up wading through a thorn bush (which I still have scars from), and nearly kill myself walking in front of traffic because I thought that "gods will would never let me get hit." I became convinced that women were giving me secret eye signals to stay awake to combat the forced of evil and therefore I was up for three days. I essentially lost all touch with reality, believing I was a genius computer scientist and mathematician who was sent to eradicate the royal families. I posted terribly embarrassing content on facebook, to the point that I had friends who I hadn't seen in years message me to ask what the fuck was going on. It didn't take long for security to be called, as I was waking people up in the middle of the night to tell them that I was autistic and proud and that women and gay men were taking over the world. I was assessed over the course of a day and promptly sent to a psych ward where I ended up spending nearly three months of my life. For a solid two months in the hospital I was still convinced that I was responsible for NWO and relentlessly berated innocent people for what I perceived as their connection with the Rothschild family. This obviously had no bearing in reality and was another byproduct of my illness. I even went as far as calling other patients rapists and pedophiles.

Eventually I was brought back through forcible injection of clopixol. I must note that this is one of the nastiest anti psychs out there and I became so irate when I was injected the first time that I smeared feces on the wall while I was in solitary confinement. But after the week of severe depression that hit I was more or less back to normal. The whole experience was a tough price to pay for taking a few drugs to say the least.

Anyway, I guess the whole point of this thread is to make everyone aware that there can be a nasty underbelly to these substances whether we'd like to think so or not. I started out as a happy go lucky 18 year old who liked to experiment and ended up as a 21 year old recluse with drug induced bipolar symptoms. So for those of you who enjoy psychedelics, remember to treat them respectfully. Your life could end up like mine if you don't.

Thanks for reading.
Fisrt of all, forgive my non native english.

That´s very brave for your part to report this. Thanks for sharing. Something similar happened to me when I was 23.I turned from beeing a healthy sane happy young to be diagnosed bipolar in a blink. My case was kickstarted just with cannabis. Similar delusions. It took me 3 weeks in the ward to half come back to reality. And 6 months to defeat a terrible post depression that almost killed me.

I haven´t even tried psychedelics yet when that happened.

Fast forward, 14 more years. Now Im 37, I have tried all kind of psychedelics, dissos and whatnot. Im doing a perfect sane, normal living again. I take drugs from time to time in very rational doses (you were binging somehow heavy) and when I do it with care it use to be as medicinal as it can get.

Now it comes the strange part.

I think you have had a psychid attack. When you do drugs your natural protection (aura) get somehow distorted and some entities get in control and do the nasty things... Im not saying bipolar is a complete bullshit, what Im saying is that bipolar is not exactly what western medicine says it is. Probably you are a very sensitive person, naturally prone to some up and downs (more than regular people) but also prone to connect with more subtle energies or entities or realms...

I would suggest you to stop doing drugs for a nice long time to integrate this experience and your new condition, to take some lithium and some benzos in case you need it. To not take antipsychs if not estricly neccesary (in a maniac/delusional breakout only), to do phisical exercise, keep your personal higyene and forgive yourself... within months you probably could stop doing lithium as well. Im 10 years without Lith and to me it only is useful in crisis periods. (I had another 2 crisis, at 25 and 29, now Im perfectly since then. The first one was the worst with difference, the last one the more light). If not in crisis, better not to take it.

Bipolars use to be very empathic, creative, animal lovers. It isn´t?.

Maybe now it will come some dark/hard times to you, as you integrate all this, but you will come back to do normal life sooner that you think. Your report is completely lucid and you are not all the evil that you did. If you have some especific doubths PM and I will try to answer you. Best of luck!
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Not to minimize your experience, but I think you're mistaking correlation for causation when it comes to drugs.

You don't say anything about building a peer support network in Seattle or UK that is based on anything but drugs. You don't mention any hobbies either, nothing but drug use. No comment on whether you were eating healthy or exercising.

Drugs CAN be responsible for psychosis in some cases, but drug use often just happens at the same time is NOT causational in any measurable or objective capacity. Psychosis has been fairly stable at 2% of the population for the last 5000 years of human history, and most often appears in males aged 16-24.
I had a really similar experience to you last year. I was 18, no family history of bipolar or any sort of psychotic illness, I was depressed as a teenager but I hadn't been depressed for over a year before this experience. I took a tab and a half of LSD, (I usually did 2 tabs so this was no big deal for me) and within a few hours I was having grandiose thoughts, pulled an all nighter that night cause I was too awake and hypomanic, next day believed I was sent from god to save the world, I loved everyone and everything, it was very euphoric but I was extremely delusional. I essentially thought I knew everything about life, I could control reality, and I was some sort of angel or jesus like figure. Luckily this died down for me after a couple weeks so I didn't get hospitalized or anything, but holy shit, I had no idea that would ever happen to me.

Since then I've had brief psychotic episodes, not as long as the first one. I've also been diagnosed with bipolar and schizotypal personality disorder since then. I've had issues with executive functioning (impulsiveness, attention and concentration are shit, short term memory issues) that I never had before.

There is a serious risk to psychedelics that is not often mentioned, and I'm glad you did

Also like hexagon said, I do believe I got possessed by some sort of LSD entity - I don't remember much from that period, or for a few months after. also apparently I listened to only psytrance and somehow learned how to dance, so I guess it wasn't all terrible lol

also I feel like I should mention I'm female, just cause psychosis is more common in males, it still happens to females

also around this time I was doing a lot of yoga and I eat healthy (vegan), I hadn't tripped for months beforehand, and I was otherwise very mentally and physically healthy
I don´t think there are LSD entities per se, but regular negative entities that take avantage of people tripping, and therefore with cracks in his defenses to obtain control and parasite the tripper. Doing yoga and meditation is one of the more powerful psychic self defenses that Im aware of. As I mentioned, when on crisis, better stop all drugs, and grown your ground/reality conections... you will have plenty of time in the coming months/years to carefully take another trip.

Regarding the delusions of been kind of angel sended I think it´s an interesting mixture of reality and deception. I have know a lot of bipolars and I find them quite angelical people... obviously not directly sended by god to save the earth, but when they in balance (and this is his true self, not the manic nor depressed) they are warmhearted, animal loving, caring, etc. I have yet to find a bipolar that is a scammer, or that don´t have a high ethical profile.
Thanks for the insight hexagon.

You make a good point about the "entities" or spiritual energies that can take over when you're in a psychedelic mindset. It's hard to explain but I definitely felt like I wasn't quite "in this dimension" so to speak when I was experiencing this mania. I'm usually not a very spiritual person but it's hard to deny certain phenomenoa when you're in that state.

Every time I've had psychosis I felt a strange "divine" energy take over, some aspects being positive but also a lot of negative. I find it interesting that the grandiose feelings of being a prophetic figure are common.

I'm not on any anti psych meds because I really don't like what they do to my energy or vibration so to speak and thankfully I'm still stable but I've been sure to avoid strong psychedelics lately as I know it can be dangerous for my frame of mind.
Thanks for sharing storms.

I find it interesting that there is a common theme of picturing yourself as a divine entity while psychotic. I think there should be a lot more research into these illnesses with less of a western medicine approach and more emphasis on the psychological/spiritual aspects.

In regards to your cognitive function I wanted to share that I have significant issues with it as well. Recently I was diagnosed Adhd and put on adderall (which doesn't help) because I performed terribly on an assessment test. I am also impulsive, often times irritable, and get quickly exhausted by social situations.

If you want to talk about your experiences/need support feel free to dm me as I am open to listen.
Felonious: I don't see how it's anything else but causation when all three of my psychotic episodes occurred directly after taking drugs. When I was in Seattle I held a job and an internship, had a meal plan so had no issues with eating, and was active either walking or longboarding around the city so it's not like I was rotting away living on junk food and sedentary.

When I was in the UK I had more issues with eating due to the fact that the cafeteria wasn't open as often and I hadn't honed my cooking skills. But if anything I would say it was mainly lack of sleep that contributed to it besides the drugs.

I'm not saying drugs are the only thing that causes these experiences but for me it was clearly the catalyst. Throw in a little stress/lack of sleep in there and you have psychosis.
Interesting post OP.

I used to post on this website as a teenage back when 2C-E was a big new thing and before Operation Web Tryp but my psychotic break came from sleep deprivation and smoked n,n-DMT. It too involved believing I was the Jesus/Adam Jungian archetype and that Eve (who was a girl that was hundreds of miles away) was just down the street while I headed to the freeway. Luckily, I saw "Agents of Satan" as I thought in my mind who were in actuality the police who were probably bewildered why at midnight in nothing-goes-wrong suburbia was there a naked man alternating between yelling "Fuck you" and "I love you". Needless to say I didn't get to go to the "End of the World" party where I had all sorts of delusions and was taken to the mental hospital. I spent a good three months lost in my head refusing to take the medication until they somehow how got around to tricking me to. This was my first hospitalization, I vowed never to touch psychedelics again even though after I was 16 they stopped all forms of suicidal thoughts.

I've since been institutionalized two more times once during a natural disaster and once from oral cannabis, nicotine and alcohol (all three in one elixir + some edibles) + smoked cannabis.

It's not that I've forgotten what psychedelics do to me it's that because I've been on medication and "stable" for several years in which I traded using psychedelics for opiates/iods and ghb because it was the only thing that brought me a sense of contentment. A sense that things might be alright, maybe I'm not a complete fuckup. But all the mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, oh can't forget the legal benzo addiction I picked up gave me profound anhedonia, an inability to derive pleasure from that which one normally gets pleasure. I never was ADDICTED to opiates at least not physically but I'm always wanting to alter my mood probably due to the fact that I feel I can't relate with anyone or who would want to relate with me sober. I was diagnosed schizoaffective but it's got me into such a deep depression (this word doesn't even seem to accurately convey the feeling it invokes) that I don't even have any passion for what I'm doing. 10 years ago I would have loved to be where I am now with the mood I had then not now. It's a shitty feeling of mediocrity, inadequacy, despair and the worst part of all is that the lithium numbs you to the point where you can't even properly express the emotion of sadness or crying. I've tried it all meditation, yoga, martial arts, qigong but nothing gives me the feeling of being alive like being on a psychedelic; except for non-material things that must be gained by something which cannot be purchased with capital (i.e. you have to have some outstanding attribute)

So now I sit on 10 hits of ALD-52 knowing that the trip would go sour if I took it while on everything but at the same time I read the MAPS archives of LSD and it's therapeutic application and I think about my own personal experience with Psilocybin Mushrooms taking away suicidal thoughts. I'm now 27 and feel like I'm wasting life away because I remember what it's like to have friends and there is a faint sliver of hope I have. I call it the delusion of hope. Sorry for the long rant just thought I'd let OP know that having tasted the forbidden fruit and then being told you can never have it again is really like being expelled from the garden of eden.
Did you get clean? Sorry, my adderall wore off and I couldn't read the whole post lol.

The reason I ask is because drug abuse absolutely CAN induce symptoms of many mental illnesses, drug induced mania is actually extremely common (clinically, the high from many drugs is similar to bipolar mania). Depression and mania are symptoms of both bipolar and substance abuse without any underlying mental illness, but substance abuse better parallels rapid cycling bipolar. A manic high is often followed by a depressive comedown/withdrawal, so it's not hard to see how the cycle of substance abuse can mimic bipolar disorder, as well as many other mental illnesses. Drugs also cause delusions, paranoia, inappropriate social behavior, agression, etc. IMO, it's useless to even try to diagnose most mental illnesses when the patient in question is an active substance abuser (note that I do specifically mean ABuser, not any user. I'm of the belief that drugs can be used responsibly without negatively impacting the users life), and actually counterproductive to diagnose a mental illness separate from the drug abuse but deem it to be caused by the drug(s). I thought for sure i had multiple mental illnesses when I abused drugs heavily, but cutting back majorly, finding other hobbies, getting back out in the world brought me back to my old self. I'm not saying you should disregard your diagnosis at all, but until you resolve your substance abuse, you don't even know what your mental health "baseline" really is. Especially since the substance abuse came first in your case. Resolving your substance abuse may greatly lessen the severity of your mental illness.
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Thanks for the post. I am in a very similar position as you. Was put on loads of anti-psychs that numbed everything, was told I could never use psychedelics again, etc. I also feel the same way that psychedelics ironically are one of the only things that helps my depression. Even though it caused me so much crap in my life, it is still a crutch for whatever reason.

However I will also say the time has come I my life where I've decided to wind down a bit. Now that I've tried every psychedelic I want to, I don't see the point in going out of my way to use anymore. Perhaps if I have a strong group of friends one day that are into it I'll experiment more but for now I'll probably just lay low. I guess there just comes a time when the risk-reward doesn't add up anymore and the novelty kind of wears off.

I've also noticed that marijuana can be as difficult as psychedelics to handle for people who are kind of borderline with mental health problems. I've had psychosis from that alone twice and although I still smoke I will probably quit soon. Just do your best to practice self awareness and you will be fine.
How do you come to the conclusion that there is a malevolent force at play here? Maybe it's the large amounts of powerful drugs people are ingesting and their mind is playing tricks on them? Isn't that the whole purpose, to distort reality?

Really don't see the point in spreading this psychobabble around. An evil demon possessed you and forced you to listen to shitty music? Give me a break.

Wicked music*