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LSA + DXM + Weed + Dramamine = Safe?


Feb 4, 2009
Alright the coming weekend SWIM was planning on taking 340mg. of DXM, 12 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, some weed to ease nausea, and 2 Dramamine pills (100 mg.)

SMIM is concerned as whether there will be any toxic reactions to this combo (Serotonin Syndrome). Nausea is the least of SWIMs concerns, as they have already been there and done that with both DXM and HBWR nausea.

PLEASE! SWIM doesn't want a lethal combination here, or one that will make them pass out. Any help is greatly appreciated by SWIM.

PS: The Dramamine is NOT for delerious purposes it's being used as an ANTI-NAUSEANT
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LSA i think has some vasoconstriction with it im pretty sure so maybe that could become an issue, tho im not sure...since ur question is just if its safe id say i guess so, but for me it doesnt sound like much fun...hopefully someone here has an experience for ya

btw dont use SWIM, apparently ppl dont like it lol :)
Dramamine is anticholinergic and might make the lsa trip bad or shitty. It is an ssri so it can also kill the lsa trip and cause serotonin syndrome with the dxm. It will also put you to sleep. Dxm lsa and weed would be very profound i recommend you just do those. It looks like your going to get VERY nauseous try some ginger along with the weed. They sell ginger caps everywhere.
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I'm not going to lie, that's a lot of heart strain -- I mean DXM, LSA, and dramamine all alone can push you into the tachycardia range. I think you'd be in for a night of a intense heart rate paranoia.
I don't think you'd feel the dramamine at that dose, unless it was potentiated by something else, but the dramamine could act as a deliriant (it does at higher doses).

and as far as my understanding of the way ssri's work, it would effectively cancel out the serotonin release caused by the dxm, in the same way that while on ssri's mdma doesn't work as well. (I believe this is true, but let it be verified before taking it as truth)

either way, I agree with psychadelic food, dramamine would definitely take away more from the experience than it would give.
I THINK I should point out that the Dramamine is NOT for delerious purposes it's an ANTI-NAUSEANT
I you want to get rid of the combination of HBWR + DXM nausea, then cannabis and/or Meclizine HCL (ie Dramamine II, Non-drowsy formula) will be more than sufficient. And I think that the concerns regarding serotonin syndrome with this combination is somewhat undue, as there are several reports of people trying this combination with no more negative effect than the nausea inherent to both. The Meclizine has almost no side effects, particularly in the therapeutic range.

I have personally tried this combination to great effect (although with morning glory seeds, ~300, in combination with about 450 mg DXM). The combination of the two however is VERY intense and visual, and the DXM CEV's are remarkably enhanced. One should be quite experienced with DXM before attempting such a combination, its very similar to the first time you try a combination of DXM and cannabis, much much, much stronger and more complex. Again, no symptoms of serotonin syndrome was noticed (and I have experienced it before, albeit a mild case, it was quite unpleasant and very recognizable). How much experience have you had with DXM and combination?
^have you taken dxm and seeds at this dose on their own? 12 is a lot of woodrose if you get a good strain of seeds...
I THINK I should point out that the Dramamine is NOT for delerious purposes it's an ANTI-NAUSEANT

it's definitely not *intended* for deleriant purposes, and it is indeed foolish to use it for such, however...

One of two active components is Diphenhydramine, which is also used in benedryl as an antihistamine.

In higher doses it's strong anticholinergic.
^He/she just meant they weren't using it to get "delerious". I dunno- dramamine is an SSRI as well (Prozac was synthesised from it)- one should not combine DXM with an SSRI, though I'm sure there are OTC preparations containing the two. I would be wary at high doses- very wary.

As pointed about, your heading in dangerous heart rate territory. I wouldn't consume this combo.
You may want to cut both of your doses in half, as Ive noticed that in conjunction, the experience is greatly enhanced (the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, etc :) ). In my experience, a low 3rd plateau DXM dose on its own translates into a high 3rd plateau when combined with LSA-bearing seeds. However, as long as you don't use Dramamine, there should be next to no danger of cardiac issues or serotonin syndrome.
You shouldnt have a problem with the LSA DXM THC combo.

Dramamine as far as I'm concerned, should NOT be used in excess of medicinal dosage to aid with motion sickness.

As a side note. I find no nausea comes with DXM for me. LSA created bloating which is quickly and miraculously cured with TUMS.

I find some people enjoy a pill or two of benadryl to avoid robo itch.
How did this combo end up working out? I'm thinking of trying it this weekend with a lower dose of DXM and a slightly higher dose of Dramamine, and Morning Glory as opposed to HBWR. Thanks!
^This discussion is over two years old just so you know

Dimenhydrinate is actually an SSRI?
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leave out the dramamine. I have done hbwr and dxm many times either taking the dxm and then the seeds like 30 minutes later or both at the same time. Its actually a really cool combo. I love it. Smoking weed will be awesome too.