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Opioids Lowest dose, least addictive opioid - most affordable?


May 11, 2016

I just need to zone out for a while, couple weeks.

I've tried other transmitters, only opioid I've tried is codeine, which is nice, but not too strong it being in solpidine at low dose.

Recommendation for any particular type of opioid for low grade user, not looking to get obliterated or anything overtly habit forming.

I would say kratom is the least addictive and cheapest opioid around. Its also the shittiest and is strangely compulsive.

Don't start with opioids if you haven't already.

Also, oxycodone is both expensive and terribly additive. Tramadol might be a good option for your purposes.
You're playing with fire here. To answer your question, Codeine would be the most affordable and least addictive one but since you're saying that you already tried it and u want something stronger i'd suggest oxy. Although don't say we didn't warn you, opiates are no joke they feel too friggin good and i haven't met a single person who can control their use, eventually it catches up on you and you end up with a habit, so take that into account. Stay safe NZN.
Even though we all telling ya to stay away from them this is a harm reduction forum and no matter what we tell you, you're gonna do it anyway so To answer your question:Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone.
Klonopin, coffee, weed, and some Led Zeppelin in headphones and you will be A-OK. Fuck opiates, they are the most over rated piece of shit drugs in the history of humankind.
Even though we all telling ya to stay away from them this is a harm reduction forum and no matter what we tell you, you're gonna do it anyway so To answer your question:Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone.

Well I've taken codeine at super low doses and it is effective; and it was codeine mixed with some NSAID you get at the chemist OTC.

So perhaps some codeine pills or such would be the least dangerous option?
I have 200 mg pills of tramadol and very high codeine tolerance. Can I mix the two? What’s the highest dose I can take outf tramadol? I’ve taken 600mg and feel nothing. What amount of tramadol and codeine can I take? ( bearing in mind my very high tolerance to codeine - 600mg ar once is no problem!)
If you can get dried poppy pods, they are very inexpensive and they are potent. If you use them, read other peoples' experiences and start small.
As others warned, they all are addictive and if not careful, fatally dangerous.
If there's any reason to use some opioid recreationally in the first place, then it's also going to be addictive. Some compounds, like the akuammidine from picralima nitida tree, are kappa agonists in addition to the usual morphine-like effect and are less euphoric and addictive because of that.

I could imagine some substance being an opioid and also having cholinergic or other extremely unpleasant side effects at higher doses that you'd need after developing tolerance, making it difficult to get addicted to them, but even in that case nothing would stop people from changing to other drugs at that point.
I have 200 mg pills of tramadol and very high codeine tolerance. Can I mix the two? What’s the highest dose I can take outf tramadol? I’ve taken 600mg and feel nothing. What amount of tramadol and codeine can I take? ( bearing in mind my very high tolerance to codeine - 600mg ar once is no problem!)

Taking 600 mg of tramadol is dangerous because it could very well cause a seizure, especially if you're taking other meds that compete for your liver enzymes.
Presumably those 200 mg pills are extended-release (meaning they give your body more time to metabolize the drug), but even then one *really* shouldn't exceed the maximum daily dose of 400 mg per day.
Tramadol can work for you. It is quite cheap, does not create dependence so fast and also tolerance does not build so quickly.
Once you feel that withdrawal kick in when you try to go without it for some reason, you're going to be like "oh shit!"

Opiate addiction is definitely about the addicting buzz, but also about dodging the toll of death that I'm experiencing right now LOL! I don't know why doctors think tramadol is safer than percocet per say. The seizure aspect is no bueno. Codeine is pretty benign and weaker than oxy!
Well I've taken codeine at super low doses and it is effective; and it was codeine mixed with some NSAID you get at the chemist OTC.

So perhaps some codeine pills or such would be the least dangerous option?
yeah but codeine is pretty shit compared euphoria wise compared to other/better opiates, your best option is to stay away from them if you can't get other stuff. And DONT EVEN CONSIDER HEROIN AS AN OPTION, that is just a death sentence.
Opiates addiction is hard but id say opioids are the most comforting class of drugs we've come across as a species, nothing else eases the pains of the body or the pains of existence as opioids...
I think he's just saying that cause he probably had a bad reaction/didn't like opiates when he tried em. Over the course of the years I've met several people who either LOVE opiates or HATE them. I have friends who puke every time they use opiates and another friend who found the high underwhelming(maybe cause he was a crack addict and expected a more mind-blowing effect from it). The opiate buzz is a very subtle one compared to cocaine, meth or uppers in general.
yeah but codeine is pretty shit compared euphoria wise compared to other/better opiates, your best option is to stay away from them if you can't get other stuff. And DONT EVEN CONSIDER HEROIN AS AN OPTION, that is just a death sentence.

I agree. Some say that oxy is as devastating as heroin in terms of addiction--I both agree and disagree. There's something about heroin that people find more euphoric and insist on redosing over and over completely ignoring withdrawals. An oxy abuser usually knows to save his or her stash to dodge the toll. A lot of people with heroin are just like "let's get high now and worry about it later."

I think OP has a really low opiate tolerance from the question he's asking but I could be wrong. He'd prolly feel codeine, and it being less euphoric is probably what he wants. Oxy is pretty potent. Not the most addicting/strongest opiate but it's definitely not to be underestimated. It feels gooooood lol. Also is a great painkiller so it's hard to kick out of your life. I don't think tramadol is really that safe. People have seized out on not even what one would consider higher doses. Plus it's got a weak buzz making someone trying to get high take a lot of it and risk the seizure component.
Tramadol can work for you. It is quite cheap, does not create dependence so fast and also tolerance does not build so quickly.
Tramadol is the least euphoric opiate imo apart from the fact that when you wd from it it's a double WD(opiate plus SSRI wd).