Low risk drug rotation for depression



I am wanting to ask more experienced people the following question.

What Low risk items can i add to my following list to help avoid Physical Addiction, Huge tolerance build.

I am finding myself in a "darkish" spot at the moment to put it mildly, not suicidal, just stagnant if that makes sense.
I currently have Alcohol and kratom, and looking to microdose psilocybin.
My idea and thought process is
microdose 2 days
2 days take kratom
1 day nothing/alcohol
this gives me a solid 3 days btwn 2 days
Feel free to tweak this!
i am pretty novice when it comes to these types of thing, and google issnt helping me directly answer my question.
Sorry if this is cringe worthy and or out of forum policy.
If you're depressed don't try to self medicate with drugs like Psilocybin, kratom, alcohol, or even cannabis.

Instead talk to someone like a counselor, therapist, or doctor. Stay safe, and I moved this to the dark side for you.
Talk to someome

If you're depressed don't try to self medicate with drugs like Psilocybin, kratom, alcohol, or even cannabis.

Instead talk to someone like a counselor, therapist, or doctor. Stay safe, and I moved this to the dark side for you.

Ive had depression all my life. It runs in the family, half of whom are on ssri antidepressants. The first thing I would encourage you to do, is see a doctor. Self medecating, especially alcohol, which is a depressant poison, essentially, will only make your mood worse, after a few hours, and can make you vulnerable and impulsive. Ive been there, so please see a doctor, and call one of the 24hr helplines, even Samaritans. Nothing worse than sitting alone in the dark and feeling lousy. Peace and love out =D
Alcohol is probably the worse thing you could consume if you are depressed, please do not drink. As for the other stuff, I suspect you have come across some reading that suggests micro doses may help, however nothing has been confirm regarding micro dosing psychedelics and ketamine. Also, this hs only been suggested to work on persistent treatment resistant depression, and if that is not your situation you could do more harm than good. The populations that have tried this also report that it is not a permenant solution.

Kratom has been reported to have mild SSRI properties, which seems to be true, however it's also addictive. If you're located in the USA it's going to be banned at the federal level at the end of September, so this is also not a solution. If you're interested in playing with your serotonin perhaps try 200 mg of 5-htp providing that you are not on any other medication.

All that being said, the absolute worst thing you can do is to begin to self medicate to deal with mental illness. Please read through other threads in The Dark Side forum, as all of us have gotten into heaps of trouble, some even destroying our lives in an attempt to self treat our mental illness.

I saw you posted anonymously so I am not certain you can respond back, but if you can please let us know answers to the following questions as we may be able to point you in a safer more productive direction.

1. Have you discussed your depression with a doctor?

2. Have you ever seen a psychiatrist or therapist?

3. How long have you been depressed, and is there a depressive pattern where it comes and goes?

4. Is there a history of depression or mental illness in your family?

5. Are you on any medications and/or drugs presently, if yes, what and how much?
Μ8 see a doc and he will give you specifically something you need. Bud idea to try to face depression with drugs.
How your thinking now nearly cost me my life and has cost me almost everything in my life at some time or another. Save a few loved ones.
As everyone has mentioned, substances are not the answer, however that said if you absolutely have to take something, the specific substances you have mentioned are a bad idea. Microdosing psychedelics has not been proven to have any effect beyond placebo, and the others are habit forming and sedating and will not do anything to help you.

Personally I have had a lot of success using the more benign and well known nootropics to lift myself out of apathy. A couple of years ago now I used a regimen of Piracetam, Oxiracetam and Noopept to overcome a period of stagnation and depression that had lasted around 8 years, during this period of increased motivation and optimism I was able to make lasting changes to my life for the better. Ever since then no nootropic has had quite as pronounced an effect, but I would still recommend them if you absolutely have to take something because they are not recreational or habit forming but will give you a small increase in energy which is what you need when you are feeling low. You absolutely MUST combine them with a concerted effect to live positively however, no substance is going to change your outlook on it's own without effort from you as well.

You don't want to be taking anything sedating because although it might feel good in the moment it's just going to feed your desire to retreat into yourself. You want something that is stimulating, but not too stimulating to be habit forming or have a perceptible crash. Even caffeine can be useful, if you have to develop a coffee addiction to get yourself to start living better, do it, you can kick the addiction afterwards, caffeine addiction is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Therefore my revised regimen for you would be:

Piracetam 800mg 3x per day
Oxiracetam 600mg 3x per day
Noopept 10mg 3x per day
Coffee, 1-2x per day, 5 days per week
Lift weights, 3x per week
Run/do cardio, 3x per week
Eat healthy, 6 days per week

Do this for a month and tell me if you don't feel better. Really the first 4 are optional, but they worked for me, the latter 3 are not optional.
As everyone has mentioned, substances are not the answer, however that said if you absolutely have to take something, the specific substances you have mentioned are a bad idea. Microdosing psychedelics has not been proven to have any effect beyond placebo, and the others are habit forming and sedating and will not do anything to help you.

Personally I have had a lot of success using the more benign and well known nootropics to lift myself out of apathy. A couple of years ago now I used a regimen of Piracetam, Oxiracetam and Noopept to overcome a period of stagnation and depression that had lasted around 8 years, during this period of increased motivation and optimism I was able to make lasting changes to my life for the better. Ever since then no nootropic has had quite as pronounced an effect, but I would still recommend them if you absolutely have to take something because they are not recreational or habit forming but will give you a small increase in energy which is what you need when you are feeling low. You absolutely MUST combine them with a concerted effect to live positively however, no substance is going to change your outlook on it's own without effort from you as well.

You don't want to be taking anything sedating because although it might feel good in the moment it's just going to feed your desire to retreat into yourself. You want something that is stimulating, but not too stimulating to be habit forming or have a perceptible crash. Even caffeine can be useful, if you have to develop a coffee addiction to get yourself to start living better, do it, you can kick the addiction afterwards, caffeine addiction is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Therefore my revised regimen for you would be:

Piracetam 800mg 3x per day
Oxiracetam 600mg 3x per day
Noopept 10mg 3x per day
Coffee, 1-2x per day, 5 days per week
Lift weights, 3x per week
Run/do cardio, 3x per week
Eat healthy, 6 days per week

Do this for a month and tell me if you don't feel better. Really the first 4 are optional, but they worked for me, the latter 3 are not optional.

^ good post. Definately agree with the latter 3 not being optional - healthy diet and exercise are critical. If you take any action to remedy your situation, change diet and exercise first as this may actually be enough.

I've been trying nootropics in an attempt to finish healing from benzodiazapines. I've been taking

aniracetam 325mg 3x a day
Noopept 10mg 3x a day
tianeptine 12.6 mg 3x a day *
ALCAR 300mg 3x a day
Choline/Inositol 500mg 2x a day
L-Tyrosine 1x a day (forgetting dose)
L-theanime 100mg 3x a day
Multivitamin 1 dose divided - 1 am 1 pm
Vitamin B complex 1x a day
CoEnzyme Q10 100mg
Curcumin 500mg 2x a day
Piperine 4mg 2x a day
Ashwaganha 500mg 1x a day
Magnesium 200mg 1x a day
Coffee 24oz am
Eat healthy and exercise 6 days a week

I plan on doing some of this indefinately, and with other stuff cycling on a monthly basis. I want to add it's very important to take the nootropics with a choline source or one may get headaches. It also very important to identify which supplements are fat soluble and take those with fat (I use peanut butter or olive oil) otherwise they do not get absorbed by the body.

So far the results are positive. I have more energy and the anxiety is extremely low to nonexistent most days. The underlying depression that I have had my entire life has also diminished dramatically to where I have had anxiety free and depression free days which I have never experienced, even as a child. I do have an appointment with a psychiatrist that I used to see regularly years ago Tuesday to get his assessment on the regime, and to see if the US has anything similar to tianeptine (SSRE) in case that gets banned.

*Tianeptine is an SSRE (selective serotonin reuptake enhancer). In Europe it's available with a prescription (Stablon) dosed 12.6 mg 3 times a day. It's unscheduled in the US. It has a fairly low side effect profile. Apparently in large enough doses it can be both recreational and addictive, however those doses are 200mg and above. Since sticking with the standard European prescription quantities I have not found it to alter my state noticeably, and have not had the compulsion to redose frequently or take a larger dose than is therapeutic.

I also tried Adranafil at 30mg as I have often wondered if I do have ADHD or if my poor concentration is from drugs/alcohol. I tried it a few times, 30mg each time, and it really didn't do much. Not certain if I should increase the dose once to see if it helps or leave it be. I though if it were legitmately beneficial then I could get a script for modinafil which won't destroy my liver (Adranafil metabolizes to modinafil but is toxic to the liver). Haven't gotten around to increasing as I'm a little nervous too. Plus I only intended on using either (modinafil or Adranafil) in emergencies and nothing has come up.

Aniracetam supposedly helps repair neurological tissue after the have been damaged. There are numerous studies of patients with traumatic brain injury using it to expedite healing with positive results. Severe cold turkey benzo withdrawal results in excitotoxicity, which also happens to people who have traumatic brain injuries so I figured it may help me :/
Oh yeah, I forgot about the choline thing. Good to hear you are having positive results from your stack. :) Aniracetam for me is the most anxiolytic racetam but it's just frustratingly short acting, also, for me, it is not especially nootropic because it just chills me out a little too much. In fact the first few times I took it I would just catch myself falling asleep whenever I was sitting down. I would suggest if you have a history of benzo use to look into Fasoracetam also, as it has some GABA related action and supposedly will upregulate GABA-B receptors with repeated dosing. I have also heard of people taking it to deal with Phenibut withdrawals.

I do enjoy Tianeptine on very rare occasions, in my experience it is recreational at much lower doses than 200mg however. I have only taken the sulphate salt which is a slightly heavier molecule than the sodium salt (which is Stablon). Assuming they are otherwise identical in action I believe 12.5mg sodium is equivalent to 20mg sulphate... anyway for me even at 40mg I can feel the mood lift, although as it is very short acting again I find it a bit too inconvenient to use regularly, especially as I get a slight but perceptible crash involving increased irritability. I find this irritability begins to spill over into the actual experience with too frequent use. I have not tried to follow the actual prescribed method of dosing however.

I have not tried Adrafinil but I believe 30mg is a very low dose if it is metabolised into Modafinil but is not active on it's own... Modafinil typically comes in 200mg tablets, in my experience, and even this is not mind blowing, although it is most definitely effective at increasing both wakefulness and focus. Armodafinil is the best, in my opinion. Phenylpiracetam is another good one which is shorter acting than both the ~afinils but again a very effective and clean focus enhancer, to me this feels more dopaminergic than either ~afinil though. Although I consider all these substances to be nootropic, I think they are not suitable for particularly frequent use because of the development of tolerance.

Just to reiterate though, OP, I would not recommend any of these substances for you as the effects are not subtle and therefore they are far more likely to become a crutch if you use them before you get in the habit of making positive decisions under your own steam, for the most part.