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low dose sub to methadone - am I just thinking dumb?


Aug 1, 2013
Ok, it's been 4 years now (though it was only supposed to be 3-6mos) and I can't, for the life of me, get off of suboxone. The closest I came to being free was using oxy for nearly 2mos and switching back to sub for a rapid taper using low doses. Two weeks into having stopped, I was still in nasty withdrawal, that combined with some other extenuating circumstances led me back to sub. This was in 2013. Since, I've also tried other opiates for two weeks to reset the system, and I believe it would have worked if I had the means and time to continue for an extra two weeks. I'm at a point right now that I don't know what to do.

Aside from going back to school, and even that had gotten screwed up for a time, sub has not made me a more productive person, in fact, it's done the opposite. I'm sick of it. I can't stabilize on a dose under 1mg. It took nearly 3mos to realize I was in constant sub-acute withdrawal and unable to stabilize at 0.5mg, so I'm stuck at 1mg. I initially thought the withdrawal was due to my concurrent benzo taper, but I temporarily increased my klonopin dose and realized it was definitely the sub.

I recently spoke to my doctor about this and he recommended methadone, but knows/fears I'll run into problems because of the benzos . He offered comfort meds and wants me increase the benzos when I'm ready to jump. The Kpin has a paradoxical effect in doses higher than 0.25mg, so Im concerned this will just create extra problems. He wants me to get to the jumping point by skipping days without tapering any lower than my current 1mg, but I'm hitting a wall of withdrawal symptoms approx. 30 hrs after my last sub dose. I dose at the same time everyday to keep blood levels as constant as possible.

Overall, suboxone comprises the majority of the 12yrs of my opiate use, as I was on it several times since 2004. It's a blessing to begin with, but I've never had anything less than an awful experience getting off of this even after short stints (6weeks) on. I nearly always wound up back on drugs with a worsening habit within a month of stopping due to the never ending withdrawal that wasn't mitigated by any number of legally prescribed alternatives. (6mg Xanax, Librium ect)

Ten years ago I was on methadone and getting off of it was a cakewalk compared to sub. I've called around to the area clinics and they won't accept me unless I enter an inpatient methadone detox to begin because I'm on subs and benzos. Even if I wasn't on benzos I'd still have to do detox. I'm weary of this, because I've been on benzos for 13yrs. Although I'm tapering and have no problem with the idea of getting off of them, I fear they'll likely be detectable for weeks to months in a UA, which would put me at risk of being kicked out of a clinic. I know they'll be looking for decreasing values, but my area clinics are known for their extreme protocols. I don't want to go through the hassle if this is the case.

I feel desperate and I'm wondering if these are fair thoughts on the matter or if this is just fruitless and dumb. Frankly, I'm scared. I realize how silly it seems to consider going from 1mg sub to methadone but I think this might be my best option in getting clean in the long run.

Thoughts, opinions, and experiences would be super helpful!
You have to taper off one thing at a time..Why are you ceasing benzo use, because of the switch to methadone? Could it be the klonnies giving you the lethargy and not the bup'?
And if it is the bup' , aren't those symptoms better than trying to score all the time, or have to go into a detox center?

- Hopeless
I'm ceasing the benzos because about two years ago I started getting psychotic symptoms. Things went from fine to crazy in a matter of months as they started to increase my anxiety. I'm currently at 0.25mg every other day down from 6mg a day and the crazy has stopped markedly. The reason I'm thinking about switching to methadone is because I know I can get off of that, whereas the difficult time I'm having getting off of sub might be a set up for failure.
sub to methadone

I used suboxone to get of Oxycontin and Norco, but I only took the prescribed dosage for pain so I know I can't say what worked for me will work for you. I can totally relate to your frustration as my son OD from heroin and benadryl. He was clean for a year, then had a relaspe. What I wanted to say is that I used the strips of suboxone that you put under your tongue. I was able to taper down very, very slowly by cutting the strips. If you are having difficulty getting under 1mg, maybe you could do this too but at a very slow pace. A drug addiction specialist told me after my son was dead that he should have been on suboxone long term. Being on sub is much better than being dead. I can relate to you hating sub, I did too but it could save your life. Your ability to get off of methadone may not be the same as it was when you first did it. Ten years is a long time with using opiods on/off during this period. I feel like you are expecting too much of your body to wean off in a rapid taper. I would avoid the methadone at all cost, it could or probably leave you dependent on it for the rest of your life. There are many doctors out there that don't have the training it takes to help people with addiction. I would really try the strips to slowly lower your dosage of sub. I would stay at the same dosage for at least two weeks, then cut a little more off the strip, continuing this routine until I had the strip down to a sliver. Listen to your body, I feel it is trying to tell you to go slowly. I wish you the best of luck.