
Feb 2, 2006
I've been at the library the past few days writing a TR about a medical ketamine experience, and I've been saving my drafts, but today I get on the computer at the library (the same one every time if that even matters), and my draft is gone. When I click to write a new trip report usually a yellow bar shows up that says I have a saved draft and I click on it and there's my shit.

Today it's gone. I have spent 3-4 hours typing it thus far. Is there anything I can do or is it gone for good?

Thanks for your help (ANY help on this issue is good help),
- thetwighlight
Unforuntately, there really is no way to restore a draft in these circumstances . . . . :( The new software is a lot better at retaining draft content; sometimes I get surprised by the random things I went to comment on but didn't hit post for some reason- but its not foolproof. At least, I am not 100% sure in what situations content is saved or not. Best bet is to assume that whatever you are going to write won't be saved and act accordingly... The general advice when you are taking a few days to post something is to draft it in word or a word processing document and paste it in when finished.

Sorry to hear about this, hopefully you can recall what you wrote!
Likely the browser cache was cleaned, and that's where you lost your draft on that machine. I've had the same happen to me on work computers occasionally (shh, don't tell them I surf BL from work).
Thank you guys (or girls?) very much. I figured it was gone for good, but I was hoping I was wrong as well. I'll soon rewrite it. The TR was from a journal I wrote by hand, but the intro was not and I have had very little clarity of thought lately despite being sober. How ironic is that?
