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Lorain County coroner: We lost the War on Drugs Filed on April 27, 2016


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Jan 23, 2013
Lorain County coroner: We lost the War on Drugs
Jon Wysochanski
April 27, 2016

AVON LAKE — Nancy Krasienko knows the agony that comes with watching a loved one spiral out of control as heroin addiction consumes them.

The Lorain resident watched her daughter Megan Wheeler go from a happy kid with good grades to someone who stole, lied and did anything she could to feed her heroin habit.

Wheeler died at age 30 last April from an overdose, leaving behind two young children.

“She battled addiction for 10 years,” Krasienko said. “She was in and out of treatment, jail and homeless at times.”

Krasienko said Wheeler abused multiple drugs, and when an autopsy was performed the coroner found seven drugs, including fentanyl, in her system.

Wheeler grew up enjoying school, working at an ice cream stand, tutoring at the Salvation Army and generally being happy.

Krasienko’s birthday fell on the day her daughter graduated, and her daughter headed home to throw a party for her instead of having a graduation party. That’s the kind of person she was before addiction took over, Krasienko said — someone who put others before herself.

“She was a great girl who loved her mom and loved her family,” Krasienko said.

But after Wheeler graduated, Krasienko said she began running with the wrong crowd. She was soon stealing pills from her brother who was prescribed Adderall for attention deficit disorder. From there she was introduced to oxycodone and in a matter of time spoons began disappearing from the house as she started to mainline heroin.

April 6, 2015, is a day that Krasienko will never forget because it was the day her daughter became one of 56 who died of drug overdoses last year in Lorain County.

“It was the worst day of my life to lose my baby,” Krasienko said through tears. “It was more like she was murdered. That’s how it feels to me.”

Krasienko is one of many left behind who now seek comfort in the various support groups available to those whose children die of drug overdoses.

OD deaths double

During a Tuesday forum sponsored by opiate addiction awareness group Assist Avon Lake, Lorain County Coroner Dr. Stephen

Evans said deaths from opiate overdoses are expected to hit 120 in the county this year, highlighting the need for continued dialogue on combating addiction.

Evans talked about the opiate epidemic in Lorain County where scores of people are abusing both prescription opiates like Percocet and street drugs like heroin. Out of the 30 fatal overdoses this year, 18 have been the result of heroin mixed with fentanyl, he said.

More than 600 people die daily in the United States from overdoses, including five people daily in Ohio and two people each week in Lorain County.

Every community has been affected, Evans said, from the urban and rural areas to the suburbs. Evans first gave a lecture about the heroin epidemic three years ago when Avon Lake Mayor Greg Zilka took the bold step of publicly acknowledging the problem after a string of overdoses occurred.

But the numbers continue to rise even though first responders and the public now can administer Narcan to revive those who have overdosed.

“We’re not any better and things have gotten worse,” he said.

Losing the War on Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies have a long history of introducing opiates into the population to address illness and pain, Evans said, going back to 1805 when morphine was introduced by Merck & Co. pharmaceuticals.

In 1890, heroin was introduced into the market as a safe and non-addictive alternative to morphine that was supposed to eliminate morphine addiction.

One hundred years later the drug companies again duped the American public when OxyContin was introduced, Evans said.

“I’ll throw (the drug companies) under the bus because they deserve it,” Evans said. “They paid for studies that showed that these heroin-in-pill-form drugs were safe and non-addicting.”

From there the drug companies went to the government and said doctors were undertreating pain, Evans said, and pain became the fifth vital sign and along with it came an explosion of prescriptions.

Both doctors and the public need to realize the risks associated with taking prescription opiates or leaving prescription drugs around and easily accessible to children, Evans said.

And Evans said it’s time to recognize that addicts have a medical problem and should not be treated as criminals. As a society we cannot arrest our way out of the heroin epidemic, Evans said.

“Ronald Reagan started the War on Drugs in the 1980s,” he said. “Guess what? We’ve lost that war.

“It’s not worked. For every drug dealer you put away, two rise up to take their place.”

The LCADA Way director Tom Stuber said drugs are getting more powerful and more dangerous.

“I’ve been in the field of treatment and prevention for 36 years and have never seen anything more threatening or destructive,” Stuber said of the current state of opiate addiction in Lorain County.

Those who use opiates experience an increase in dopamine levels that is higher than the levels produced by marijuana, cocaine or sex, Stuber said. Sex generally creates a 50 percent increase in dopamine levels while cocaine raises levels by 300 percent and heroin raises it 1,500 percent. When this happens, the structure and function of the brain changes and people can no longer function without heroin or opiates, Stuber said, which leads to intense craving and drug seeking.

Women will sign themselves out of treatment during late stages of pregnancy, Stuber said, while young people will continue to use even after they personally watch their friends overdose and die.

“The power of the drug takes total control of the individual,” Stuber said.

Krasienko knows the harsh reality of such control. Her daughter was writing fake prescriptions, selling suboxone and lashing out if she couldn’t get money for heroin.

Today Krasienko meets twice a month with other mothers who have lost children, meeting to grieve at a home in Amherst, share stories and ways to move forward.

“Go somewhere, anywhere, knock on a door, pick up the phone and get help,” Krasienko said. “Don’t be ashamed. Let’s talk about it.”

Such steps need to be taken, Evans said, because addicts and families of those who have died shouldn’t feel powerless or manipulated.

I don't like how all the blame for the current opiate usage trend is being blamed on small painkiller scripts. That's not how anyone I know got addicted. I started off trying to get high on opiates not for any legit medical use.
I agree^^. I think the pain killer thing was thrown in as more of a scare tactic and to fill more jails. Lorain county is a pretty messed up county to begin with. I go to a pain clinic. I get a UA almost every time I go. They crack the fudge down on scripts around here. The problem is from higher up. Parents, piss test your suspected kiddies or shoot them up with that blocker on first offence that lasts a month. Educate not incarcerate.
I totally disagree. Pain medication is the root of the heroin "epidemic" imho.

EDIT: well that and the disgraceful state of this amazing blueball.
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I agree and disagree. Subjective. What came first, the chicken or egg? I never had a pain pill problem. I guess the scope is so big, I just don't understand.
I just want to hear some positive news for a change. Let's believe we're on a an up swing. Slightly OT, but let's legalize weed already. Betcha things will improve.
What came first, the chicken or egg?

Not sure if this'll help, but a red jungle fowl and a grey jungle fowl had sex and laid a mutant egg, which hatched and became a chicken. So basically the egg, because it wasn't no chicken that laid it. Something like that, that's what I gathered from the P&S where such questions are considered.

Um, seems more people that took pain medications ended up getting addicted than in the past. People that are strongly motivated to get high always find a way, it's the ones that didn't start out that way that became more and more a part of the demographic. it got easier to do so and the internet and pill mills and critical mass of users helped lay down the pipeline needed to sustain addiction
shoot them up with that blocker on first offence that lasts a month

Those drugs aren't the best tactic. Those antagonist drugs won't fix the psychological problems resulting in drug abuse. Those antagonist also won't stop people from getting effects, they simply make larger doses necessary. On those drugs addicts often consume enough opiates they get noticeable effects then parish.

Our society shouldn't involuntarily medicate addicts. Our society should respect individual autonomy and accept addicts with tolerance the same as we accept a person who broke their arm.

The problem isn't opiate availability, nor the fact people could get intoxicated from opiates. Psychologically healthy people rarely abuse drugs. Fix the underlying problem. Have compassion and learn what motivated a person in abusing opiates. Educate and counsel them. As an example, if they were self medicating teach them other coping skills. Options including regular exercise and meditation are safe.
Those drugs aren't the best tactic. Those antagonist drugs won't fix the psychological problems resulting in drug abuse. Those antagonist also won't stop people from getting effects, they simply make larger doses necessary. On those drugs addicts often consume enough opiates they get noticeable effects then parish.

Our society shouldn't involuntarily medicate addicts. Our society should respect individual autonomy and accept addicts with tolerance the same as we accept a person who broke their arm.

The problem isn't opiate availability, nor the fact people could get intoxicated from opiates. Psychologically healthy people rarely abuse drugs. Fix the underlying problem. Have compassion and learn what motivated a person in abusing opiates. Educate and counsel them. As an example, if they were self medicating teach them other coping skills. Options including regular exercise and meditation are safe.

That was a good point. I must admit that although my short answer was quite the most logical answer, it, if judged on a case by case basis, IMO, would knock out a lot of small time kids or people who wouldn't be able to go above and beyond, for another fix. Your answer, FTW.
I live in one of those impoverished rural white communities and I would say from personal experience that prescription opiates really influenced kids I grew up when it came to heroin addiction. Most were already injecting pills that had been repeatly declared abuse proof. Demand skyrocketed as well as price. Doesn't heroin seem like a good alternative in that position?
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Yeah, as the above person and NSA both said - pharmacies fueled this.

We need to stop defending drugs. People are people and we will get high regardless of the public opinion. It's about working with human nature....meaning if it's in a lot of our nature to seek pleasure through chemicals, and those chemicals can pose a threat, they need to be properly controlled.

You don't blame the baby for sucking on a glassine you blame the shitbag parents for leaving it out.

Take responsibility for your own actions but it goes without saying that the actions of big pharma have enabled any and all of us who have ever taken a prescription drug with the intention of getting high.

This is only intended in a certain context....this isn't necessarily in regard to those who switched to dope to treat a legitimate physical condition....although the executives still influenced the overprescribing that lead to such a crackdown to leave many honestly sick individuals without a means of relief.
I think there needs to be a greater amount of responsibility demonstrated by health-care professionals regarding the dispensing of addictive medications. Not that they shouldn't be writing scripts, because a person in pain will need painkillers and a person with high anxiety will need anxiolytics.

Where they need to take more responsibility is when the patient starts to abuse rather than use these medications. A certain percentage of the population is predisposed to addiction, yet doctors often shirk responsibility for prescribing addictive meds in the first place.

I understand it's a murky issue, where the onus lies when it comes to treating addiction, but I've seen many doctors simply wipe their hands of any responsibility and blame the patient once they begin to demonstrate addictive behaviors.

Doctors and patients need to work as a team to address addiction as a medical issue, not a moral one.