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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Loperamide - New Experience - On day 5 of 250 mg/day Oxy WD


Oct 25, 2010
Long story short, have been using 3g doses of very, very potent (roughly 1g UEI = 25mg Hydrocodone, very potent for Kratom) UEI Kratom to alleviate the severe WD symptoms associated with cessation of this kind of Oxy dosage. Unfortunately, my 50g stash of UEI is almost out, and I started to feel pretty bad, possibly now from UEI WD.

I ran out and bought a few boxes of Lope, having read about its WD relieving ability and even possible recreational effects, which I never really believed in (come on, it's Loperamide, right?!?).

I took about 26mg 2 hours ago, while in a decent state of WD (but nowhere near as bad as the straight up Oxy WD I was originally in) and I can't believe I'm saying this, not only do I feel normalized, I somehow, some way, feel good. I was in depressive, anxiety laden, uncomfortable WD state and started having severe diarrhea. Again less horrifically bad than the original WD, because I'm assuming this is mostly UEI WD (which can still be bad), but somehow not only were the symptoms abated, there HAS to be some kind of CNS activity here. It's not placebo, I became a chatty Kathy, felt mildly warm and noticeably "happy." I wouldn't say it was a definite opiate high per se, but it brought me up higher than baseline (normal).

Very, very unbelievable. No side effects of course. I'm actually thinking of trying a higher dose same time tomorrow. Is it honestly fucking possible to have some fun with fucking Immodium? I've read the other threads on it, but almost didn't believe it because in a way it seemed simply too good to be true (I thought I read no matter what, it simply does NOT cross the BBB). But this is pretty crazy. I studied Psychology in school, I know all about placebo. This isn't it, 100%. I expected to feel nothing other than a slight lessening of WD.

Anyway, I'm about ready to go off to bed, and I can't believe I'm saying that. Normally if I don't have at least UEI in my system I'd be up for days. I haven't dosed the UEI since this morning.

Unreal. Maybe I'll become a Lope addict and solely be responsible for getting it scheduled >____>
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Good post for your blog or trip reports but not so much for OD as it doesn't really generate new discussion... there are already lots of loperamide threads.

Either way, I'm glad it helped! Lots of people are skeptical, but it really can be useful during withdrawals... I am skeptical if you use it regularly that these effects will persist. The reason you feel as good as you do is probably largely because it fixed how shitty you felt before. Be careful with it if you use it more, make sure you are taking the right steps to prevent the constipation from becoming a dangerous impacted bowel or something.
how did you decide on 26mg of loperamide?

it's believed that a certain amount of loperamide does cross the BBB, and i've read on BL of some people taking heroic doses of loperamide and claiming to get a high.

the constipation isn't going to last for 2 weeks or anything crazy like that. you should be able to shit fine within 24 hours, IME>
how did you decide on 26mg of loperamide?

it's believed that a certain amount of loperamide does cross the BBB, and i've read on BL of some people taking heroic doses of loperamide and claiming to get a high.

the constipation isn't going to last for 2 weeks or anything crazy like that. you should be able to shit fine within 24 hours, IME>

Literally just the amount I ended up popping out of the blister packs. Very little decision making. I knew I needed to take a decent amount, and that the danger was minimal since it's just an opiate, of which chemicals I'm VERY tolerant to, heh.

Here's an OD question:

Why all the concern over impacted bowels with high doses of Lope? Wouldn't it carry the same risk of high doses of any opiate? Or is the Demerol-like Loperamide somehow MORE constipating than something like oxy? It stands to reason, if an opiate is an opiate is an opiate, one shouldn't be too drastically different from another in terms of its effects on your gut, right?
The reason is because the amount of constipation it produces in proportion to the other effects is much worse than most opioids. It is much more effective peripherally than centrally, so it produces far more constipation than other opioid effects such as analgesia, euphoria, sedation, etc.
Changed the title to fit trip reports forum - Moving over there.
i actually just did a bit of research on loperamide , because i found 5 xanax , 2 loperamide and a doxylamine in my brothers gfs medicine stash lol . it does cross the BBB but is quickly pushed back out , also for the people wondering about why it would be more constipating , its sold for people experiencing diarrhea .

loperamide never really interested me until i found some and decided well if it gets u high i should learn abit about it , turns out i found my new OTC toy !!!! something new to mix with codeine , or if im really bored i can just pop 15 loperamides lol .