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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Loperamide/60mgs) Experienced: Fuck yea!

Ordered pure Loperamide HCl from seemingly trustworthy vendor, if they were out to rip me off I would assume they'd just take my $ and run. Appearance is extremely fluffy kinda like flour or baking powder. Very little taste to it. I don't get high off opiates for some reason tehy dont work on me but if I take large doses I just feel like total shit. I'd like to make sure i have good uncut loperamide but have no way of knowing atm.
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Okay, I have positive experiences to report. I took my last dose of fentanyl ~10 days ago (after tapering down). I did okay last week on gabapentin and the gabapentin high masks the mild I was feeling. Then I read about loperamide and about 4 days ago, I took 60mg and nothing happened (and this is with gabapentin also, which gives me diarrhea) and then I took 120mg and voila, in 2 hours, I felt a nice body high that I hadn't felt with the fentanyl in a long time (since I was tapering down). It was quite good---you know, the feeling of taking a new opiate and experiencing the high for the first time, I felt it! Of course, I couldn't wait and so the next day I did it again and it felt great still. I've now been up about 50 hours (doing science) and I've taken doses of 120mg, 130mg, and 150mg of loperamide in that period, and the last one is just kicking in. I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

I should stop before it gets too far since I had tapered off the fentanyl. When I stopped the gabapentin (due to tolerance), I felt mild WD which needless to say has gone away with loperamide. If I wait 24 hours, the mild WD comes back so now I am getting into a habit of buying a bottle of loperamide pills per day which is crazy! It helps with my pain too BTW. I do have mild chronic pain still and I even just had a spasm pushing my back and the loperamide helps (or it could be the ibuprofen, but it's hard to say). If my pain is musculoskeletal, can loperamide work?

I don't think mixing gabapentin and loperamide works well (which is odd since it seems to potentiate the fentanyl) but by itself, loperamide is very effective not only for WD but also for the warm body euphoria that opiates give and a slight mental euphoria. I actually feel highly functional mentally on it so in some ways it's even better than fentanyl (I'd not be able to stay awake for 50 hours if I had extracted the fentanyl patch and was using it intranasally).

I'd argue loperamide is actually more potent than codeine or tramadol. I mean 400mg of tramadol wouldn't make me feel like this. 400mg of codeine would kind of, but I've only taken 150mg of loperamide. This subjectively is equal to me about 300mcg of fentanyl or 30mg of oxycodone.
Just take 100-200mg and see what happens!

Ordered pure Loperamide HCl from seemingly trustworthy vendor, if they were out to rip me off I would assume they'd just take my $ and run. Appearance is extremely fluffy kinda like flour or baking powder. Very little taste to it. I don't get high off opiates for some reason tehy dont work on me but if I take large doses I just feel like total shit. I'd like to make sure i have good uncut loperamide but have no way of knowing atm. If someone familiar with lope would like to sample... PM me...
At the dollar store, you can get 24mg (12 caplets) for $1 I think. So for $5 you could the equivalent of a 10-30mg oxycodone. I think not bad if it works. Plus it's OTC and entirely legal (is there a law against getting high on OTC meds?)!

Good to hear loperamide is working for you. Only downside to it, is it's EXPENSIVE!!!

Give kratom a try if you haven't already.
It didn't work for me until I went past 100mg. At this point, I had some tolerance since I had just WD from fentanyl and was facing mild WD so I was probably tolerant to the fentanyl a bit.

Hmm, makes me realise that I didn't even needed to have suffered the one day I suffered from my fentanyl WD.

The problem is swallowing 60 pills. It's nauseous (even with water)...

I have tried using it numerous times during WD's (it's especially cheap in Mexico)
Dont know why, but it's yet to work for me...
Yes, but since you can taper it down and since it's OTC, it's better than just plain cold turkey in my view. I mean most people wouldn't think of this as a "parachute", but I'd argue it is.

On the other hand, you may end up with a bad loperamide habit, based on what some posters here have written! I totally understand that. One way or another, I will be back on fentanyl in about a couple of weeks so I will switch back and forth between fentanyl (which I extract and use IN and I run out) and loperamide until I'm done with the pain.

Wow, incredable!!! It's good to know that loperamide can alleviate withdrawal symptoms...but it could just delay and draw out your withdrawals...
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I have been taking it with 40mg of prilosec the last couple of days. Seems to work. Apparently prilosec is a P glycoprotein inhibitor according to Wikipedia.

I've taken upwards of 200MG of loperamide at a time, it does scale linearly and it does display a tolerance effect (it will also mostly pick up where tolerance to another drug left off, but there is an adjustment period like you noted).

There were no weird side effects at that level.

Softeners are essential, so definitely keep taking them. Cimetidine (or various other drugs that interfere with metabolism) also seems to make loperamide substantially stronger, and you can use that effect to reduce the total loperamide dosage (and reduce the number of those fucking pills you have to eat).
I think I finally overdid it. I took a total of about 170mg (150 + 20) in a day and I had a terrible headache (due to dehydration IMO) and then I slept ~30 hours! I just couldn't get up. When I woke up, I was in mild WD and I felt okay and then I took 40mg and I am okay now mostly.
Loperamide isn't recreational ime. It resembles trad opiates peripherally i.e fissuring of the anus,pupil constriction etc but I fail to see how pleasure comes into it apart from placebo.Take enough and Iguess theres overspill from the per. system which gatecrashes the bbb but the drug has been linked with neurotoxicity.hr dictates this be discouraged
I have used lope up to 20-25 mg. I was always hesitant to take much more because it backs me up something fierce.

I took some stool softeners (200mg) to alleviate my worries and bowels.

So today I took 60mg. I'm was in the beginning of suboxone withdrawal (for the 1000th fucking time). It takes a good 2.5-3 hours to kick in.

I felt an onset similar to oral liquid morphine, mostly in my extremities and back of the neck. My stomach feels like I drank a bunch of morphine too. It's exactly like that tense but relaxed kinda orgasmic wash effect I get with full agonist opiates/oids. I'm finally warm.

My mood is good too, no anxiety to speak of. My heart isn't pounding out of my chest like earlier today.

I can say with some certainty it isn't placebo because I forgot I took it until I started to feel it coming on.

I'm happy this is so easily available. Makes me say fuck the rat race involved with other stuff...%)


I've taken doses of 60mg for a few days now and want to report the following...

-Lope provides longggg relief. I only had to dose every 24hrs (to the hour).
-the last day I noticed somewhat decreased effects. This is probably tolerance.
-There seems to be an adjustment period from subs to loperamide involving the CNS effects (for me). My pupils were really constricted about 36hrs into it.


I believe lope definitely has a CNS effect taken by itself. I know this is contrary to alot of reports and studies, but I can't deny how I felt and the physical indications of CNS activity I witnessed.

After maintaining on higher doses (for me) of lope for a few days, I think the most accurate description I have read is "poor man's methadone"... The initial effects are kinda like morphine, the later doses/effects are like maintenance doses of methadone (not the great part in the beginning of MMT).

I have been on Vics for over 8 years! The amount of quitting cold turkey attempts I couldn't count on two hands.. but I will say, today is my 3rd day clean after tapering off Vics for the past week. I'd take around 5 to 10 a day. Depends on what I can get my hands on; and I went from that to 3 a day for one week, 2 a day for the next. The next two days after I did one a day. Breaking them half helped also. After the one a day, I heard about people using LOPE (Loperamide) it's an anti-diarrhea med but with 2 mg of LOPE. I just started Lope 2 days ago. NO WITHDRAWAL. I heard about Lope from this website, so I signed up and had to share my story. Im currently towards the end of my tapering and its only been about 2 1/2 weeks at the most! But no withdrawal! After the last Vic, the next day took 13 pills of Lope (26mg) , It took away the sweats, the body aches. Only issue with Lope I have had was pretty bad cramps but that went away within an hour. After that felt like I had taken 2 Vics to be honest. The next day, took nothing; gave my body a rest; day after that, took 25 pills ( 50 mg ) Lope and again, stomach pain for the first hour, after that I felt amazing! Was able to sleep. Now, this morning; woke up, feel great. Not taking Lope today. And this is after 8 years of Vics and Percs and Addys , not one day sober after 8 years. No matter what, always had a pill in me. So I am shocked and amazed that I have gotten this far, but will keep pushing!!! You have to want it though. Good luck! Hope this helps!
At the dollar store, you can get 24mg (12 caplets) for $1 I think. So for $5 you could the equivalent of a 10-30mg oxycodone. I think not bad if it works. Plus it's OTC and entirely legal (is there a law against getting high on OTC meds?)!

The problem is that loperamide is quite toxic, especially long-term. In another loperamide thread, there are multiple people who posted about almost dying, or one girl's boyfriend did die. Apparently it's toxic to the heart in large amounts and it actually does damage to your body unlike most opiates. People who die from it are dying of heart attacks. It's a terrible idea to do long-term. I would absolutely not recommend it as a recreational drug. I used to use it for a good while trying to get off opiates, I'd always relapse and then detox again with lope. I would take a max of 60mg, I think I took 80mg a few times. It produces a CNS effect but subjectively it feels like a dirty opiate high to me, feels hard on my body, makes me feel dried out inside and it gave me bad heartburn after a while too. The only relatively safe way to use lope, IMO, is if you're trying to withdraw from opiates, you can take it when needed until you're past withdrawal, for as short a time as possible. If you want good, cheap opiates, find some good poppy seeds and make tea, or pods. Those are oral opium, mostly morphine plus plenty of codeine. It was my favorite opiate when I used to be addicted to opiates, out of everything including heroin. Very long-lasting (a whole day) and powerful.
Yes Xorkoth. It dries out my skin and hair. I have very long, thick hair. I was noticing everytime I wash it, it feels dried out. I kept switching shampoos believing that was the culprit. Nope. Loperamide is.

When I wasn't taking it my hair and skin returned to normal.

I am currently ( for the thousandth time) w/d'ing from opiates and taking loperamide. I feel fair. Im in the beginning of day 2. Had that "sick" sleep last night. I'm freezing constantly. It 27 degrees F in Pa. And my apt is soo cold anyway.

It takes me 3 days of being on lope until I stabilize. Dont know why.

However, I discovered if I take 60mg of lope, 2 mucinex (has to be kind for coughs w DXM in it, 600mg ibuprofen and 20mg amitriptyline- it works much better. Im out of mucinex and amitriptyline- so Im limping through it. Hope that helps someone else that doesn't respond to lope. Lope works great for my husband of course lol.
I'll just point out seeds are getting increasingly hard to find active. Pods are around, but expensive although still probably the better choice out of the two with the amount of money that will be lost on bunk seeds.