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looking for best (updated) psilocybe cubensis vendors....

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Jan 8, 2017
The online vendor i was going through to get psilocybe spores (for research purposes only, of course) has really screwed me over the last 3 times i ordered, and i'm hoping someone could advise me on a new source for spores. Looking online, prices can range from 10$ per syringe all the way up to 70$ per syringe. I've never had a problem with colonization, but every strain i've tried has become a disaster in the "fruiting" stage. When i read reviews online about my old vendor, it turns out everyone was having the same issues with the source i was buying from. I'm hoping to find a reliable online source that wont cost me a fortune, and there is alot of new online vendors out there. Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction....
I'm sorry, but we don't allow discussions about drug sourcing here, so I'm going to have to close this. Please give the rules a look before posting again, thanks. :)
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