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Looking for advice on my supplement stack


Dec 26, 2015
Hello fellow peeps,

I've done a good bit of research into supplements for the purposes of improving rolls/comedowns, and also to decrease the risk of neurotoxicity.

I noticed a slight decrease in the effects of my last roll, as well as a particularly bad comedown (Forth time doing MDMA). I used no supplements in between and there was an avg of 30 days between rolls. I've decided to up this to a minimum of 50 days between rolls.

Does anyone have advice for this particular stack? I'm aware some of these probably shouldn't be taken for extended periods of time (5HTP in particular). Are there any of these I should avoid before rolling or take aggressively during the roll or after the roll?

  • Quercetin
  • 5-HTP 100 mg
  • B-12 Sublingual 2000 mcg
  • Inositol 500 mg
  • Betaine HCl 350 mg
  • Theanine Serene
  • L-Tyrosine
  • L-Argine
  • Relora
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Grapefruit Juice
  • 50ug LSD

Regarding the LSD, would a small amount improve the roll? Not looking for a full blown candyflip, but it'd be nice to make the MDMA high better and/or more intense without upping the dosage!

I recommend not taking the 5HTP the days leading up to the roll, but the study that showed 5HTP decreases MDMA serotonergic damage gave the mice 5HTP 30 minutes before the MDMA and that worked to help prevent neurotoxicity so I would take it with the roll and then on the comedown/the next couple of days. 100mg is a little on the low side. I would definitely take vitamin E in the days leading up to the roll and the day of the roll. And I would pass on the grapefruit juice.

Theanine I would save for the comedown to get some sleep, sleep is extremely important. That being said, LSD does indeed cause problems with sleep and has also been shown to potentiate MDMA's neurotoxicity a bit, but I would honestly be more worried about the lsd keeping you up. Nothing wrong with LSD on its own though.

If you're feeling bad effects from MDMA you might want to quit while you're ahead and save your brain for things like LSD and mushrooms. The original creator of MDMA had a rule of thumb of using MDMA 3-4 times per year maximum. Take care, any questions are welcome.