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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Looked to LSD when lost.


Sep 13, 2018
Dear BL Family,

I just wanted to share my experience in the hopes that it could bring a little bit of positivity to another suffering individual at this time.

For the past week my depression was really acting up. Despite committing to mindful meditation daily for 2 weeks straight I found myself drowning and having thoughts to end it all. Thoughts of going back towards antidepressants just seemed too bleak.
So I took about 1/3 tab of LSD and couple hours in, my being, my essence just feels so recalibrated to the better. The bleekness gone.
Yes my testimony is the definition of anecdotal experience in this sick world.

I know for me I use psychedelics as a reset to my "hope levels" as I would call it. I get more hope, where as just before all I could see was the same thing. So it moves consciousness around just enough for me to let me know everything is as it should be and can be better.

It is true though, sometimes I wonder if meditation makes things worse for depression and other issues. I have a few techniques but aside from strengthening my mind muscle it can not snap me out of a funk at all. I think that is why Nature gave us some help. Life is tough, any lighthearted moments can help us make it to the next moments with a little hope.

It has been said the only thing that makes a new day a new day is hope.
i call that the maintenance dose

i find that absolutely amazing what that amount does to me - i usually do that about once a month - same as what you mentioned about a 1/3 of a hit

i swear by it - it's reconnecting neurons or something along those lines idk - all i know is it's doing something positive and absolutley nothing negative - and im not even depressed - and i feel those benefits even moreso the following few days after the light trip is over

that's what my brain sounds like after that amount ^

and i am dead serious - no joke

im glad to hear that you probably know exactly what im talking about too

I know for me I use psychedelics as a reset to my "hope levels" as I would call it. I get more hope, where as just before all I could see was the same thing. So it moves consciousness around just enough for me to let me know everything is as it should be and can be better.

It is true though, sometimes I wonder if meditation makes things worse for depression and other issues. I have a few techniques but aside from strengthening my mind muscle it can not snap me out of a funk at all. I think that is why Nature gave us some help. Life is tough, any lighthearted moments can help us make it to the next moments with a little hope.

It has been said the only thing that makes a new day a new day is hope.
You may consider this a bit stupid but I consider working with plants, even growing little plants, quite commiting and motivating, if you have enough of them is like having a little family where you need to take care of all them, day by day. The successes are great and the failures are a bit frustrating but you can always find a new plant/seed to try again, is a very good gym for training force of will and motivation. And connect with life.
You may consider this a bit stupid but I consider working with plants, even growing little plants, quite commiting and motivating,
Absolutely nothing silly about that. I often dreamed of having a greenhouse with all kinds of plants. I often dreamed of having a green thumb, and I have gotten better over the years. Honestly just like anything else, if Time and Money allowed I would step up growing plants. I have some success with house plants and i did not always.

Connect with life, (an understatement!). Plants are so important. I have my garden (complete with morning glories) so I do have some what of a plant outlet.
he is absolutely right - it's not silly at all

when i started growing weed 15 years ago i felt that connection - it's weird and almost hard to explain but there's a connection there and it kinda changed my life

their's some sorta ancient symbiotic relationship there for sure and it's like nothing else
Just a brief update on my state of mind over the last 2 days. My overall mood has been on average better than usual, my interactions with others have been more positive and more heartfelt. The evenness in temperament has been possible to maintain. I’m so doing this again the next time I feel really depressed. I’m amazed.
LSD is a key that opens the door to your mind. What you do with that open door is largely up to the person, what they experience and how they experience it. It is an inner journey that connects an individual to a larger view; possibly the entire frame of consciousness depending on dose, set and setting.

Looks like you've had a positive experience which can be a foundation for positive change. Good stuff!
it does and once you accept it, that's everything you need

a wasteland of stoodless sea
my first trip was random, i saw a number but then my second one was where it actually worked as it should, wearing no "scarf".

from the realm of psychedelics lsd and ayahuasca are a gift from space itself, like space send this so we can understand him. All of my trips were space related unlike dreaming of random forsaken gods..

"oil of space" /water..
Dear BL Family,

I just wanted to share my experience in the hopes that it could bring a little bit of positivity to another suffering individual at this time.

For the past week my depression was really acting up. Despite committing to mindful meditation daily for 2 weeks straight I found myself drowning and having thoughts to end it all. Thoughts of going back towards antidepressants just seemed too bleak.
So I took about 1/3 tab of LSD and couple hours in, my being, my essence just feels so recalibrated to the better. The bleekness gone.
Yes my testimony is the definition of anecdotal experience in this sick world.

Thanks for sharing although I want to add something different that happened in my experience. I've dealt with chronic depression for a long time. I used to trip for exactly the reasons you describe - to "reset" myself so to speak. What I found to be a problem - which may have just been my health condition, but is worth noting nonetheless, is that this process began to feel like I was chasing my tail. I would feel "reset" for a few days usually, maybe a week, and then return to the same depressed state, which almost felt worse after having some relief. I can't comment on microdosing, which I've heard can be better for people, but tripping sporadically in my experience hasn't made any long term positive changes to my health. Just my experience but thought it was worth mentioning.
LSD is a key that opens the door to your mind. What you do with that open door is largely up to the person, what they experience and how they experience it. It is an inner journey that connects an individual to a larger view; possibly the entire frame of consciousness depending on dose, set and setting.

Looks like you've had a positive experience which can be a foundation for positive change. Good stuff!
Now I think very often in the mk-ultra and other secret studies done on drugs.
We cannot fully believe/trust the story about the reasons why Hoffman found LSD but anyway, whatever the case is, we are kinda rats experimenting and I'm pretty sure most of the RCs that come out were not "invented" lately but have a lot of undercover studies done
(come on guys... you discover things like LSD or DMT and you don't study analogues for like 50 years??? It's blatantly obvious they did and still do)
I would love to see those studies, I'm sure there's very important info, also regarding the nature of consciousness and different results and goals that are hard to imagine.

So what I mean is that we are just the first massive trial of a lot of different "keys" into different locks, probably the AI is gathering information already.
Now I think very often in the mk-ultra and other secret studies done on drugs.
We cannot fully believe/trust the story about the reasons why Hoffman found LSD but anyway, whatever the case is, we are kinda rats experimenting and I'm pretty sure most of the RCs that come out were not "invented" lately but have a lot of undercover studies done
(come on guys... you discover things like LSD or DMT and you don't study analogues for like 50 years??? It's blatantly obvious they did and still do)
I would love to see those studies, I'm sure there's very important info, also regarding the nature of consciousness and different results and goals that are hard to imagine.

So what I mean is that we are just the first massive trial of a lot of different "keys" into different locks, probably the AI is gathering information already.
You do realize that Albert Hoffman only discovered the first synthesized psychedelic in 1938 and that they existed as natural cacti, mushrooms and other natural substances that had been used by many cultures before Hoffman's discovery, right?

So we are far from being the first.
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You do realize that Albert Hoffman only discovered the first synthesized psychedelic in 1943 and that they existed as natural cacti, mushrooms and other natural substances that had been used by many cultures before Hoffman's discovery, right?

So we are far from being the first.
Yeah of course, the thing is just that! there was rituals all over the world with psychedelics and other substances.. I think those rituals have a scientific value but they don't follow the scientific methods, in any case surely it was methodical, that's why it was ritualized. The

I was talking about the fact that there's new substances with unknown frontiers and uses being sold more and more since the beginning of developed synthetic bio-chemistry. Surely they have been studied more thoroughly than "we" know, but the same could be said about old ritualized psychs, there's a lot of not well known old wisdom.
Dear BL Family,

I just wanted to share my experience in the hopes that it could bring a little bit of positivity to another suffering individual at this time.

For the past week my depression was really acting up. Despite committing to mindful meditation daily for 2 weeks straight I found myself drowning and having thoughts to end it all. Thoughts of going back towards antidepressants just seemed too bleak.
So I took about 1/3 tab of LSD and couple hours in, my being, my essence just feels so recalibrated to the better. The bleekness gone.
Yes my testimony is the definition of anecdotal experience in this sick world.

Hey Opi,
Thanks for your thoughts here & i am sorry for the old ugliness rearing it's head. Beauty & newness via LSD as counter-newness + rebalance, makes sense that good sense :)

I have maybe 250mcg left (and pretty fierce depression at times). Ugly Spirit. I keep waiting for the right time.. figured i should eat the lot. Ensure to get the lights & electrics on y'know. We'll see, think it might be my best option.

Anyway what i wanted to say was just a reminder. To anyone.. to keep experimenting with meditation methods. They are infinite, since meditation is as old as time. I think its healthy to add new ones into the mix cos you never know which one will speak to you even deeper. Like some new flame. You might be really content with the mindfulness practice you're doing now. If so, mucho 👊 grande. Different methods can widen, like a musician leaning a new technique. Meditation should be fun and evolving like a spice kitchen. Anyway that was just a tip for every one & reminder to my self too. Plenty ya'll probably further along on that journey.

Have you ever tried the kundalini meditation (the osho one?) I dig that one. Moving & dancing & stillness. 🕺
Now I think very often in the mk-ultra and other secret studies done on drugs.
We cannot fully believe/trust the story about the reasons why Hoffman found LSD but anyway, whatever the case is, we are kinda rats experimenting and I'm pretty sure most of the RCs that come out were not "invented" lately but have a lot of undercover studies done
(come on guys... you discover things like LSD or DMT and you don't study analogues for like 50 years??? It's blatantly obvious they did and still do)
I would love to see those studies, I'm sure there's very important info, also regarding the nature of consciousness and different results and goals that are hard to imagine.

So what I mean is that we are just the first massive trial of a lot of different "keys" into different locks, probably the AI is gathering information already.
Hoffmann probably discovered it cos he was part of an orchestra & no one knows who's really pulling the strings in an orchestra... the conductor? the instruments? ppl playing the instruments?? or the inspiration spirits flying around, swarming through the whole set up?? something else. inspiration & luck runs riot like strong colour & permanent dye :)
Hoffmann probably discovered it cos he was part of an orchestra & no one knows who's really pulling the strings in an orchestra... the conductor? the instruments? ppl playing the instruments?? or the inspiration spirits flying around, swarming through the whole set up?? something else. inspiration & luck runs riot like strong colour & permanent dye :)
Probably the orchestra doesn't need any "director" but people funding the players...
they can be playing different tunes but finally they use the same discography to sell their products..
surely those funding and playing get their creative inspiration from something else, surely not their egos.
We cannot fully believe/trust the story about the reasons why Hoffman found LSD but anyway,

Fair point. And different minds will approach that one uniquely. For my take, consider LSD. As if it were a sentient thing. How might i transmit myself to this planet..? It just goes there, it's just too wide to fit into a causal chain of events. Cos its its own very odd omni Event. "Find an scientist who is Kind in spirit, sharp in Mind, receptive in Heart'. Press send. Thats about it hm.
Fair point. And different minds will approach that one uniquely. For my take, consider LSD. As if it were a sentient thing. How might i transmit myself to this planet..? It just goes there, it's just too wide to fit into a causal chain of events. Cos its its own very odd omni Event. "Find an scientist who is Kind in spirit, sharp in Mind, receptive in Heart'. Press send. Thats about it hm.
I have some hypothesis (I believe it "low-key-ed" so to speak), that every psychodelic has some kind of autonomous consciousness, I don't know about dissos because I never tried them, but it's like some kind of alchemic sentient network, there's the spirit of x molecule, even if it can only display once it "installs" into you, but it has a life and it's more or less autonomous once "connected".