Mental Health Loneliness/Emptiness


Apr 29, 2018
So recently I have been doing something I haven't done since before I was on psych meds (2009). Not sure whether it's a fairly effective outlet/coping mechanism or a sign of serious instability.

So I go to the beach, at times when nobody is there (late night/early morning, cold weather) and there are these are right to the side is mostly rocks you can climb over. I go there quite often when the desperate loneliness and emptiness becomes unbearable.... I tend to think of it as my crying place, and I often do cry there, but mostly I just scream and scream and scream...sometimes until I literally lose my voice.

Would this count as venting or a serious warning sign?
Does anyone else do anything similar?
Obviously a warning sign.
Don't have to be Einstein to figure that one out.
You talk to people explaining what made you want to go there.

Easy not very easy
How often do you do this? Every day? Every other day? How long do you sit there and scream.

I know until you get hoarse, but how long does that take? 15 minutes ?

Doing this once in awhile probably would feel good.........kind of letting it all out so to speak. More than that sounds like you might be getting close to a mental breakdown or something just as serious. Not really sure that opinion means much but if I was screaming until I got hoarse more than once a week I know i would be in trouble.

When you you just scream like you were being murdered or are you screaming words?
Would this count as venting or a serious warning sign?
IMO: You see what may or may not be an issue so it would apear that ones "sanity" is intact.
I go there quite often when the desperate loneliness and emptiness becomes unbearable.... I tend to think of it as my crying place, and I often do cry there
Cry ans scream man. Let it out. Do you feel a little better afterwards? Seems if it is effective maybe it is also therapeutic... what I mean is you take this to your "safe spot" and let it out instead of a mall or school or diner.
Always love
I can definitely relate to you. Was in a similar situation once, overwhelming loneliness and emptiness - it was and is real, not just since the only woman I've ever truly loved dumped me, I don't really have friends but the urgency of it subsided once I learned about dissociatives (they're awesome in suppressing/masking negative feelings and thoughts for me) and over time. But it got me some stays in the psych ward which didn't help me at all. Didn't have an empty beach nearby. But screaming out can indeed be cleansing, therapeutic.
So recently I have been doing something I haven't done since before I was on psych meds (2009). Not sure whether it's a fairly effective outlet/coping mechanism or a sign of serious instability.

So I go to the beach, at times when nobody is there (late night/early morning, cold weather) and there are these are right to the side is mostly rocks you can climb over. I go there quite often when the desperate loneliness and emptiness becomes unbearable.... I tend to think of it as my crying place, and I often do cry there, but mostly I just scream and scream and scream...sometimes until I literally lose my voice.

Would this count as venting or a serious warning sign?
Does anyone else do anything similar?
Hi ChemicallyEnhanced,

I have days where I feel like that (hopeless and helpless) on the inside. The fresh air and outlet of expression is good I think as long as the bad intentions involving self-harm are not there. I hope that you or anyone who does develop real intentions do reach out for help.

I wish you find the peace and answers that you’ve looking for soon.
If u don't mind me asking is it loneliness/feeling empty that's causing you to want to go somewhere to scream do u think? Maybe ur just expressing yourself, in a way that words can't? IF you're not damaging your body physically too often then this might be a good thing to do to cope....ive done it once or twice - screamed down the woods...I usually meditate now but next time I'm down without the dog I might do a scream too I struggle to cry a lot when I feel like I need to and maybe it will help...I find singing really therapeutic I sing all the time if I could get away with it in public I'd do that too u sing?
I don't think it's anything to worry about or weird etc but just watch you're not putting too much stress on your body somehow too if u need to try screaming a little bit less if u feel like ur throats getting sore or that
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I don't have much to add other than that I pretty much agree with everyone. If screaming is therapeutic for you and you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else, then let that shit out. And if that stops working, it may be a good idea to speak with a therapist or counselor if you have one available. Not to yell at them but to maybe find out if there is any way to resolve whatever it is that is driving you to scream.