Mental Health Lithium Withdrawal


Feb 22, 2017
anybody have experience w/ lithium withdrawals? im trying to get myself off of it, but since i withdrew from benzos im horrified to go through another withdrawal. tips/info would be great.
I haven't heard of lithium withdrawal, but i don't doubt it happens. I don't know how intense it would be after withdrawing from benzos in the past, but I can say that it's probably a lot easier (from what I remember) than benzo withdrawal overall. I think I felt better after it, come to think of it. That my have ben due to a hypoactive thyroid though, as lithium can cause that and make people depressed. Sure didn't miss the frequent blood draws, though!
I am currently doing it. I tried dropping 150mg off but experienced serious depersonalization. Starting over and taking it down by 25mg increments. Hate these drugs.
Me too. I hate the drugs. I hat em. At one point I loved certain ones. Now I hate them all. A huge mother freakin catastrophe.

But the world just ain't ideal like it should be.

And the primary thing that matters is your health, so I'd rethink stopping it. Other than that, depresonalization is serious enough, but serious depersonalization could lead to a disaster, and you didn't drop by a huge dose (relatively speaking). Please check in with the doctor and develop a healthier plan.