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⭐️ Social ⭐️ List the chronological order of which u first tried different types of drugs


May 23, 2013
Chronological order of first trying each type of drugs (please add age too):

1. Alcohol (15 yrs old)
2. Weed (17)
3. Psychedelics (shrooms dmt and acid)
3. Cocaine
4. Amphetamine
5. Benzos
6. Opioids (Mid 20s)
7. Empathogens (MDMA)
8. Crack (deserves its own mention separate from coke 😆)
9. Dissociatives (Late 20s)
Age 11 - IV morphine (hospital)
Age 12 - weed, DXM
Age 13 - alcohol, amphetamines
Age 14/15 - cocaine, heroin, mushrooms
Age 16/17 - meth, oxycodone/oxymorphone, MDMA, whippets, xanax, DPH, various pills, LSD
(I kinda lost track after this)
Age 20ish - ketamine
Age 24ish - MXE, MDA, 6-acb, various RCs

I'm leaving out a bunch but stopped counting after my teenage years.
Glue inhalants age 7
Alchohol 9
Weed 11
Coke 13
Boomers 14 crack 14
Lsd/Mdma/ microdots/ benzos, whip its NO 15 y o.
Heroin 16, shot up at 17
Speedballs 18 meth, speed.
And then after that its all a blur, Bufo toad, peyote/buttons/mescaline/2C-B , most 2c family, san pedro, all kind of opiates fetty, opana, methadone, morphine, demerol, subox, oxy, etc. Ayahuasca, Iboga/Ibogaine TA, my finger in my ass, just too many to count, but yeah my 20 and 30s were pure mayhem......just like everybody else in this bitch lol.
Age 11 - IV morphine (hospital)
Age 12 - weed, DXM
Age 13 - alcohol, amphetamines
Age 14/15 - cocaine, heroin, mushrooms
Age 16/17 - meth, oxycodone/oxymorphone, MDMA, whippets, xanax, DPH, various pills, LSD
(I kinda lost track after this)
Age 20ish - ketamine
Age 24ish - MXE, MDA, 6-acb, various RCs

I'm leaving out a bunch but stopped counting after my teenage years.
I'm curious with the morphine at 11....at that time did you connect the dots and say to your self "this medicine is good...I want more."
I'm curious with the morphine at 11....at that time did you connect the dots and say to your self "this medicine is good...I want more."
Sort of. My appendix burst and had emergency surgery, they cut thru my abdominal wall. I was on IV morphine for like 8 days.

I remember when they would give it to me, the rush and euphoria. I remember loving the feeling. But I was also too young to truly comprehend the situation. I did love it and have very fond memories.

A few years later once I started doing heroin it was like I found an old friend and was instantly addicted.

In retrospect I do look back at that hospital perioid and think it may have influenced my future addiction, but impossible to say really.
Age 16 - alcohol
Age 17 - DXM, psilocybin, weed, SSRI (prescribed), ephedrine
Age 19 - mephedrone
Age 20 - dexamphetamine and methylphenidate (prescribed)
Age 22 - methoxetamine, alpha-PVP, RTI-111 and other RCs
Age 24 - buprenorphine, methadone
Age 26 - cocaine, 4,4'-dimethylaminorex
Age 29 - meth, heroin, bromadol
Age 30 - morphine (prescribed)
Age 35 - current day

Lost track in-between, these are only the milestones, I did every second drug under the sun including a bunch very obscure research chemicals with the notable exception of MDMA (it is on my bucket list). Most drugs were good as in that I'd repeat doing them. Notable exception was troparil for which I had high hopes but it was an utter disappointment, felt toxic and kinda like a delirant.
Currently abstinent because I'm living in a country where I can't import RCs and buying off the street isn't an option for me (currently, it might become one tho).

In retrospect I do look back at that hospital perioid and think it may have influenced my future addiction, but impossible to say rereally.
....this is America's rationale for the eradication of opioids to treat anything other than opioid addiction.

Yea we're this unjust and stupid.
Alcohol, tobacco, pot, a ton of different ones really quickly.
Ooh. I’ve got so many… Gonna add ROA for more fun lol.

Alcohol- 9 (oral)
Codeine- 10 (IV, oral)
Vicodin- 11 (oral, sniff, eventually CWE for IV)
Percocet- 11 (oral, sniff, eventually CWE for IV)
Weed- 12 (smoke, oral)
Tramadol- 12 (oral, sniff)
Flexiril- 12 (oral)
Skelaxin- 13 (oral, but loved to mix with my Oxy)
OxyContin- (my first love) 13 (oral, sniff, eventually CWE for IV)
Morphine- 13 (IV, oral, sniff)
Fentanyl patches- 14 (dermal, IV)
Xanax- 14 (oral, sniff)
Klonopin- 15 (oral)
Heroin- 15 (IV)
Shrooms- 15 (oral)
Lyrica- 15 (oral, sniff, IV)
LSD- 16 (oral)
Gabapentin- 16 (oral, sniff, IV)
Kratom- 16 (oral)
Adderall- 19 (oral, sniff)
Ritalin- 19 (oral, sniff)
Meth- 23 (sniff)
Crack- 23 (smoke 1x)
Cocaine- 23 ( IV, sniff)

Most everything was prescribed. Not necessarily taken as prescribed, but I had a steady supply lol. And yeah, had some time in there where I did nothing. Now back to basically nothing.
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Listen guys I am having visual orgasm right now. Colors are….like…making wet. I just caught myself moaning while I was twerking it just a little bit on the thick seams of the crotch of my jeans
1. Lexapro, welbutrin, tanazipam, prior to age14
2. Weed, alcohol. -15
3. Dxm
4. Anabolic steroids
5. Meth, coke
6. DOB compound - was my 18th birthday
7. Extacey = literally everything , dirty pills, so who knows, good bad and ugly.
8. Lsd
9.25x compounds plural
10.Hydrocodone , Dilaudid
11.Benzodiazapines /
14.Crack. - by 19, busy year
15. Opium - smoking,
16. Codeine- sippen surrep
17. Oxy , opana,

Sobriety in 2016

Weed a few times a year , lsd a few times a year.
Looking at that list ,
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Alcohol 4 (it was a hot budweiser and I spit out)
Tobacco 10 or 11
Marijuana 13
LSA 16
LSD 16
Salvia 16
Oxtcontin 16
Barbiturates 16
Benzos 18
Amphetamine 18
Mdma 18
Opium 18
Research chemicals (2ct2 and 4-ho-dipt) 18
amt, 5-meo-amt, and methylone 19
Meth, crack, and coke 19 or 20

I forgot when my first mushroom trip was. I'm 38 now.
Weed at 15
Delaudid and oxy 30s at 19 (I had cancer)
Benzos at 20
Coke at 23
Shrooms at 23
Meth at 25
Heroin at 27
Listen guys I am having visual orgasm right now. Colors are….like…making wet. I just caught myself moaning while I was twerking it just a little bit on the thick seams of the crotch of my jeans
Lol oh i can relate a lil bit with this one. This only happened to me one time, during an Iboga flood journey. Idk if you have taken Iboga but during the ceremony the music plays a big part of the experience, like ive had my eyes dancing to the music, literally jumping in sync with the rhythm of the music, the bwiti music of very fast so while i was laying still in my mat i could feel how my eyes were dancing and jumping from the sockets perfectly in tune with the beat, it was a such an awesome feeling, another time watching the light of a candle i could see the light form the sound waves of the bwiti music of this beam of light coming from the candle, it was like the merger of sound and visual perfectly in tune with the light of the candle representing the sound waves, i stayed watching this for like an hour just blown by what i was experiencing, this perfectly merger of sound and visual of my ears and eyes creating this. Anyways, what happened this one time, again laying completely still i could feel an erection and my fully erected dick was moving and dancing to this music, first thought was "what the fuck is going oooonnnnn" feeling my dick moving like it had a mind of its own, it felt ....weird, like i was a bit freaked out, it doesnt sound as fun as you would think, since this type of music is so fast and my dick was all over the place but always in sync with the music, it definitely didnt feel like an orgasm or sexy, thank God it lasted only like 15min (i think, time is hard to tell when you are on Iboga) and it only happened that one time, im lying still, and my dick going freaking off the wall bananas down there. Thats one that ill never forget lol.
1.Alcohol-around 16 years old(usually at New Years eve only)
2.Poppy straw-21 years old
3.Various pain meds-same time
4.Tobaco-around 22-23years old
5.Weed/H/Coke/benzos-around same time
6.Xtasy pills-may be 25 years old
7.Mushrooms-over 30-ies
8.Meth-around 40-ies....
If i have ability would wanna try ghb,acid,dmt&various psychedelicks,from painkillers-palfium,dihydro,hydro&oxymorphone,H4,hydrocodone.....stuff,which is never been available here....oh yeh....never had been used crack also.....so it would be curious to me get a hit or two from this
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1. Alcohol (13)
2. Tobacco (14)
3. Weed (14)
4. Shrooms (15)
5. Codeine (17; oral)
6. Cocaine (18)
7. Morphine (18; IV in hospital 3 doses)
8. Percocet (18; oral)
9. Dilaudid (18; oral & subliminal)
10. Barbiturates (18; oral)
11. Xanax (18; oral & subliminal)
12. 2-CB (18; subliminal)
13. MDMA (18; oral & subliminal)
14. LSD (19)
15. Shrooms [lemon tek] (19)

Shrooms are on the list twice bc psilocybin vs psilocin hit quite a bit differently, I prefer lemon tek mostly bc of shorter more profound trips and also less nausea.

My (current) top 5 substances are as follows :)
#5 - MDMA
#4 - Cocaine
#3 - 2-CB
#2 - Weed
#1 - LSD
1. Alcohol (13)
2. Tobacco (14)
3. Weed (14)
3.5 DXM (14)
4. Shrooms (15)
5. Codeine (17; oral)
6. Cocaine (18)
7. Morphine (18; IV in hospital 3 doses)
8. Percocet (18; oral)
9. Dilaudid (18; oral & snorted)
10. Barbiturates (18; oral)
11. Xanax (18; oral & snorted)
12. 2-CB (18; subliminal)
13. MDMA (18; oral & snorted)
14. LSD (19)
15. Shrooms [lemon tek] (19)
16. OxyContin (19; oral & snorted)
17. Lorazepam (19; oral & snorted)

My (current) top 5 substances
#5 - Weed
#4 - Shrooms
#3 - 2-CB
#2 - Oxy
#1 - Benzos
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i started alcohol drinking whiskey at like 13 or 14, same age for nicotine... at 14 or 15 i tried dramamine. by 15 or 16 i was into pot... by 16 or 17 i was doing shrooms... at 18 i got into salvia and 5meo-amt for a bit... 19 or so i was trying blotter tabs...... i was into adderall my later teenage years, coke came in my later teenage years. i was probably doing dxm by 15, can't really remember. i did a lot of it around the age 18. i was doing oxycontin for about a month when i was 18 or 19 too. i did other opiates a few times before that too. oh yeah, i did mda in my early twenties too. i was afraid to take designer pills for a while but my friend insisted it was tested and something i wanted to try.

during my twenties i did a lot more shrooms. in my early thirties i was ordering a lot of ald-52, 1p-lsd, and eth-lad over the internet... i haven't done anything other than weed and caffeine in the last four years though because i got myself into some trouble. i mostly just stuck to psychedelics through my twenties and early thirties.

i don't know if it really counts, but my first experience with drugs was when i was sick at like age 8, it was probably cough syrup that made the christmas tree start growing and the lights were doing all crazy stuff. this wasn't me intentionally doing drugs though.