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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Liquid Lsd/10-20 hits)Lsd trip out of this world!


Jul 2, 2012
So let me start off by saying, this wasn't a bad trip, just very intense. Also not necessarily the best planing, but iv'e always been a spontaneous person. I recently attended a three day concert/festival with about 400-500 people. So on the second night I found some low quality molly(over priced) and was disappointed when coming down around 3 a.m. My brother went to sleep, while my sister and brother in law were walking the camp grounds. I decided to see who was still awake at the bonfire(about ten mins from my tent). Luckily I found a cool chick with Lucy! However she proceeds to tell me she has nothing to drop it on. So she would have to drop it directly in my mouth or eye. Now I have done 5-6 blotter hits at once, but this stuff was definitely pure and strong. This cool chick also says she would look out double the two hits I paid for. Looking back now, it was surely even more, two full squirts from an eyedropper. Not single drops either, the full eye dropper twice!

Now I didn't really want to trip this hard, but it was like a deal I couldn't refuse lol. So I dropped around 4 a.m and headed back to the warming fire immediately. After 5-10 minutes I figured it be a good idea to head back before it came on to strong. Walking back in the pitch dark, I already got confused on where my tent was. After going up two wrong paths, I finally arrive back at my camp site. By this point I had to throw up, and was starting to get somewhat fearful to what I had done.

About 30 mins to a hour in, everything became very dreamy and still hard to remember. My sister said I didn't say a word for a good 2-3 hours. She knew I was tripping, but not fully aware how much was consumed. I had lost complete comprehension as to what was real and what wasn't, or even that I was tripping. I remember different "real" spurts in the night, seeing my sister and other friends, being scared that I was most likely making them uncomfortable at 5 a.m.

The first scare came when I thought I would be stuck tripping at this hippy event, and they would leave me there to eternally wonder being the weird trippy guy. Then I remember seeing my brother in law talking, but it just came out bla bla and whenever I tried to talk, nothing came out.

By the time the sun came up, my sister and brother continued walking with me the entire site(about 1 mile). I don't remember walking much but they said we walked for at least 4 hrs. I kept telling her my socks were wet(wasn't lol). She actually changed them for me, still I took them off at least 5 times(no idea why) Also i'd smoke like half a cig and throw it, never finished one. Sit down, then immediately jump up like I had something important to do. Claiming we had to leave, then demanding the keys. They gave them to me at one point, just to see what i'd do, not actually allowing me to leave. Lol but when she put them in my hand, I looked at her confused and said huh? She said the corolla is over there,lol I went to my tent with the keys. Also I had emptied everything in my pockets, thankfully my sis grabbed my 200$, but I lost a gram of dank and 4 adderall somewhere.

By about 10 a.m I came back to consciousness, walking down the mountain with no shirt or shoes. There was a lot of gravel which had my feet sore as a mf later. But coming back I felt like I had seen the end of everything,survived somehow and now appreciated everything in life. The sun warmed every inch,birds chirping,people,family,love,music, just everything felt like a gift to be enjoyed. However this wasn't conveyed well, as it just seemed like gibberish to everyone else. At one point I also saw my life and memories as like a computer program. Each memory being deleted, as I tried to savor them before gone. Then I felt as if I was in a virtual reality, where I was super fast and literally running up cliffs, like an upload into the matrix, only deep in the woods. Lol also I have no clue, but sister said I would randomly pull my shorts down(in public!) had boxers on. But it would just be so random and idk why, surely wasn't anything sexual. I also went on rants about true love, girls i'd known and just deep ideas that nobody really had the patience for by this time

Around noon they went to nap alone, so I just chilled in the hot ass tent. Still slight tripping, with tracers and the weird tired but can't sleep feeling. That night I finally slept, after being up for 48hrs. All in all it was an amazing trip! Iv'e just never been that disconnected from reality, and slightly embarrassed to stuff that I don't even remember doing. Still that's part of a trip, and I never really freaked out or tried to hurt/fight anyone. I was just tripping hard and knew all I could do was ride it out. Lesson learned, without knowing potency, never take a large dose as I did. Without my sis and brother, this could have been way worse. As someone could have robbed me easily, and could see that I may have wondered far off in the woods. Thankfully they were there!!...oh and sorry for the length of the trip report, It's hard trying to explain it all, as most of you probably know.