• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Life crisis. My financial career feels at odds with being a psychonaut.


Feb 2, 2012
I was writing a very large and in-depth history of my drug use and consciousness exploration, however I decided to simplify this. I have some fairly personal views of the universe and existence, without having set anything in concrete to adhere myself to. I'm fairly adaptable in my spirituality, and I'm more "universal" than say, traditionally spiritual or religious. I tend to feel like we are one with all things, and everything between that grand, ultimate scope are simply minor details.

However, oddly enough, my professional field is that of a Financial Advisor. I am surrounded day in and day out with people's investments in the markets, and my job is to help them plan out their goals, finances, and help them find investments/allocations which help them reach said goals. However, this is all money related. The ebb and flow of speculation, corporations, governments, the world economy.. and so forth. I am fascinated with the complexities, and more importantly helping people carve a path through them all - yet I can't help but feel, deep down, like I am in this for the money. The more wealth I begin to accumulate, the more I've noticed that I want more of it. Coming from humble beginnings, I feel like now that I can live that fancy lifestyle, that I am drawn to it. Partying, clubbing, nice cars, houses, fancy clothes, etc. Yet, this is contrary to what I feel is important in life.

The catch 22, is that I feel like if I have these things, and this ability to live and retire earlier, that I will be happier down the line. Before, I could barely afford things like gas to go do things I wanted to do - now, I can go do whatever I want within reason. I can go on trips, I can buy hiking gear, I can pay to go to festivals, I can spend money acquiring interesting compounds to research, and so forth. However, I can't escape that feeling that what I do during my work hours is just moving money around, and helping wealthy people grow and protect their money. Many of these people are not great people, some are downright "eck".

I feel like I need money to be free of the shackles this highly monetary and materialistic society have placed on us, to truly explore things how and when I want to. I'm trying to "beat the system".

Is this wrong? Help me think this out. Help.
use your money to fund things you think are important and worthy. That's the perfect way to balance this out. As long as you find meaning and fulfillment from your job you may as well keep it and have the ability to support the causes you feel are most important. You could probably initiate some things yourself too as most people who really need/want change in life do not have the resources by themselves. Use your power for good.
Use your money and influence for good. Help people when you can. Be the change you want to see.
fucking dead you will be man. It doesn't matter where do you think you'll go after death because you can be super sure but you can be 100% that you will die and this part of your path will be over some day. It is up to you to live however you feel like living today.
im in a very similar situation. i generally like what i do (mathematical finance), and im grateful for the financial freedom it allows me, but i definitely have those "life is so much bigger than this" moments. i think, as long as your job is interesting to you, isn't too soul-sucking, and leaves you time to do the things you really care about, you shouldn't worry about it too much. nearly everyone's job, on some level, involves helping people you don't particularly care for make money.

but i also know people whose jobs were that bad (high pressure, 80 hr/wk consultants and i-bankers), who ended up quitting to do things like write children's books or work political campaigns. if the only thing you're getting out of your work is money, it might be time to look elsewhere.