
Yeah I have run most of them. lgd-4033 is not bad though I prefer Ostirine and Gw50516,, but the lgd gave me some decent gains it was just a bit slow to do much. And a little more expensive. I have been working on a sticky fro some time now I have a few ppl ruining sarms, and When they are all done im goign to compile a nice little cross section.
Nice, how come you prefer Ostarine? I thought lgd-4033 was the strongest one, at least that's what others claim. Or is there some Ostarine/GW50516 interaction that makes them much better together?

Looking forward to reading the sticky. Will you include stuf like MK-677 that's technically not a SARM? And their effects on females? This is something that's especially interesting to me. If one was selective enough it could be great for post menopausal women to fight osteoporosis and give them some muscle.

I've only used S-4 and was not impressed. Increased endurance in the gym, perhaps a small bit of strength/recomp, but the vision sides were just too creepy. I'd rather run 20mg of anavar only than S-4 again.
I will try to drag up info on females. Yeah the sides were crazy from s-4 are not worth it at all. Yeah I will have some info though more on a limited fashion on MK-677 and more of an academic sense. I will be covering Osta/ S4/ Gw / LGD in more depth with some off anecdotal.

My reason behind Osta was it sat with me better, while LGD is stronger it didn't have that punch for me. The combo of osta and GW is killer increased stamina and an over all better recomp effect, as well as very little in the way of negative sides, , in fact while on both my hdl.ldl ratio got better as did my blood pressure. It works well, but I really like that combo and a lil fyi very low dosages, say 2.5mg GW or 8mg of osta can be used with very little side effects on older women. There is a few studies wher ethey used the compound son women that will be included in the sticky. It is taking a long time because right now there are six of us that are running 12 week cycle of the stuff, across a few age groups and race, as well as condition and experience training lol nice little medical experiment goign on at my gym lol. Was not hard to talk a few mates into taking free gear as log as I could have thier training diaries lol.
I get the reasons for preferring Ostarine now even if some compare LGD to a real steroid in effects. GW sounds really good, but the cancer scare has me very wary of taking it without more research done.

As for the info on the effects on females this would be something I would be very interested in due to personal reasons. You see my mom has degenerative back disease, weakened muscles in her back and is in a lot of pain. Now I of course would not attempt treatment on my own, but the possible existence of substances that would help with bone density and improve muscle mass without many side effects would be very welcomed by me. I really do believe her problems would be helped immensely by strengthening her back muscles and improving bone density and a drug available from her doctor to do that would be great. And I was already right twice before muscle relaxants helped her pain immensely (noticed that when the pain was at it's worse all her back muscles were completely hard like in a spasm of sorts) as did gentle massage and stretching (especially of the muscles connecting the shoulders to her spine). How her doctor didn't pick up on that is a complete misery. Before she was barely able to get out of bed, now she can work and only has light to medium pain on most days. Still trying to convince her to try gabapentin for some radiating pain she gets in her arms/legs and to try changing one of her nsaids with a cox2 inhibitor (she has a weak stomach and even with additional meds can't take many nsaids) and maybe some tramadol for the rare cases when the pain gets very bad. She also has an appointment with a physical therapist to show her the exercises she can safely do to help (I know my limits, not going to try and get mum to deadlift 300kg). Surgery isn't an option because her whole spine is damaged not just a few parts. If sarms could one day be part of her treatment it would be excellent news (steroids are out as far as I know because they can't be given to women in our country even if low doses of some may be beneficial for her... and again, I'm not giving my mother black market drugs), same goes for the growth hormone releasers (real hgh is out of our price range, not covered by insurance and again I'm not giving black market hormones to my mother).