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Let's talk about MDMA hangovers


Apr 18, 2014
I thought it would be intresting to talk about our hangovers from MDMA since it varies so greatly from person to person and it would be helpful for people who aren't very familiar with the drug as they could see the spectrum of MDMA after-effects.

For me there were no hungovers for the first 4 times. It was after my 5th time that I started getting them. All of them are very similar but vary on their effects intensity depending on the MDMA dosage.

-5-6 hours after ingesting MDMA:
Extreme fatigue, and almost impossible to naturally fall asleep. That is always accompanied by CVE's that feel like dreaming whithout actually falling asleep (they're not like LSD CVE's at all), and usually they are very chaotic, stressful and even scary.

-1st day after:
Extremely low energy, no appetite at all (which contributes to the low energy), very upset stomach that includes nausea, slight diarhea, burning stomach and more rarely puking. I also have blurry vision, slow reactions, disorientation and the worst of all.. I'm almost retarded for the rest of day as I can't do simple stuff like understand the time on an analog clock, or write a simple paragraph with readable handwritting.

-2nd day:
Almost all of the above are gone, except for the blurry vision which isn't gone but it's much better. BUT, on the second day I feel very "numb" to feelings. I'm very apathetic.. I don't feel either happy or sad, just numb. I also get a feeling of depersonalisation.

-3rd day:
My vision is almost 100% restored. But I always feel depressed.. Very depressed and full of guilt. I'm also feeling tired all day long which results in sleeping all day long and not doing anything other than staying in bed. That could be because of the "depression" however.

-4th day:
Finally I'm off the emotional rollercoaster and all of the physical effects are gone. I'm 99.9% percent back to normal there are a couple very slight hangover leftovers that are however barely noticable.

The 1st and the 3rd day after MDMA are the worst for me. I just hate MDMA during those days. But I've friends with way worse hangovers. I want to know about yours!
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I abused MDMA/MDA/MDE etc. for about 11 years and the last time I dosed was 10 months ago....For me, the worst was the lack of motivation that seemed to exacerbate at around the 48 hour mark....
I abused MDMA/MDA/MDE etc. for about 11 years and the last time I dosed was 10 months ago....For me, the worst was the lack of motivation that seemed to exacerbate at around the 48 hour mark....
I actually kind of like that, well at least if it falls on Sunday :D great feeling, being to able to stare at a wall for a few hours without the need for anything more than the occasional spliff, head completely empty. The lack of motivation makes for some very relaxed Sunday afternoons
I dont get most of that. I roll on clean pure product, go to sleep, and eat fine the next day........ If you are having terrible "hangovers" from mdma, you arent taking real shit, or you are just really unhealthy in general (think diet)

To be fair, i do get a huge emotional dip after which is to be expected due to how the drug works (dumping serotonin) This gets worse with abuse (not spacing rolls by 3+ months) and can even become a 6 month to a year long of depression if you fuck with this drug without respect.
I use to get amazing afterglows the first few times, but now i just get pretty spacey and if there is depression its pretty subtle and lasts only a couple days, and high dosages/back to back days dont seem too effect me as negativley as people say aswell, i've rolled 3 days in a row, aswell one time i did about 800mg in one night (granted, i was way too high and felt pretty sick at one point of the high)but i still don't have any more of a worse comedown than i normally would..There has been a couple times though when i rolled 2 days in a row were i felt extremely dizzy/fatigued for about 5 days, i was pretty much unable to do anything, but the advice from people on here said i was just sick, so idk.
I've been taking MDMA for nearly 4 years now without actually experiencing a comedown. It's always an afterglow regardless of dosage for me. I think the key to avoiding them is to test everything you take and measure every dose taken. At least that's worked for me.