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Legal hallucinogens/psychedelics you'd feel comfortable doing alone

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Mar 3, 2014

I'm interested in finding a legal (in the United States) hallucinogen/psychedelic that i could comfortably trip by myself on.

The two drugs I found this to be the case with in the past (one legal and one illegal) are shrooms and salvia.

Unlike LSD, I find shrooms relaxing usually and can take them alone and feel great.

Salvia, though it freaks many out, has never really freaked me out, and since it lasts only 10 mins I have been fine doing it alone.

But I wouldn't DARE take LSD alone.

I have heard that 4-ACO-DMT is like shrooms and legal, so I'd figure IF I got the dosage right, that I could trip on that by myself and be fine.

Of course, this question is so based on personality and set and setting so no one can really answer what psychedelic might or might not freak me out personally to trip on by myself, but just based on the fact that shrooms and shroom like drugs seem to relax me more than others, and based on YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, what psychedelics could YOU PERSONALLY do and enjoy by yourself without a sitter?

Also, the experience would most likely be indoors, so that is a factor.

4-AcO-DMT is smoother and less chaotic than mushrooms, I find it much easier to maintain a positive mindset on. I also don't find it as powerful or spiritual, but some people feel the opposite. Also I find it to feel much more like smoked DMT than mushrooms, but much less intense and much slower than smoked DMT. It doesn't feel like oral DMT with an MAOI, just like a lengthened, less intense version of the smoked experience.

Regarding indoors, I find all psychedelics to be better outdoors, but especially tryptamines like mushrooms, 4-AcO-DMT. For what it's worth. I have usually done 4-AcO-DMT inside actually, but I don't ever want to do mushrooms inside again. Tryptamines inside make me feel closed in, trapped. And the best part of them, in my opinion, is experiencing the direct connection with nature that they provide, which doesn't happen indoors.

I think I would recommend perhaps a 2C-X, like 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-C, or 2C-T-2. They aren't too powerful to do alone, and are very fun.
4-AcO-DMT is smoother and less chaotic than mushrooms, I find it much easier to maintain a positive mindset on. I also don't find it as powerful or spiritual, but some people feel the opposite. Also I find it to feel much more like smoked DMT than mushrooms, but much less intense and much slower than smoked DMT. It doesn't feel like oral DMT with an MAOI, just like a lengthened, less intense version of the smoked experience.

Regarding indoors, I find all psychedelics to be better outdoors, but especially tryptamines like mushrooms, 4-AcO-DMT. For what it's worth. I have usually done 4-AcO-DMT inside actually, but I don't ever want to do mushrooms inside again. Tryptamines inside make me feel closed in, trapped. And the best part of them, in my opinion, is experiencing the direct connection with nature that they provide, which doesn't happen indoors.

I think I would recommend perhaps a 2C-X, like 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-C, or 2C-T-2. They aren't too powerful to do alone, and are very fun.

I'm not asking for a source, but are all these actually legal and available online?

Also, are these safe to take with Klonopin and Prozac?

I was also told that for 4-aco-DMT I'd need a very accurate scale to weigh out the right dose and was wondering how pricey those sorts of scales are.

You need a very accurate scale for all pure chemicals, it's very important. I just obtained a milligram scale for about $30 including shipping, you can buy expensive ones but they don't have to be expensive. Make you sure you get one that is sensitive to 0.001 grams (they make them to .1 grams and .01 grams too, but a milligram is .001 grams and anything less sensitive would be worthless).

Let's see, 2C-B is illegal, I think the rest are still legal. Honestly 4-AcO-DMT is a good choice too, one of the friendliest tryptamines and also quite strong.
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4-aco-met is also very very friendly with impressive visuals and surprisingly clear headspace. 4-aco-met and 4-aco- dmt are good choices but that milligram scale is really important. Some people find 25mg very powerful experience and my weed scale doesn't even register until I put 100mg on it. It's not safe to weigh out 100mg and split into 4 piles. 1pile may end up with a lot more than the rest. If you go this route invest in a good milligram scale. I'm not sure where Xorxoth got his scale but I'd bet its a good one ( he knows what he's doing!!) my gempro 250 was like $300. But I guess look around for a good deal.
4-HO-MET (different from 4-AcO-MET) is one of the gentlest and friendliest tryptamines I have ever tried. Also available legally. I haven't tried 4-AcO-MET yet but I have read plenty of trip reports and it seems that it's a bit deeper and stronger.

I got my scale on Amazon. It's surely not as good as yours but it does fine for me. It's a good idea to weight a larger amount and dissolve it in distilled water/alcohol combo (alcohol to prevent bacterial growth), especially if you don't have a $300 scale. Then you can use liquid measurement. For example, weight out 250mg of something in 250mL of liquid (if your scale varies by a milligram or two, as cheaper scales tend to, this allows you to be much more accurate), and then keep the liquid in a jar or vial in your fridge or freezer. Then to dose, use an oral syringe (they cost $1 at a drug store), and pull up as many milligrams as you want to dose (10mL would be 10mg). The reason this is more accurate is because, let's say ytour scale can be off by 2mg. So perhaps you actually have 252mg of power in the 250mL. Well, that would mean each mL would contain 1.008mg, which is extremely close to 1mg. But if you weighed out a 10mg dose on your scale each time you wanted to take the substance, then you might get 8mg, or you might get 10mg, or you might get 12mg. For some substances this 2mg could be too much variation (say, a DOX substance).
There are no "what should I take" threads allowed

Ok, but I thought that phrased in this way it would be acceptable, as in, what hallucinogens would OTHERS on this forum feel comfortable doing by themselves.

Is that unnacceptable to ask?

If so, that's a shame because asking those kinds of questions could prevent some freak outs...
Seems acceptable to me, we'll see what the mods think.
i enjoyed 25(-)-nbome drugs alone while they were legal. if they're legal in your country 25c nbome has strong visuals and little mindfuck IMO.
You need a very accurate scale for all pure chemicals, it's very important. I just obtained a milligram scale for about $30 including shipping, you can buy expensive ones but they don't have to be expensive. Make you sure you get one that is sensitive to 0.001 grams (they make them to .1 grams and .01 grams too, but a milligram is .001 grams and anything less sensitive would be worthless).

Let's see, 2C-B is illegal, I think the rest are still legal. Honestly 4-AcO-DMT is a good choice too, one of the friendliest tryptamines and also quite strong.
Every 2c-x is illegal in the US unfortunately. If you can name something still legal over seas, it's probably illegal here lol.
Let's see, 2C-B is illegal, I think the rest are still legal. Honestly 4-AcO-DMT is a good choice too, one of the friendliest tryptamines and also quite strong.
You really have been out of the game for a while ;). The whole 2c-x series is scheduled now AFAIK, if there's any that slipped through the cracks I would love to know but unfortanately I think the 2 carbon series saw no survivors lol, in the US at least.

I second either 4-aco-dmt or 4-ho-met, they are both very gentle in reasonable doses. FWIW I found 4-ho-met visually more like DMT than 4-aco-dmt which to me feels like a more lighthearted, swirly (visual wise) version of mush with no mindfuck until I pushed the dose quite high. As far as scales go my gemini 20, which I bought for 25$ shipped from amazon, weighs with about +/- 3mgs accuracy. I wouldn't feel comfortable weighing anything in the single digit range though.
If you can name something still legal over seas, it's probably illegal here lol.

Haha right? Maybe not explicitly though, if you think about it the UK is way more fucked as far as their laws against psychedelics... at least we still can purchase many of the tryptamines legally, for analytical use of course ;)
And then there's Canada :D all that's limiting us is that we can't have amphetamines or analogs thereof.
Though, Health Canada just just decides it doesn't like a chemical and "considers it illegal" even if there's no law whatsoever on the books against it up here ( like is the case with MXE).
Canada is definately one of the more lenient places for this type of market (pharmaceuticals as well), I would know as I order from a couple canadian vendors. Apparently spain is very liberal about research chems as well lol.
And then there's Canada :D all that's limiting us is that we can't have amphetamines or analogs thereof.
Though, Health Canada just just decides it doesn't like a chemical and "considers it illegal" even if there's no law whatsoever on the books against it up here ( like is the case with MXE).

You cant have analogue of any class 1 drug in Canada. I disagree with the government that MXE is a "derivative, alkaloids or salt" of PCP or ketamine but no vendors in Canada will carry it so i assume they know the law better then us. They aren't worried about health Canada and fines more like RCMP and jail.
Hello there and welcome to bluelight. We don't allow "what should I take" threads here so I've closed this. We also don't allow legality queries. Please read the rules before posting again. I suggest making a shortlist of substances you are interested in, then make a thread clearly demonstrating the research you have done and presenting points for discussion.

Please could other posters bear the rules in mind and ensure that they report rule violations without responding to them if the permissiblity is in question.
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