• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Lawyer or chemist

have you thought about math/statistics? it sounds like the market for chemists is pretty saturated, but i know the market for statistical programming/modeling is very strong. and not all those jobs are just sitting behind a screen all day crunching numbers - i work in mathematical finance and spend just as much time researching, debating and talking to people as i do coding/calculating.
We can't tell you what to do, man. Take all of these posts in consideration, but don't go through with something that costs so much time and money that you're unsure of just because some people on a messageboard convinced you to do so. It all comes down to what YOU are passionate about, as others above me have said. Your ideal career will probably change by the time you graduate high school anyway. and don't base your decision off of salary either; of course money is nice, but doing what you love for a job is way nicer, regardless of if you're making 50,000 a year or 100,000 a year.
Thanks everyone. I decided not to choose now. I'll just wait and see what i truly have a passion for.